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A. E. Moutonye and wii'e, Mooreville, happy, boy, 10 lbs. The Haarer farm iu Fieedotn lias beau reuted to Fred Uphaus for tluee yeais. A horse, belongiiig to Deed Wanty. f Wíiittaker, broke i'ts lef; last week Montiay. Ed. Baker, of Sliaron, liad a foot badly cruslied by a falling tree last Ttiesday. Win. Logan and Mrs, Jane Dewey, of BriUgewater, each lost a horse a few uays ugo. Frank Cody.fonnerly of Bellevillejs at the heail of the Newsboy's night - school in Detroit. W. C. Ruckman, of Oshkosh, Wis., has been niaking bis father, who livef 111 Manchester, a visit. Mr. and Mrs. Albrigbt, of Stonj Creek, have a new 10 pound girl whicu ariived a week ago tiaturday, Eugen Ward, ol: Milán, has gone to Missouri witli bis inicie, John IJ. Kelse.y, who resides at tjkiduiore. The Tecumseh lire laddies have düiiiit'il new uniiorms. ibe outlit coiisists of rubber coat, bat and boots. An entertainment is to be given in the opera bouse, Saline, next Fiiday in the interest of the G. A. K. boys. S. W. Parsons, of Ypsilanti, who is the inventor of a spring bed, is iu Mobile, Ala., in the interest of bis j tion. One week ago Monday the infant (laughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Lowry. of Eridgewater, died of pneu. rnouia. The Bower Schaible farm in Lodi bas been sold to Eden Ruckman, and Mr. .Finch, bis BOn-in-law,wül move on it soon. From 5 to 7 tonight the ladies of the Woman's Auxiliar?, will serve a pancake supper at tt. Luke's Farish house, xpsilanu. Miss Eva Kisïiler, of Ypsilanti, daughter of Geo. Kishler, has accepted a positiuu in the public schools Of Manistique. The wbmaus' relief corps óf Manchester vviJi give au entertainment and -upper on St. Yalentine's day, liveryboüy invited. At Bridge water on last Tuesday occurred the funeral of J . Lutkins, l'athei of Mis. Sol. ïate. He was a pioneer of the township. 3-1 iss Mame Bradner, John Tuttle, jr., and Eugene Jirown, of Clinton, are troubled with the swelled head. They have the mumps. AriHiigements are being made by the joung pe'oples' mission of the Presbyterian chiuch, Ypsilanti, for au old tiuie spelling school on Eeb. lüth. Dr. L. I). Coumbs, of Ypsilanti, was ín Washington last week and witnesjfled tlie iinal charge between the advocates . of protection and tariff reiorni. James Deyo, a horse fancier of JacksDii, paid Ularence Bray, of Ypsilanti, uu hundred iiollars for a carriage. iiorse, lecenti; . It was a good oue, however. Attoniey A. F. Freeman, of Manchester, was in Lansing last W'ednesday for the purpose of making an argument in the l'yckett case before the supreme court. One week ago ast Thursday about sixty ot treo. Jierguart s triends, of J:eedom, gave hitn a surprise and presented him two tine ehairs. It was bia fifty-fifth birthday. It is reported that a sensational siander suit is about to be broughtby Justice Eobertsoa. oí Adrián, against Oliver Drak-e. of Tecumseh. Ilis honor should have justice. A very young demoerat laas afrived at 'Jie Home of Air. and Mrs. Chris. Schwab, in Bridgewater. It is expeeted that be will reside tliere tor some time to come and be trained iü the faith. Last Friday the young friends of Miss Bertha Laing, of Saline, knowiug it to be her twelfth birthday, gave her a surprise. Many tokens of remembrance were eft as reminders of the pleasant occasion. Belleville is ambitious to rival Ypsilanti in the mineral water line, and' lias struck a powerful odor at 228 feet 1'roDi the surface. The institution doing it is called the Sanitary Works. - Ypsilanti Commercial. A fox Imnt was indulged in by Altred Daniels and his two boys, of the Hall farm near Saline, last Wednesday. In two hours' time they had bagged two foxes, one of whicli weighed twelve poiinds and the other eight. E. F. Kirchgessner, of Tecumseh, who has been attending an optica) school in Cleveland, has returued home with a diploma in his pocket, and announces through the news that he is now prepami to repair eyes and make them by nieans of his skill in fitting glasses. John Seaver, of Ypsilanti, has sold his milk route to J. W. Ilarrison, who commenced business this week. Mr. ilarrison has a line. herd of Jerseys and has added to it ten of the best cows in Mr. Seavers herd. Mr. Hairison's patrons ought to receive excellent milk. A business men's protective association has been organized in Ypsilanti, which includes about all the merchanta in the city. One night watchmah has been employed and placed on duty, and another will soon be employed. The association will undoubtedly be a valuable one. Ten of the high toned eligible young men of Iludson give a "bachelors1 ball" tonight. They have sent out 600 invitation on which are half tone cuts of the young bachelors who hope by this means soon to become benedicta. This ought to set the feminine hearts in that vicinity a llutter. A week ago last Saturday night, at Manchester, a young man and lus gentle charmer were smoothly güding over Ihe glassy ice on the Raisin, every movement in unisón, utterly oblivious to everything outside their ovvn dear selves, when suddenly they were recalled to things mundane by the disiippearance of about half of the young woinan. She had gone through a hole in the ice. Tlie young man, in trying to lift her out, went through also, and then an embrace folio wed - with the chilly waters. The Ypsüaiiti Light Guard boys have purcbased some gymnasium apimnitiis and placed in their hall and will begin üt once to develop their , na úsele The rocían vvili lm kept open ! iroin 9 t" Ii2 in the forenoon and irom 2 to 10 in the afternoon. Wben those I soldieis are again let loose on the eneroy, look out. A charity concert was given last evenine at the Cleary College hall, Ypsi. Prof. Pease aeted as conductor. Messrs. Gareissen, Swain and Dodge appeared in the conaic opera Box anti Cox. Dr. Boone gave sftme rendinga. The concert was well attended and everything passed off nicely. We are not infonned as to the amount of the receipts. Mis. Mary Ottmar, of Saline, died at the Poutiac Asylum Tliursday, Jan . 