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officia r. I CODNCIL OlA.MBER. j AKS ARBOK, Febniary 5, 1S04. Regular meeting. Called t order by tne city clerk, President Watts being absent. Boll called. Quorum present. Absent - Aid. Wagmet and President Watts- 2. Om motdon of Aid. Manly, Aid. Prettyman was chosen presLdont pro tem. The jauraal of the la-st session was npproved. l'ETJTIONs AM) COMMUNICATIONS. A petition sigiied by liJO residente and property owners, ï-eskling along and ownimg property on Packard and Main stroi'ts, remanetratüig against Krant iniï the petition of the Ann ArIxu- & Ypsilanti Stret-t Railway C(i.. iocr per.iii-sion to riui their steam motors through said streets. AM. Manly moved that the petition be recedved and placed on file. A dop te (1. A claim oí .Mis. Aun J. Walker, of the city of An.n Arbor, setting forth tluit om ilie eveniüg of October Tth, 1893. slu' Hii.staiiu-d a very severe injury to lier 1-iKlit liinb, by a. fall from tlu cast end of the walk of James Ottley's lot. The petitaon aked that tthe isum of .■?."()() be allowed her for said injury. A11. Kitsou moved that the petition be aceepted a.ud referred to the Board of l'ublh: Works and city attorney. AM. Martin moved as an amendmein ihal the finance coramittee be adilcd to said committee. Wliich amendment was lot as foliows : Yeaa - Aids. Schairer, Martin, Ferlïuson. O'Mara. Taylor - .". Nay - Aids. Herz. SdKrw, Wood, Jlanl,v. l'rettyman, Kitsom - G. The orininal mot ion as arnended prevaUed. A petitiioin isigned by eleven draymeii, askmg .tliat the dray liceuse be raised t ten dollars for single and doublé drays. Aid. O'ilara moved that. the petitioii lx; referred to the license inittee. Adopted. A peti'tdon was received and read ffom the A nu Arbor Gas Co., asking permisión to use ane-half of street between Depot and Suminit istreets, west of the Aan Arbor Gas Co., plant, for the erection oí a coke and coal storage buMding. Referred to etreet committee. ItEPORT OF STANDING COMMITTEES. FINANCE. To the Conimon Council: Your Committee on Finanee respect fully report tliat they have had the follöwing bilis underconsideration anc would recouiinend their allowance al sums stated: CONTINGENT l'UND. W. J. Mliler, salnry 66 66 E. ii. Norris, salary 25 0' I'. O'Hearn. salary. --- 34 Dr. Johu Kapp, 3 mo's salary heulth officer - - 37 50 Marttn Clark, 3 mo's ealary Inspector board oí health - 2.", 00 Dr. E. A. Clark, -i mo's salary city physlcian - --- 28 00 Geo. H. Pond, 1 roo. saliiry city tareas8 33 Joe Geromiller, janitor services U 45 Telf-phone and Telegrapb Cori6truction Co., rental of 7 telephones 43 75 Koek & Henne, BUppUea 1 40 E. B. Hall, col - - 26 00 Schairc-r & Milieu, supplies 1 50 H.L). Edwards, & Co supplies 12 B0 %. J. Millcr. suppliea .- 4 80 8. Wond & Co., lumbar 15 U9 Hutzel & Co., supplies - 1 48 I). G. Gates, buryintr dog 50 Beakes c Hamuiond, publishing counoil inoceedinifs - 16 72 Arthur J. Kitson, work in vaulte, etc. 31 00 A. A. Gas Co., 6 mo's gas bilis Wi 95 The Ann Arbor Tliomps m-Houston Electric Co., streel lichting - 646 97 The Ann Arbor Tliouipsoii-Houston Electric Co., office lichting 8 07 Wm. Herz, slass, 6 ward eng. house... 