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The " Alabama."

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S;iturday, February 3, the wmely teralded and popular py of American jfe i'ijom the pen of Augustus Thomas, entitleri "Alaban," will be presented at the Opera House. Few playa have achieved thu phenomenal success ut;aineci by "Alabama." Mr. Thomas carries bis auditors into the midst of ,he drowny state of Alabapna, just awakening lo a new Ufe through the ffforts of Northern enterpvise and captal. He sliows them its magnolia ?roves, its war relies, its prejudices and its beart; in a word, be has written a dramatic poem, simple and sweet, aboimding in interest and pulsing with truth. "Alabarua" is somethinK o think of with delight- an idji of the ayou borders - not alone for the pass ng pleasuie it gives the spectator, butforwhatit nieans to tbe American stage. In itself, it bas the subtle cbarm of poesy. It brings witli it the soft airs and 'tbe dreary quietude of tbe somnolent South. It appeals to ,he eye with a series of pictures, jreatbing cliivalry and sentiment - twin characteristics of tbe ardorous Southern; to the ear with the musical dialect whose spell is potent, and to the mind with a barmonious blendin? of all these mellowing influences. It would indeed be a veritable Gradgrind wbo would. look at "Alabama" and not f eel nis soul soften and expand and lis beart warm with human love.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News