It was an awfully wet day. I and a cousin of mine, Al Caimfax, of Barbour, Va., ;hough practicing law in New York, found ourselves at Squire Pennington's taveru on he Sassafras river, east shoreof Maryland. 3y dinner time (and a capital dinner the Bquire gave us) the barroom was full, .hough it would have been fuller, perhaps, f they hadn't "local option." Well, after diuner we all feil to talkiug. You know how sociable they get soutb of tf ason and Dixon's liue who go duck BQootng. One tbiug led to another, till we began guessing where the otbers "haileil xom." I confesa it made me mad when a jig countryman from across the line iu Decil county reckoned I was "from out we.sC eomewhar," but the fun came in when a smooth shaven, round faced, big paunched chap, called Schwaab by our host, spokeup. "Now, vare you dink I wasfvom, eh? Vat 5oundrymans vould you dink I was?" Dead silence. The audacity of Her? Schwaab was quite appalling. But a wiu... iom Pennington gave Al the cue. "You're from Boston." Schwaab grinned. "Noa, note zo bod os dot." Another guessed South Carolina, auother California, aud my friend from Cecil coun;y ventured the opiniĆ³n that he was aSpanard. "Now, you vas a voolin," said Schwaab, 'I zee dot in your eye. Veil, you giff it up, eh? I dought you vould. I z'bect, vun dime or annuder I vool more as a hundert aeebles. I bees a Cherman. Haw, baw, aaw!" - Life. Pions Russians do not eat pigeons 'becanse of the sanctity conferred on th dove in the Seripturee.
Ann Arbor Argus
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