95 Total Í1 220 06 SKWEK ÍTJND. Farmers .V Meehanics Bank. account asquee! as follows: Daniel Flynn, labor 9 52 Gottlieb Luebke, labor 6 HO Herman Bucholz, labor 9 87 Micha1! Hiiizmann, labor l." !IT Adolph Fenkbeiner, labor IS 29 Lewrenee ftughes. labor 21 W) Oscar Sehrader, labor... 7 42 Willmm Erdmann, labor 10 05 William Kretlow, labor 7 35 Wm Burns, labor 3 15 Charles Bart, labor 20 81 Chas. Stai-ks. labor 10 87 William Kayuska. labor 12 07 .lulius Kouter, labor 10 12 -4if!UBt Jalir, labor H if John Burns, labor 2 77 Gottfiied Si'huon, labor 7 42 Uermnu Zolz. labor... 7 42 Citarles Bucliolz. labor B 00 Walter Kogers. labor ti 00 Wm. Stoll, labor 7 65 William Enkemanu, labor... 9 00 Nicbolas llindeiloiifí, labor, S 40 l'atrick Reed, labor 7 42 Hiram Kitreajce, Sr., labor. .. 1S0 John Kyan, labor 75 Kniest Gutekunst, labor ij :J7 Frank Ulrich, labor 5 40 Charles Hausen. labor 7 42 Jacob Basler, labor 10 57 Theo. Beichenecker, labor.... ;i ;0 August Rehnke, labor 4 05 Aujrust Boehnke, labor 14 32 ïheobold Mai-t.ini, labor 3 30 Adolpli Wei nier, labor 5 40 Joseph Clinton, labor ( 05 Christiau Dieterle, labor l 06 ('luist. Hein.mann, labor..,. 4 (fí Peter Eg-enolf, labor - ti 00 Johnat.han l)r:ike, labor 7 57 Barney Langen, lanor 5 in Charles Haas, labor 12 23 Gottfiied Gaiser. labor 12 60 Gottlieb Kugarth, labor U 37 Total --. 365 81 366 SI State Savlnga BanK, uccouuu)usiíThta them as follow.s: William Miley, Jabor r, -,:, John Jahke, labor 7 96 Micliael Schaible, labor 16 57 Harry O'Grady, labor 15 5 J)an. Morrlson labor 13 64 John Zebbs, labor li 85 Prert Uaarer, labor Vi 75 Joseph Kirby, labor-.. !MJ l'aul Tessmer, labor B 45 August Jahnke, latwjr a 66 Gottlieb Kugath, labor ti 40 Charles Hausen, labor 8 30 MartimAdamseheck, labor. .. 9 15 PhlHp Gausa, labor 10 42 Total $ 130 lü 130 12 Aun Arbor Savings Bank, accounts assigaed them as follows: John Taylor. labor 1 50 t'. K.Hacuser, labor 4 05 Julius N'iniz. labor 6 CO Paul Qabler, labor . . 4 o Mathew Schnerley, labor .... 5 74 L-vis Kubler. lubor 4 20 Christlan Delteiie, abor 7 ::o Michael Kcnnv, labor . 5 4ii Albert Marsh, 'lauor .. 1 til Saiuuel irslrubaoti, Labor.... 1 05 Bdward Hun], labor 3 70 AiiL'iitt DupsJoff, labor , íi 40 OhasLobrke, labor 60 Jftoob FranK, labor 4 05 HenryOltMoier, labor i 0" Harry Banks, labor (il Tbeobald Bartlal. labor R 10 Williain Mlley.lubor.... 6 (7 ErneBt Gutekuhst, labor 1 sr John Fl run. labor 1 35 Lewis Sp'iu lrti n. labor . 5 ó Hal i ib Hu-U?. [boi 2 70 Chas Burholz, labor o s7 Chri tian Jetter, labor T 6u .lohn Jlillcr, iHlKir ' 7Í Eü. Miller, labor 8 62 l. J. Ingiills, labor 135 August Jahr. labor 7 42 W A. Hintz, labor 4 V Wm. LookiT, labor 2 7" Itichaml Looker, labor 7 42 Williarn Enkeman. labor 6 07 Lewis Waltz, labor á 30 Hiram Kitrudge, labor 6(10 Frecl Cljicb. labor 1 S fi Frank Ulrlch. labor -- 7 &o Charles Brash, labor.. 