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North Lake

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John McConnelI is quite sick and under the doctor's care. Mr. Collins is yet moving back to the old farm north of the lake. _ A letter from Dakota speaks of about the same weather there as here, this winter. The Gorman family, of Willis, will soon move onto the D. M. Joslyn farm to work it. Everybody and everybody's hired man are busy at the year's wood pile now that a little snow has come. L. A. Mapes has moved his effects from here to his home in Unadilla, where he will reside for a while at least. Bert Mann has seventeen mink holes and lots of tracks thrown in, and three skunk holes that smell real strong, all of which he will sell to the highest bidder or let out ou shares to hateh and skin. WalterWebb, of Dakota, is calling on relativas and friends in this vicinity. He will leave here for Minneapolis next Monday. He says the hard times have reached Dakota, but are I easing upsomewhat. The oyster supper was a complete success. Those present, 24 persons in all, ate about three gallons of oysters, besides a large amount of pie and cakes and larts and flxings in general. The society didn't make much money.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News