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The Manchester high school has :1 non-resident pupils. Yuu can set tho Argus, two papers a weeft, tor one year lor oue dollar. Twenty live converts are the result ei' the Methodist revival in Unadilla. Mra. J)avidter, of Sharon, has purchased George Haarer's farm in tjharon. Meetings were held all last week in theMooreville M. E. church by O. B. Case. Frank Davenport, the Grass Lake horse bti.ver, bas uventy-six horses on hand now. C M. Spinniug went spinning out of one house into another at Grass Lake, tfce other day. One of the noted Clifton House hops at Whitmore Lake will be given next Friday evening. A pink social will be given Thursday evening of this week in Manchester by the wives of the Masons. Ed Schneirta, of Clinton, tumbled off .a porch the other night and put his shoultler uut of joint. An M. E. society has been organized atGregory. Church vvoi'k throughout the state is telliug this year. Mumps still swell the jaws of residents of Clinton. The local paper ebronicles a large number of cases. Freedom will increase her democratie majority. A little son has been boni to Mr. and Mrs. Williani Tiib. G. Cady, Jonah Miles and Ben Scott, of Francisco, will set out new orchards in the spring. May their plans prosper. Scarlet fever so scared the good people about VVuterloo that they closed the evening meetings at the ü. B. church. There is a man by the name of John Manchester living in Grand Bapiils. Qaery: Was he named after onr hustling villageV Messrs. Gadd and Kiinble, of 13ridgewater, are planning tor eighteeu aerea f celery this year. VVith good luck they will rob Kalamazoo of her laurels. Miss Lola English, of Manchester, became Mrs. l'eter ü'i.eary, of Norville, January 17. it took but a few inoments to ettect the uansiormauon. Donn Beeman's little son, of Waterloo, was bitten by a dog last week. The dog was killed, and the boy vvill haTe a good story to teil when he grows up. ïhe February meeting oi' the Saline Social club will be held at the home of Mr. and Mis. Iloward T. Nichols. New wrinkles in the way of amusement wiÖ beintroduced. l'ostmaster Cassidy, of Grass Lake, found that bis horse was vather heavy the other day when it stepped upon his foot and laiti ltim up lor several Uys. A trigonometry class will be starled in the eleventh grade of the Dexter school, this week and it is thought this is the first class of the kind to be started there. The Manchester Enterprise reporta the thermometer in Manchester as twelve degrees below ero last Ihurs&aj morning. That was lower Uian it was in Arm Arbor. The Grass Lake News man should make his will without delay. He says "The belt for lyiiig bas been au-arded to Texas. This will be a hard blow to Washtenaw county.1' The hop house of Alexander Todd, f Whitmore Lake, went up in llames recently. In it he had not hops but 400 bushels of wheat and a large qaantity of oats. It was insured for $400. Sixty dollars' worth of new matting has been placed in the Manchester school. That is what the pupilscan do there when they hold an exhibition. Manchester is proud of its school, and well it may be. The Clinton cliurche.s have united in holding revival meetings every night. On February 4, Smart and McLachlan, singing evangelist, begin worK in Clinton. They are after Brothev Hlanchard of the Clinton Local. The Pinckney Dispatch says that Unadilla will soon be a large city It bases this assertion upon the fact that Edson May has started a store in connection with his barber shop. It loses sight of the fact that George Ander son is building a new blacksmith shop A new spark arrester has arrived in Clinton. The beaus of that sectioi need have no fear. Tlieir persona liberty is not yet threatened. The spark arrester was Tint on top oL the smoke stack of the Clinton plow works The Saline school eelebrated Michigan day last Friday evening. Representatives of all the states brought testimoniáis of their friendship and love for Michigan. Speaking, recitations and music, witli historically decorated rooms, added to the pleasme of the occasion. A dispute over the relative weight of Brahmah and Leghorn eggs in a corner grocery at Francisco was settled last week by weighing a dozen of the e.ggs of ea'cli variety. The Braniah eggs weighed 28 ounces, and the Leghorn eggs weighed 19 ounces. All the Bramah roosters in the vicinity have been crowing ever since. Dexter is the Latin word for right, "on the right hand." From this word is derived "dexterity," which roeans readiness, expertness,skilland ability. Why shoulcl not Dexter have the best organized, tho best equipped and the best instructed school in the country? We are ainiing at it, and shall get there, too. - Dexter Leader. H is said that when Francisco girla don't care particuhvrly about entertaiuing a fellow Sunday night, tliey simply bid him good night and go to bed and let the fellow sit alone until he gets thoroughly rested. it is said that a lone and forlorn fellow, who was tlius treated on Sunday last, wa.s heard as he passed a house way up in Waterloo to sav. "Gol darn the girl, anyhow!"