15 97 Willian) Biitl. labor 8 61 ArthurM. ( arroli. labor 4 85 Douglas Bycraft, labor 6 90 John Kockol. inbor 10 80 ! W. J. Winkham, labor 7 42 Michael White, labor. 7 3 Cari JouousUe, labor ;( o0 rilarles Long, labor.. 9 37 Barney Langier, labor 4 tui Wm. Kietlow, labor 6 45 Amrnch IVi)Miol l'.il-it 1"J Sin I Harry Kauske, labor 4 20 ('liarle Schivpper. labor 3 45 PatrlckEeid, labor 5 70 Edwnrd Schwab, labor 180 Jonathan Di-ake, labor 7 80 Wüllam Plaske, labor.. 8 66 Fred Lcbumacher, labor l 35 August Hautit labor 2 00 P. U. Rokers, labor 2 7u Walter Kogere, labor 185 John Kobisou. labor 2 70 Albert Kline, labor 6 83 Otto Kline, labor 70 Christopher Oomlskle, labor, 8 62 Mlcbael Wfloli, labor H 55 Albert Steffln, labor lí 83 foseph Klrby, labor lo 12 Ui" nmn Scheve, labor IB 50 Hai'iy Garland, labor 16 72 l'nuik Dugdale, labor 735 P h i 1 i p Lea ver, la bor 15 7(( Frank Sehultz, labor 7 42 jOttllet) Sohnelder, labor 7 42 Valentino. Ailgeyer, labor... 8 77 lulluBSchuItz, labor 10 87 Geo. Bberwain, labor lo ru Geo. Lavere, labor 14 85 JohnMoAurther. labor 0 52 Charles Colfi. labor 18 12 Joseph Gleoser, labor 15 90 Miclmel Kusterer, labor 11 40 ■J0I111 Kyuii. labor (i 75 Leonard Blake, labor í) 75 Charles Schneider, labor 4 80 August Arndt, labor ',fí 0K Christian Larmie, labor 17 25 Antón Otto, labor 13 42 AuKust Herman, labor 75 Frank Cosfrrove, labor (i 00 Jacob Bosler, labor 7 35 Charles Weier, labor 15 90 Pred Wolí, labor 7 50 Julius Weinmaun, labor (45 William Erdman, labor 8 40 Fred Heinta, labor 17 17 Charles Kaab, labor. S 65 Willinm Kaab, labor. 7 60 August Tessmer, labor 6 07 Albert Zamke, labor 15 15 Paul Tesamer, labor.. 7 35 Charles Sager, labor ._ 15 y;1 Bernard Mast, labor 12 74 Goitlieb Finkbeiner, labor.. 7 E5 artin Adenschank, labor... 7 42 James Wilcox, labor 7 95 Gottlieb Waltere, labor n 47 Charles Hausen. labor 2 7it Heruiau Zulz, laor 4 o Jacob Maurer. labor 13 (0 Gottfried ebuon, labor 6 45 Jamos Parsona. labor 4 5 Robert Leoiiaad, labor 10 35 Geo. Masou. labor 12 67 Adolph Walter, labor 11 40 Michael Williams, labor 12 36 Adolph Bethke, labor 13 57 John Gross... 11 62 I Emil Kahr 14 4t I Clyde Haywood 4 65 j William Stoll 5 25 Edward Jacobus 10 57 OscarSchrader 8 25 Conrad Lehman 9 52 John Taylor 14 92 David Taylor 8 5. Christopher Bonirre 14 17 John Cairn 7 79 Charles Gloeser 4 05 Juliue Betke I 53 Daniel Flynn 13 19 Thomas Clarkcn 13 5U Christian Allmendinger 13 87 Frank Rothenbuecher 13 57 Clristiau Walz 8 50 August Molkenentliien 15 67 John Holk 11 40 Jefferson Lewis 5 40 K:irl Poeptle 13 12 Chrlstine Carey. 28 meáis, January 28 7 00 Patrick AlcCabe _.. 16 72 Albert Sehoemtn 20 47 ",'harles Colegrove 9 15 Williatn Colesrovc. 10 65 Jacob Moegle 16 57 íarry Brahiri 21 81 iert Bailey 15 82 Charles Walker 15 41 Michael Herey 18 82 lames MuNabb 1162 'ohn Burns 1177 ohn Dowus a 9t) ohn V. Groes 15 67 íobert Stoll 8 10 Charles Winkle.. 21 60 George Sclilemmer 540 Jeorge Fischer 17 47 'eter Hindcrlojig 15 22Villiam Howard 1591 Sficholas Hinderlong 6 75 Alexander Schlup 18 15 ireurge líoeitger rj do Daniel Crawsord, horsu and cart 15 12 The S, T.Jacobs Co., accounts ttaem as í'o'lowe: Edward Millor, labor. .