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Wonderful Cures!

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I THOMAS MOCHÍN. MAJOR W. A. SIMFIELD. Before Treatment. Áffcur Treatmeut" ' Beíjro Treotnient. Altar Treatment. Nervous Debility and Catan li Curcíh Blood Disease and Dyspepsia Cured. Thomas Minchin ssys: "1 was rednced f o Major Simfield says: "I had Dyspepsia a nervous wreck-ouJy weighed 118 pounds. ítnd Gatarrh of the Stomach for many Iheresuitof early abuse waB the cause. 1 years. To make mattere worse I contracthad the foUowing symptoms : Miserable ed a Conetitntional Blood Dicease. My mentally and physically, melancholy, nervbon es auhed. Blotches on the nkin looked ousness, weakness, epecks before the eyes, horrible 1 triad sixteen doctors in all. dizzy, poor meinory, palpita tion of the A friend recommended Drs. Kennedy & heart, flushing, oold hands and feet, weak Kergan. I began their New Method Treatback, dreams and losses at nigbt, tired in I ment and in a few weeks was a new man the mornmg, pimples on tko face, loss of with renewed life and ambition I canambition, burning sensation. kidneys weak not say too mnch for those ecientifio dooetc. Doctors could not cure me; bnt Drs. tors who have been in Detroit for fonrKennedy t Kergan by their Now Method teert years. I conversed with hnndreds of Ireatment, cured me ia a fow weeks I patients in their offices who were being weigh now 170 pounds. It is threo yoars cared for different diseases. I recommend since l havo taken thir treafanont." them as honest and roliable Physicians." Drs. KENNEDY &KERGAÑ The Celebrated Speciallsts of Detroit, Mlch. TRF&T fiKD RIÜÜlfi&fóTFPTfl PÜÖP Catarrh; Asthma; Bronchitis; ConiriLHl H!ïU nUMnrtSÍSLL IU Uiüni. eumption (lst and 2nd stages); Rheumatism: Neuralgia; Nervor.s, Blood and Skin dieeases; Stomach and Heart dis■eases; Tapowomv, PiTes; Iiuprnre: impotenry; Deafness; Diseafes of the Eye, Ear, Noso and Thro.-.t; J-pilepsy; Diaeafea of the Kidneys and Bladder; Errorsof Yonth; Failing Manhood; Diseases oí tbe hY:'1 Orfjans; Female Weakness; Diseases of Men and Women, aiul (. h: onic Disoai rs in general. 'ÍUey care when others fail ! tSfOlTLY CURABLE CASWSliE TAKEN FOR TREATMENT Their KVW MWTUftn TUPATWVT k:ioT.-n the world ovfcr, is curintt diseases of every i'"" iuBlüUU muuiuj.u natore tl it liaH LafflAi lipretoíore tho medical profession. They are not famüy aoctors - tliey muta a epecialty of CLiouic and difficult dieeases. -&k niQFAF íiF MïW ''-i ei-ranteo to careall Weakness of Men arieing Ulk3LLLü V3 I 8!..!, fn-mclf abnsc.laVr esaesses or diseaee. Young man, yoan w,;l cnro.yon. You may havo úeen treated by Qnacks- consult ScieutifiCilortors. I. cure, no pay. t'onsnlt them. ñlSFASFSftF '; WÏT sff?r ? Smce? They can cnre yon, UIljLfiLiLk- K.-i Yivi .i. K'mata Veakneos, Barrenness, Displací mentSi lrr?sriilari'yj arci iairfr.l periods cured in a short time. Kenewed vitality trivev . Illustrated book li'ree. Inclose stamp. CPFflA! HÏCFiFQ ?r rmütorrhea, Varicocele, Oleet, Unnatural pfLUlAL ÜIÖLAoLlJ. Diicharjrcs, Private diseases, Stricture, SyphUl, and all Blood diseooes guarantoetl cured ot no pay. 14 years in Detroit 150,000 m cures- National repntatiorj. Bookü irr ■ - Con&nlfation free - Names confidential. If B ■ unable to cali, write ljr a list i .d iuvice free. ■ DRS. KENNEDY & KERGÁN, y,8 Sheïby St., DETROIT, MICH. I BliyMIHIIIMBiliillili i ' ' 'if ; Pi "'■ li In 'T'TiTiil'HtiiViMyWII-li-B


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