- Grass Lake News. We are informeel that one of our citizens on going to his bain Monday morning to milk his cow could not lind her. After a vain search of all apartments below, he went to the lort to put down hay for his horses, and there stood bossycalmlyeatingas if nothing had gone wrong. It required most of the forenoon to get her cow-ship down the stairs.- Pinckney Dispatch. There is nothing too high for that cow. A Cbristian Temperance League has been forrned at Saline. A. N. Fíodgemann will move oh the Soulier farm near Dexter. Marcli 1. Scio and Webster sent generous con.ributions to tlie northern sufferers. Tlie Ypsilanti House now boasts of laving Charles Ileath for a land lord. A carpet-rag social will be held at ,he Augusta town hall next Friday evening. The snow arrived jus1; in time last veek to give the wlieat tields their needed covering. The Argus costs less than a cent a copy. Send twenty-ríve cents for a ,rial subscription. The South Lyon school furnishes intruction to thirty-eight scholars who ive out of the district. D. B. Gage. of Manchester, has gone nto the chicken raising business without the aid of the old hens. Postinaster Vogel, of Fredonia, lias ïad a hard struggle with la grippe, but ïas finally come out on top. B. W. Waite's friends will be glad to earn that he is plauning to move back o Scio trom Grand Itapids. A new house is building in Saline adjoining the Methodist parsonage to )e occupied by M. S. Lawton. Miss Myrtie Bostwick has been apjointed teacher in the Dexter school in he place of her sister, resigned. The Manchester gun club are planïiea shooting tournameut in February. Game had better hunt its holes. An afternoon tea will be giyen by he ladiea of St. James' clinch in Dexer at Mrs. II. C. Gregory's. tomorrow. A social will be given by the Ladies' Social Circle and the Epworth League of the Dexter M. E. chuich, February til. Rev. F. M. White wül give a lecture u Rome's Early Chrlstiaiiity in the Dexter M. E. ehurch next Friday eveíing. FulJy one-half of' Green O;ik townliip will be plantee! to beans. People n tlint section have got so they know jeans. The United Friends ot' Michigan íave had an increase of ten members q Manchester, vvithin the past two months. Miss Bower, great record keeper, ntalled the otlicers of Orystalline Hive, j. T. M., in Dexter last Friday vening. Miss Maria Decker, died in Manhester, Jañuary 21, aged 49 years. L'he funeral services were held on Cuesday. Rev. Dr. Steele, oL Detroit, formerly of the Presbyterian ehurch, Ann Aror, preached to a large tudience in South Lyon last Sunday. Next Sunday evening the boys of Saline are all i'nvited to attend the M. E. ehurch to listen to a sermón on the aloon keepers' boy customers. Geo. J . Nisaly, of Saline, has formed a eonspiracy tooverstoek the egg martet. He is shipping incubators, beides doing his share in ens. Skating 8 made pleasant by an elecric light placed directly over the skatng pond. Lf a young couple doirt ike it, Uiey can skate off into the shadows. The Ypsilanti grange iiieets iiext Saturday to discuss the question: 'Wherein do Michigan farmers and their families fail to live up to their rivilegesV" A Plymouth Rock hen belonging to Mrs. Fred Seeger, of Lima, started out ,o make herself famous by beating the record. Result, an egg 7 by Hl inches n eircumference. Eev. Mr. Yocuin preached an illustrated temperance sermón in Manchester last Sunday evening and sent special invitations to the village officers and all the saloonkeepers to be present. C. J. Chandler Si Co. will lili the ground in Chelsea now occupied by the Central stock yards and Gilbert & Croweir evaporator, with new buildings. Cheláeaia jnst getting a hump on herself. Dr. S. L. Jenny will remodel nis store in Dexter. The oraze for new store fronts has not yet died down in