$6 75 David Taylor 735 Willjam Knkemann 5 70 19 80 Ernest Gutekuuet, labor 4 65 Nelsou butherland, salary... fltí (íg Geo. F. Key, salary. edgineer 150 UÜ Michigan Central Kailroad, freight on gewer pipe ]0U 80 T., A. A. &N. M. K. K. Co., (reighton sewer pipe 'M orj H. D. Kdward i ('o., rubber mitten.s 4 85 Finnegan ifc Richards, wood.. 4 50 Wnv L, Krank, meáis served at the time oí accident,J;ui. lst, 1894 ao 00 O. M. Martin, two easkets and furnisbings 135 98 LuickBros., supplies 2 !)ü Schairer & Millen, supplies.. 63 John Goeiz & Son, pails 1 23 G.Hoeffer, oil IB VVurster & Kirn,;blacksmit))Ingr- 42 58 James Tolbert, luraber and sewer pipi. 232 61 Hutzel &C'o., supplies 6 10 S. Wood & Co., lumberand Bewer pije 97 87 P. L. Bouuicr, lumlíer 7ü 12 Essllneer & Hro , blacksmithinj? 40 Dean & Co., supplies 7 55 Mrs. John Walker, 12 meáis.. 3 00 C. E. Godfrey, draying 39 1", Heinzmann be Lfaubenuaver. lBbaleshay 8 00 Schuil & Muehlig, supplies.. 35 00 Hiram Kitredge labor J 35 John Nowland, labor 18 93 ' Frank Sutherland, labor 30 71 Fred Hintz, labor 2 10 William Herz, sign boards... 2 00 Charles Cottingham, assistant egineer 105 60 J. W. Robison & Co., horse hire.: 1 50 Fred .Sipley, expenses to Detroit i 85 Georgo H. l'ond, expenses to Toledo, deliveclng bonds.. 4 00 Total $3,21U 66 BUIIMJB, Cüf.VEKT AND CROSSWAK FCND. Aiui.Arbor tiavings Bank. accounts asslgnedthem as follows: WUliam Kuehu. labor $1065 Willis Clark .' 15 75 Jacob Moegle 6 60 E. K. White 175 John Kobison, now plowing.... 150 $36 25 George Sclilimmer, snow plowing 3 00 1 Julins Veinberg, snow plowing 1 50 ,1. L. 8mith, snow plowing 1 5u Thomas Hannon, snow plowing 150 Martin Nagle, snow plowing 150 ] Michael Herey, snow plowing :j 00 Bcnnett French, snow plowing 3 00 Fred Bartlett, snow plowing : 00 Elias Siidler, snow plowing e 00 lohn McHugh, snow plowing and (eaming -15 90 John Roblsoil, snow piowiDg 1 50 Michnol Williams, iabor... 1 'v Frea Kdko, labor ..'."" 8 65 Gottïeib Fonkbeiner. laoor 00 William Kuohn. labor.. 11 R2 John Holk. labor j 35 Charles OJloeser, labor .... 375 Nelaon Sntherland, hor.-e and eart 13 25 P. 0. Bodmer, lumber 1 (7 S WoocKtco, lumber 448 James Toltïei-t. lumbe1" 4077 Esöltnger Bros . blaelfstnithing _. 2 00 Tot 1 f $14 ;jï STKJiKT KUNI). Sames '(i. Burohflekl. sidewalks $ 108 25 WagnexiS Hiermann, tliarpenlng mower g ijrg Hulzél & Co., supplles ! 22 35 Total $ 1;34 j5 WAT! lï FUND. Aun Arbnr Water Co. hydranr. ptpe. OtiC .... ...... . _ ÍO r Wm.7Ii-tcher.laTx .'.'. 1 V, Wm. Qletcber, labor -..'.".".".' tí yo Tt;ii rsFsö POL1CK IfITNl. cliailes Wheeler, sslary m Unvia Collins. ealury rji . Ntiolc C. 3 100, salary 50 00 Willi.m G. Smow, horse hire 't 00 Tota! - ..... 167 00 POOK FÜNU. Fred Slpley, aiftry $ q 00 Reinzmaun &Laubensayer, wood s, sü C R. Kelly, wood ; jñ Edward Duffy, groceries " iÖ 55 Jdhu );iseie, groecries J4 ( Mrs. Anu Evans, aid 5 nu Eberbaoh Drug Co., medicine " 75 Doty & Felner, shoes j do John ijoetz .Ti' , groceries 7 -,4 L. GniTier, Shoes ["'_ (),) John Goetz & Son, groeerios _.