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Cut out yourpupons. ' i . The Ypsilanti ïotor line started ; '. up again yesten y. A charity bal will be given in Ypsilanti, Fejbniry 5. Next Sunday educational day in the Disciples'&hurch. Four new mei were voted into the Light Infantry, A'ednesday evening. The ladies of the M. E. church gave a pleasant :ea social last evening. Charles Manly has been elected clerk of the Ain Arbor Light Infantry. The W. C. T U. meet in McMillan hall next Thursday at three o'clock. A little son his come to gladden the home of Praf. E. D. Campbell, of Hill street. Three new applications for membership have betn made to Johnson tent, K. O. T. 'Á. Let us hope tiat the cars may run again before the public get out of the habit of ridng. Rev. C. M. Cobern preaches on Tatian's Diatessarm in the M. E. church next Sunday. The Aun Arbor Agricultural company have received an order for fifty ley tedders fron Germany. A pupil's recital will be held at Music hall, Sa:urday afternoon at 2.30 o'clock. Admission free. The loss of Fred Stimpson on clothing by fire has been adjusted at $500, the full amount of the loss. A deaf mute service will be held by Rev. A. W. Mann in St. Andrew's chapel next Monday evening. Rev. Henry Tatlock will preach next Sunday morning on Christianïty in College, in St. Andrew's church. Walter L. Moore has opened dental parlors on the second floor of the new Laubengayer block on South Main street. The Argus will be sent three months for 25 cents. This gives you twenty-six papers, less than a cent a copy. The insurance adjustors concede a total loss on the street cars but are doing a little figuring before settling the loss. The remains of Thomas Woodruff,an old resident of this city,who died in Hastin'gs, were brought to this city, Monday. Another baker has arrived to help William Gerstner in his growing trade. He's a little one and won't eat bread for a few months. The. loss on the street car barn nas been adjusted at $1,000, the full amount of the policy. The loss on cars has not yet been adjusted. A beqüest of $5,000 has been received for the Bible chairs in the Disciples church from some lady whose name has not yet been given out. J. Q. A. Sessions gave a chalk talk to the Sons of Veterans last evening on One of the Great Battles of the War, Gettysburg being his theme. The Ann Arbor sick benefit soci ety meets tonight. All members should be present, as business of importance will come before the meeting. A faculty concert was given in Frieze Memorial Hall Thursday night, and a pupils recital wil be held at the same place Satur day afternoon. The Knights Templars' reception of Monday evening will long be re ferred to by the six hundred guests present as an example of a highly successful receptionToday is Candlemas day, and in accordance with time-honored cus tom the ground hog will sally forth from his winter quarters to decide what kind of weather to give us fo the next six weeks. The Washtenaw county horticul tural society will meet next Satur day at the court house, at 2 p m. in the supervisors' room. Suject for discussion, improved implement for cultivating orchards, vineyards and berry plants. All who are in terested are invited to attend. Town treasurer Shuart, of Superior, settled witli the county treasurer yesterday, every cent of the taes havinjr beeo paid ia. This is a most excellent showing fjr i or. , The work of putting in the n and at the water works will probbly be completed today or ; ow. There has been a great change or the better at the pumptng staion. Ernest Oberschmid, of Scio, die 1 j his week. He was a native of , 'russia and was born in 1814., He emoved to Arm Arbor, in 1S47. ie leaves a widow, three sons and j hree daughters. Arbor Hive, L. O. T. M., gave; nother of their social dances in j heir hall, last evening. It was a i 'rand success and everyone present 1 will unite in saying "give another.' Music by the Chequamegons. The Political Equality club, or'anized during Miss Anthony's visit, will meet at Newberry hall on Fri[ay, Feb. 2, at 2:30 p. in. All members and all others interested are cordially invited to be present. A party was given at the home of vlr. and Mrs. G. F. Alhnendinger on South Fourth avenue, Wednesday evening. Minnis furnished the muic, refreshments were plentiful, and about fifty young people assisted in making the affair one of pleasant ecollections. A social dance was given by Mrs. ï. A. Wagner, at the residence of ohn Fullerton, corner of Huron street and Ashley avenue last evenng. About 20 couples were present and all seemed to enjoy themselves. Gebhardt Hummel has begun suit n the circuit court against George Guenther, jr. , for $1,000 damages or assault and battery, in the words of the declaration, with "swords, staves, ropes, fists, knuckles, stones, weapons, hands and feet." Mrs. Carrie S. Bugg, of Lodi, has según suit for a divórce from Henry Bugg. fhey were married ia Saine, November 21, 1889, and have a three year oldchild. The divorce is asked on the ground of extreme cruelty and neglect to support her. The report given currency in the Argus of Tuesday that the Ann Ar3or Democrat would be printed at the Times office turns out to have no foundation in fact. Since Miss Bower has been acting as great record keeper of the L'. O. T. M., various untruthful rumors have been circulated concerning her paper. Miss Bower is quite capable of running her own business, and we are glad to know that she expects to continue to do so. Those who are willing to dónate sandwiches and cake for the charity iall are requested to send in their names at once to Mrs. P. R. dePont with the amount they are willing to dónate and to see that thearticles are at Masonic hall on Tuesday. A large quantity of sandwiches and cake are needed, also money to buy coffee, sugar, etc, so that those disposed to send money instead may do so. The object is to have the entire receipts from the sale of tickets for the charity ball, clear for the benefit of the deserving poor. The great speech of Lawyer Sawyer in the Hand murder case filis eighteen columns of the Ann Arbor Register. And to think that the prisoner was compelled to listen to all that and go to the penitentiary for life besides. - Adrián Press. It must have been in the sewer. It was not in the Register. - Ann Arbor Register. We apologize to the Register. We had given them credit for publishing the speech, and we have a very distinct memory of reading it there, but the Register denominates the paper in which it appeared "the sewer," and while we would not think of applying quite so hard a name as that to theRegister, it must be so, if the Register says so.


Ann Arbor Argus
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