Dexter. It is doing mnch to improve tlie appearance of the business part of the village. Webster may contain within its liniits no large village, but it is enterprising nevertheless, Thelatest i'rom Webster is that a lecture course is being gotten up by the Webster Congregatioual society. Airs. C. C James, who lias just retired as lady eominander of the Dexter hive of Maccabees, was pleasantly surprised at her home on last Wednesday eveiiing and made the recipiënt of a handsome present. A Soulh Lyon doctor, worn out by being out late nights to attend sick parties, feil asleep while coming home on the cara and rode three miles bevond South Lyon. He had to walk 'home to pay for his rest. The Moon appeared to tl. e Chelsea school children last week. It carne closer fchati tke nightly orb. Ln fact it walked in the door the same as any ordinary mortal. In plain Eüglish, Rev. Mr Moon visited ttie school. Couch Dorr, of Sharon. is not content with the cattle he can piek up in tilia section. He has just returned from New York with some Jersey cattle which he purchased fot himself, 15. F. Mattison and II. C. Calhomiof JBndgewater. The ladies" aid society of the Wlntmore Lake M. E. church gave a character social last Friday evening. lhe object of the social was more light, not as to the cha racter of the people present, but in the church. A new chandelier will be purchased. William Brockway, an aged resident of Green Oak, was found dead in his stable on January 23. He was around the previous dav in apparently good health. He was alone at the time ot his death, which is supposed to have been from heart discase. The Southern Washtenaw Farmers' club meet at William Burtless' residence in Manchester next Friday at ten o'clock. The meetings of this club are always interesting, and no more hospitable home for its meetingscan be found than that of the genial exsupervisor. William l'ease will read a paper ou the World's Fair, and other members of the club will teil what they saw there. Fred tfohullz is building a iiew house in Whittaker. .Myron H. Ellis. of Ypsilanti, lias been grauted a pension. Manchester :md Clinton have been exehauging dancing parties. 8. II. Evans, of Milán, lias liad his , pension incrensed to $17 a month. Revival meetings are keeping the people of ünadilla out of mischief. John O'Brien, of Willis, is superintending sorne workmen at Brighton. L. Z. koerster has purchased forty acres of lanu in Augusta from Chas. Schinidt. Tomoirow evening the junior soci-, etyof the Baptist church in Dexter will give a social. Treasurer Bailará, of Augusta, has been having a hard tussle of ït this year getting in the taxes. A fine entertainment has been arranged lor Roberts school house 111 iJittstield, next JFmlay evening. O-ris ïhroop and Miss Minuie lertoii were murried in Alilau laaf JTriclay eveuing by Rev. Mr. Heek. ïhe nedagogues of Washtenaw, Calhoun, Jaokson, Ingham and liillsdale rally at Lansing, February 2 and 3. Charles L. Stevens, of Ypsilanti, has been elected Grand Master of tlie Fust reil of the Grand Chapter, i. and A. M. The ladies' aid society of the Presbyterian church in Milan will just trip down to Mrs. li. E, ïripp's this afternoon to tea. Mrs. Henry Paul, of Pittsfleld, will move U) Aun Arbor this spring, leaviug her iann iu charge of Xavier and Thomas JLerg. W. lt. Smith s building a new house on Wilcox street. Alilan. ile wants to get as close as possible to the l'resuylerian parsouage. WO. Silver'a herd of Jersey cattle eujoy Clinton feed. Duriug December i they made seven pounds of butter to every 1Ü0 puuads of milk. Ypsilauti township taxes seetn hard j to pay this year. THe state tax is so so much higher the farmers are not paying up as fast as usual. Huípil Breiiiing has returned tiom Detroit to VVhittaker, at least all but two üngers of him have. The tvvo lingers were left in a cannibal Detroit leed grinder. The Clinton council have offered $15 to have a University student test tne efficiency of their eiectnc light plant. Clinton "is thinking oí running her lights all night. The Ypsilantian eongratulates Congressmaii Gorman on the "good judgnient and wise discrimination suown in the selectiou" of Rev. Mr. Goodwin, of Ypsilanti, íor Chaplain intheNavy. If you are not already taking the Argus, send tweuty-live cents and try it for three months. It comes out every Tuesday and Friday, and you will get twenty-six papers for the twentylive cents. Chas. Disbrow had bis collar broken i few