[ (# (■ivossmann & Schlom-er. stove " 14 UU William F, Lodholz. groceries 8 84 William H. Molntyre, trroceries ." -'o D'i O'Hiii'a &Boy]e, rocprios ïo 84 Caspar Rmsey, jrroceries j.f $2 Louis Kohiki, coal ja 25 Kinsoy & Seabolt, gxoeeries... -m 90 W, D. Vogel, meat- U V. K. Stimson, grocerles 10 V C. w. VÖèel, meat """" 5 K Clmrles Zirn, meat 5 (g Total S 297 f F1RE DEPAHTME.NT FL'ND. Pred Sipley, salary $ 60 00 (... A. ivdwards, salary fiö 00 Henry McLaren, salary joon Louis Hoelie, salary ' 60 du Max Wittlinjrer, salary " so 00 Alben West, salary "" 45 0() Herman Kirn, salary 400e Eugene Williams, salary 4(1 yö John Kenny, salary ,j qq Sam McLaren, salary " g ny Wm. Hettich, salary s 00 Edward Hoelzle, salary 8 00 William L. Schnierle, salary Jo Mrs. B. Reani, wasbing: s 00 Fred (Miapin, hay ](j 4, D. Hiscoek & Sou, coal i 9fi E. O. Hall, coal I...I.""" 6 60 Hutzel & Co , supplies eg-, tieorge W. Sweet, corn ; yi) Hutzel &Co., supplies '.!'.'.'.'. V, 6" William Herz, paint supplios, etc. 18 j's Drs. Smith, Kapp and Breakey, medical services to Frank Kappand Chas Oarroll, July X to Sept 1 250 00 Dr. J. A. Boylan, medical services in aosence or attendmg physiciau 8 OC Total $ 75] 90 KKCAPITULAT1ON. Contingent Fuud $ () fg Sewer Fund ." " ;j'2ïo h) Bridge, Culvert aud Crosswalk Fuñcí. 'ÏP4 ''1 Street Fund 534 35 (Water Fund '."II".'. 88 811 roliof tund ïfir rwi Total s 6,081 Resj)ectfully subtnitted. Walter L. Taylok, Frank Wood, William Hkkz, Einance Committee. AM. Mamly moved that the report be aceeptd and adopted a.nd warraaits ordered drawn for the sums stated therein, except the bill.s in water fund. Adopted as follows : Xeas- Aids. Sclwiirer, Herz, Martin. Snow, Wood, O'Mara, Ferguson, Taylor, Prettymaai, Kitsan- 11. Nays- None. Aid. Martin moved tliat the bilis reported by filiance committee in the water tand, be reeoimnitted to the fiiiance committee. ■ ■1.1 t, 1, V V Í JrX lili L %S'S Vs Adopted. Aid. Taylor moved tlxat Uie Wil of Clay G reene for $72.91 for office rent two and one-half montlis be allowed and warrant drawn for sum stated. Aid. M&nly moved tliat Aid. Taylor be tillowed to withdraw his motion. Adopted. Akl. ïaylor, ehnirmaii of tinanoe committee, reported the bill of Clay G reene few 2 1-2 montha rent for the city offices, $72.91 without recoinniendatioai. Aid. Herz. eliairman of lighting committee. made a verbal report on the Hfghting question, eubmitting the matter of lighting the city for the balance of the year without recornmcndatioai. REPOET OF IW.M) COMMITTEE. Aid. Miartdm, oí the bond committee, reported that the committee have exexamiaied the following bonds of litiuor dealers, and would recomnieiid their acceptance with the sureties namel : Principal- Add. Ooilum. Sureties - Wesley Hicks, Jacob Polhemus. Principal- Gottlíeb Knapp. Sure1 íes - Mntthew Fischer, Adolph Keniper. Accepted and recommandatton concnrred in. EBPOETS OF CITY OKFIIECs. The jiKMithly reporte of the city clerk, city