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Bentrni H.irbov PresbyteviAns will build lanewehureh. Nearly eituiign material to I construct the building faas been already i donated. A Mr. Willcox oC Tokousba skinned a j cow thatdied of some mysterieus malady, j and now bis head und limbs are twicetheir natural size llis doctor fears he will die. Local prize fehts are quite common aruonc; country pugilista in Calhoun coun[ ty. Thus fat thev have had evervthing thuir own way, with uo iuterruptions from oihcials. Fire was rliscovered in the basement of Aíispach's clothing atoro at Wyandotte and though the buildii; was saved, his stock of Koods was badly damaged' by water and suioke. Satunlav, Jan. 27. Three hnndred and forty-five marriage hcenses were issued in Gejiesee countvdurmg the yejir lSi)3, as against 348 in 18Ö2. A family at Dowagiao bas a record of feeding 125 tramos the past week. Por obvious reasous a more detinite address is not given. The on the body of David Porter, the unfortunate tramp run over by the cars near Mason receutly, cost Inham county $67.01 The new armory of Company C, ïirst infantry, Michigan national guards of Tecumseh, will be formally opened wlth an entertainment Feb. 3. Monilay, Jan. 89. The Belding MauüiaCturing company and Hall Brothers' Alanufacturing company of Belding, will resume operations Feb. 3. Captain Harry Smith, an oldtime lake navigator, at one time owner of the Two Brothers, died at Urand Haven Saturdav night. J The 15th annual convention of the Berrien County Sunday School association will be held at St. Joseph, Feb. 21 and 22. Willie Allen, a Niles young man, will spend a year at the state house of correction for burglary at the residenoe of a neighbor. Permission has been received by the comtnon council of Manistee from the secre' ïary of war to proceed witli the vvork of ' building the Smith street bridge. ! TuesJay, Jan. 30. Joppa will build a new creamery to coBt $2,100. Farmers form a. stock eompany. More tban 500 families a . now bing supported by the Dicfcinsori county relief committee. The big plant of the Chi Furniture and Luniber compauy at anabá, has resumed operations. Decatur's Young Peoplc's Society of Chnstian Endeavor has the largsst membership in Van Buren county. Escanaba has established a city wooayard and gives employment to a large number of men sawing and splitting wood. Edmund Smith, president of the Firat National bank of Paw Paw. died in that city on Sunday at the age of 78 years. Wednesday, Jan. 31. Bloomingdale flouring milis hare resutned operations. Stephen lïandle, while working in a mili at Caro, got his hand iu the saws and lost three fingers and part of his hand. Roy Wedderbura, aged 6 years, of Kalamazoo, was run ovar by a heavy pair of boba Tuesday and so badly injured toternally that his life is despaired of. Steve McDowell of Bendon, Benzieeounty, had three fingers and his thumb so badly lacerated by their being caught in a saw that they had to be amputated. A mass eonvention of Spiritualiste and those interested in Spiritualism wiH be held under the auspices of the Michigan State Spiritual association at Lansintr, Feb. 9, 10 and 11. Thursdg.y, Feb. 1. Marquette burglars broke open the penitent's box and stole a small amount of money that belonged to the poor. Adrián has an epidemie of what appears to be malignant diphtheria. Five deaths have occurred in the past week, and lihe authorities are talking of an embargo. A bank will be started at Marlette by A E. Sleeper and A. W. Merrill of Lexingon. It will be known as the Commercial Bank of Marlette, with a capital of $100,000. At Howard City Wednesday morning a 5rand Rapids and Indiana train broks in ;wo, and when the parts came together !our cars were wrecked. None of the train - men were injnred. The residence of Joseph Mason wag destroyed by fire at Muskegon Tuesday night, md the family had a narrow escape fiom he flames, escaping in their night clothes The los is about $2,000.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News