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A. ï Fieeiiian and wiic spent the tírst of ihe .ek al Arm Albor. Mr. and Mis. Kicíiariísou, oí' Napoleón, are visitmg L. Brown and tamil)'. The Epwortu League will have a social at tlie chureh pariois next Friday eveniug. Geo. Sohumacher has moved intohis new house, situáled in llie western part of the township. The different rocieties of th!s place are taking ana have been takiug mauy iiew menibers of late. Henry Filber has purchased a home in this village and expects lo leave the farm the first of March. Rev. Hansoai, of the iJetroR oiphan home, is visit,inr in towu and vicinity 111 interest of the saine. Rev. Yokuui, by request oL the W. T. U. preached a 6ue seruion on temperance last fcjunday eveniug. Henry Fox, of L'nioiitovvn. i'a..formerly .,t this village and proprietor of a laundry, has buen visiüug m tovvn the past week. The skating has been enjoyed by many the past week and ihis week they are cutting ice so as to ill the empty ice houses. Wm. Wagner, of Aun Arbor, has received of the Germania Insurance Co., $600 in ful] for the insurance ou his house which lately burued. Wm. Klein, for many years section foieman on the Ypsilauti branch, has taken the position as section foreaan on the T. & A. A. road. His family expect to leave next week. Jacob Endre8S, of Somerset, lias come liere to take charge of the section, and will occupy the house now occupied by Klein.