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Catarrh is & ísed " by Ii pure Blood Hood's Sarsaptrilia ftiakes Pure IJSood And PermanentlyCures Catarrh. Mr. J. at tornahan Pattonr 111. "C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass.: " Gentlemen : - I am rery happy to writo to you that I have beei takiag Hood's Saraaparllla ior catarrb vith great succes. I have been troubled vlth üiis oomplalnt for over ten years, with dull headacha nearly all the time. Alter lakiug three bottles of Hoort's Sarsaparllla, ( am cured of oatarrh aud clcar of the headtche. I w&s also troubled with a scalp distase, whieh was very Mood's'Cures annoy'.ng, four or flvi years. Since taking Hood's Sarsaparilla i do not have any trace of this trouble. I sleep well, have a good appetito and feel strog, quite in contrast to my feellng beíore J bigan to take tliis good medicine." J. M. C'knahan, Patton, 111. Hood's Pilis are prompt and efficiënt, yet easy in aotion. Sold by aU druggists. 25c ""-UWIIIIIW ■■ÉWWHMIIIIIIB-gWt1ttMTHLIU1Ug Michigan CHISS "The Niágara ïalls Roate." TIMETABLE (Bevised)NOVEMBEli ,10 líftí CENTRAL. STANDARD TIMS. & i i a : ,& Ts i a : Tl Í SI 1 SS ; : ;; a m S 6 g ; Z a 's a ! i sa aa : i a j 5s : : :g : ;go r gg ;Sg j . ;gg "B : : '3 : !h - --i ; : a I i -i I ii S-ssrj i mi w " , , ; ■ o -v i- - cot'CO'i-cocc fc. coto : : :"" ■ o fh o, S S ! : : : e 9 a I a S ": "H S ■ a:;: : :aa I Si ; i i. -S ih ss ; :g ; :ss gg ss ; ;so f ai "a a f ti ■ ! ! ■' ! í ! J h l. i !:;;;, ;i B j ; ; i M f M 1 1 i i : Plllllfli i illtliliil o.w. küoctLes. a. w hatÍs O. P. & T. Aírent, Chicago. Af?'t Ann A or. . TOLEDO p. AnnarboIy AND [ 3 J NORTH MICHIGAN) RAILWAY. Lj - l-J i USKEGON SUt-íSAGmAW 1( 'Jia , ÏLWtyno_VJ .■TiVoolg.CBBSSW TIME TABI.E IN EFFECT NOVEMBER 5, 1893. Trains Leave Ann Albor. NORTH. SOUTH. 7:15 a. m. 7:15a. m. 12:15p. m, 11:30 a. m. 4:15 p. m. 9:00 p. m. Trains run between Ann Arbor and Toledo only. W.H. BENNETT, R. S. GKEENWOOD, G. P. A., Toledo Ohio. Aeent. IMPORTANT TO ADVERTISEK.S. The cream of the country papers is found in Remington'a County Seat Lists. Shrewd advertisera avaü themselves of these liste, a copy of which can be had of Remingtoa Bros., of New York & Pittsburg. oZ7]0 "il s FOR FINE SOAPS And ricli and lasting Perfumes we are ablo " to offer J'or your inapectionan exceptionally large and elegant stock. Soaps made from common fai.s or rosin are not fit for toilet purposes- bo sure and by a pure soap at our drug store. Our perfumes we guarantee the best. J MANN BROS., Druggists, 39 S. Main St. - ANN ARBOR


Ann Arbor Argus
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