days ago ov uionKeying wuu tue ïpsilanti motor, lle got caught be;ween the motor and a post. The rno;or and post vvere botli strenger than lis collar bone. W. II. Whitmarsh, tlie Milan giocer, lias associated ia the business wltli tiimself Maurice Day and Charles Fatterson. The ürm is now W. H. VVhituiarsh & Co. aud it is on e of the best jusiness ürms in tlie couaty. Mumps are no respecter of persons. Neither does the f act that a man has worb oa his hands retard their coming. The Methodist pastor of Clinton was just beginning revival work, when the mumps seized him and closed his aiouth for a time. Prof. Putnani gave an interestin lecture in Y psilanti last week on lllusions and Delusions. üur report failed to arrive but we presume he dressed Osband, of the Ypsilantian, down in line style lor the delusions he seenis to labor under oh tlie tariffquestion. The Eastern Jackson Tarmers Mu tual Insurance company, with headquartersat Grass Lake, has 410 members with $759,975 insurance, which is 25 more members and $40,56-5 more insurance than it had last year. It had no assessment last year and only $24.50 osses. ' A burned cbiid dreads the h're. ' lan was scared again last Thursday norning by a lire breaking ont in Dr. VV. R. Oalhouu's dental rooms in the new Ford buildiug. The tire burned ■x large hole in the Hoor but was extinïuished by the doctor with a pail of water. A highly successful M. E. social was held at Mis. Addie Ferry's in Sharon. January 19, the reeeipts being over 81 L The best part of tlie entertainment consisted not in the collection but in the literary exercises and the eatables, chicken-pie being included in' the menu. The horseof A. M. Humphrey, the Saline grocer, knows a thing or two. He fouiid that all the pareéis in the wagon were neatly separated. and thought a little mixing wonld be appropriate. So a lively run up streetmixed kerosene oil witli the bread and Balt with thesugar. The 1 i bravian of the M. E. Sunday I school in Dexter has been taking stock and linds twenty-two books missing, which he advertises forby name in tle Leader. Some one has gobbled up ,Ksops Fables. As tuis is pre-etninently a Sunday school book it should be returned at once. John Jibb and Miss Öussie Sauer were uiarried January 1(5,1894, in Manchester, by Ilev. Mr. Yocum. The minister has an expressive name. He yoked them together in good shape. The bride was the exact opposite of her name and the couple have loosed their jib for a prospevous voyage on the sea of life. The Manchester Epworth League gave Rev. Mr. Yocum a surprise poünd party the other evening. He was surprised in two ways, flrst by the appearance of his visitórs and second by the contents of the ponnd packages. It took hiin back to his youth, when he used to dive into his stockings to see what Santa Claus had brought. Alfred Action, jr.. of Saline, nearly chopped his foot olï last week. He didn't mean to but a hard knot resisted his efforts. He hit it a particularly savage blow with the axe, which glanced off and imbedded ïtself in the top of Action's foot. A quick drive I brought him to Saline village, where ' a physician sewed up the wound. George Moorn, ól Augusta, set a trap for a ehickeü tliief and caught a big black mink by the tail. Ele was the thief. Oneofour miniBtere thought ont :i novel way to exeicise nis chickens and so make the hens lay inore. He suspended a cabbage f rom the coop ceilïng and derived much amusement watcliing the chickens jurup for it, but somehow the increase in eggsthat was expected failed to materialize. We don't know, but think he exercised the wrong niuscles. - Ypsilantian. A tree along the roadside in Shaion adjoining a big swamp contains a placard telling thnt a certain Manchester citi.en had fastened his rig to the tree nd entered the swamp to search for a ]erson there, and wishing any passer by to notify his familj' if lie sliould not return. The rig was not visible, so the passer by was not ceriain whether ihe Manchesterite got out or not. If other communities throughout the country contribute to the supply of skins as well as Manchester, we judge the price of tur good.s made from these fragrant (?j envelops will take a decided drop next season. The skins are strong enonph to speak fov thetnsel ves, but one can hardly refrain trom saying something when he is obliged to pass and repass a sack of the vile things wliich muy be Ieft on the street.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News