2óLh, aiid was buried at Saline tbe Saturday follavviug. Jier maladyhe gan back in 1864, when sliewas taken to Kalamazoo, but as she did not tulprove she was removed to Pontinc wliere she continuad to reside until her ieaUi. Clias. Catum, of Saline, met with a serious accident last Tuesday. II e was drawing stone and in attempting! to tuin over a large rock the team ! started before he was quite ready and the stone rol led part way over and across his leg, breaking one boue and dislocating the ankle. He was taken to his home and Dr. Nicholssummoned. He reduced the fracture and replaced i the dislocated parts and the patiënt is uow rapidly improving. The nevi Light Guard armory at Tecumseh was dedicated last Monday evening and Company B, of Adrián, helped the boys to celébrate the event. The party was in every way a most flattering success. The Columbiau orchestra furnished the music and the supper was served in the hall by the ladies of St. Peter's Guild. The ladies named below acted as patronesses: Mesdames Bidwell, Woodward, Shull, Cony, Anderson. Ilardenburgh, Lieber, Hicks, Paxon, Zimmerman, Brewer, Hosmer and Wilson. We told the public last spring before the election, t'iat the proposed constifcutional amendraeni to increase the salaries of state officers, wonldn't carry, and it didn't. But (iov. Rich failed to find out the fact until a week or two ago The governor and other official factótums at Lansing should study this paper more closely and prötit by what they find in it. By so doing they would know more than they do now, and escape denonements from which they emerge looking worse than a tarred Senegambian roiled in feathers.- Grass Lake News. The young folks and the old folks of Manchester combiued forces recentiy and got up a party at Arbeiter hall, one week ago Friday night, whieh was a hummer. Invitationa were sent to neighboring villages bufc Clinton was the only on e to respond. Fifty couples participated. Smitb's orchestra, of Hillsdale, furnished the music. The party was a success both financially and socially. It must have been inter esting to see the gay and spriglitly young men of twenty summei'S, more or Ipss. tripping the "'light fantastic" with those simpering gids of seventy. John Cook, a brick mason of Tecum.seh who was plastering at the new armory in that village, became enraged at Lieut. S. E. McClure because McClure asked Cook to pay a bilí contracted at McClure 's store, and proceeded to piaster McClure according to the latest and most approved methods. In very short order McClure was dressed out in an elegant putty coat. To this McClure objected, however, as he claimed to be properly clothert and in no need of a whitewash, and ncCordingly he had Cook put in the "jug" and an examination set for yesterday. Result of said examination is unknown to deponent. Editor DeForest Marvin, of Diamondale, has worn one pair of boots 13 years continuonsly. They are just as ïood as new. He has worn one overcoat abont the same length of time, and carries a pocket comb which he purchased in 1862. He shaves himself with a razor that has done service for three generations. - Leslie Local. We understand, too. that his underclothes carne over in the Mayflower. and that he wioes his nose on the sleeves of the identical coat his greatgrand-father wore. - Grass Lake News. The Argus understands also that his socks are of the kind that the longer they are worn the stronger they get. Heavier and heavier, seem to be the animáis that find their way to Fairchild & Kuster's tnarket, and they have some there now that throw all predecessors in the shade. A dressed hog lies in front, that attracts the attention of every passer. F. O. Crittenden fatted the animal, a Cb ester white, which weighs 680 pounds dressed, and weighed 780 undressed. Inside the market are hung up two steers raised by Frank Tower, of Lodi, one of which tipped the beam at 1910 pounds, and the two together weighed 3430, live weight. They found no market in Ann Arbor, where the butehers are not prepured to handle snch heavy careases. - Ypsilanti Cornmercial. A young gentleman of this place attended tbe pedrq party at W. T. Eccles' Thursday night, and it was late when he retired for the night - o morning - very little sleep. The following night he went to Manchester to attend the Old Folks' party. It was morning by the time he got back to Clinton - no sleep at all. For Saturday evening he had au engagement to escort a young lady to the hall to hear Wendling. Áfter supper he lay down upon a couch to rest himself and to vvhile away the minutes until it was time to go to the lecture. He dropped asleep. While the young lady was waiting for her recreant escort witli as good G-race as possible, the object of her anxiety and restle.ssness was peacefully slumbering and dreaming of fanping out a wliole base ball team, making thirteen home runs and thiashing the umpire. When he avvoke the electric lihts lwd gone out and the clock on the mantel struck two. The young


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News