treasurer, poor superintendent and marshal wre read and iM-dcred filcd. CITY TUEASURER'S KEPOKT FOR TITifi MONTH END1NG JAN. 31, 1894. T the Common C'ouncü nf the City of Ann Arbor: Balance on hand as per last report 823,820.13 MONEY KKCEIVED. Contingent Fuiid- W. J. Miller, licences 2.00 Street Fund- Sutherland, stonc sold 7.62 City Cemetery Funrt - EliS. Manly lotssold 40.00 Sewer Fuud- Bonds uold und interest 17,0slt. 17 N. Sutherland, stone sold.. 4.0U " by time error :.4,") Bridg-c, Culvert and Crosswalk Fuad - Br transfer froni Bewer í'd 5,000.00 Total.: $ 22,148.74 $45,905.87 r c " ■ MONKV DISHITRSHD. Conti Qsreut HSmd 51,012 44 Street Kuud 17 81 Fi remen 's Kuud , 507.21 PolioO Fund lör.flo Poorbuud lis (je, Water Fund 8,816 00 (iometery !''und..: 156 Bndxo, Oulvert a:id Oo.sswn] k _ -v ïHi.n Sewer Fund 1337012 Soldiers' Relief KuaJ ' gü'.OO 18 36Í.7V Total on liand $27,602.10 11 si. i NOU ON II AND. Conti ng-ent Pu ud 82,767 23 Strot t PuüÖ 690.Ü7 ïtreuieu'8 Kimd 4 ñ0 w Poüoc t'und 1.884.Í7 Pooi-rur.d 93ÜIJ.J Water t'uiid 2,ö7O,45 Cemetery i'un1 2B(i au Soldiv.i'8' Helu'l Fund.. 775 ;; Univi.'ii1y IliiSjiitiil Aid Uumi Fuud 4,-(MMln HeliDqueut Tax b'uud ' Be! Sejver Pund.. ll.dHu.w Uridíe, (Julveit nnd Crosswalk Fuhd, Ö.TO'i.ffl Do? Tax Fund JOO.uO SS7, nii.ii! tncolléctedcitytax... '.i.öli.sii & "" tl(Y ii"i aLÜUxescollected s!'o.'27 Pa kil,. Oranor. Tr?as , School Disf .S"'6T' iW 1-- - w.non.oc Total o,i hand Í 7. ,677.8? RespectfuHysubraitted, ÜEO. II. POXD, Citv Treasurer. Aun Arbór Savings Bank, i Ann Arbor, Mich., Feo. 1, 1898! f TOt-boi--mI"0!' CouacU of the Ci!y of Aun Pond has on depositto hls orédltas City Treasurer th. uum oí Serenty Thoueand, Three Hr i'-,V'"u;-Seven y-wren and 87-lo DolCHA. E. HfSCOCK, Cashier. Poot Supei-iiutendcnt Sipley reporteil the faUowing expen'dlitures during the month oí January : ls( ward, $20.40 : .21 ward, $?1.96 ; 8d ward, $131.82 ; 4th ward, $89.22 ; 5th ward, $57.9á; 6th wai-d, $16.36. Chiei oí Poliee Whetler reported four aiTests durtmg the moiitii as foilows: dnmk, one ; violating city ordinance, two; assault and battery, one. UNFINLSUED BUSINESS. The cliaür stated that the petitioo Ot the Ann & Ypsilanti St. K'y Co., wtolch ivas prcáeiited at the spespe-jial meetimg ofJajiuary 30th, asking permissio-n to rnn eteam motor to the Wi'.üani street switch, was befoi-e the couneifl for lts cousideratioii. Aid. O'Mara moved that the ter be laid 011 the table. Adopted. SIOTIOK8 AND RESOLUTIOXS. By AM. Ferguson : Resolved, That the bill of Clay Greeme for $7.91 for tw.o and onehali mouths rent be allowed and warrant ordered drawn for the same. Lost, a majority ol the aldermen clfi-t not voting therefor, as follows : Yeas- Aids. Hierz, Önow, Wood, Fergu.son, O'Mara. Manly- 6. Nay- AMs. ticliairer, Jlartin, Trettyman. .Taylor, Kltson- 5. By Aid. ,Soiow : Kesolved, That the üum oí $18 be appropriated fi-oiu the pólice fünd to pay Chrfetian Brennr for services as special policeman under his late appo-mtment by the mayor. Adopted as follows : Yeas- Aids. Bchairer, Herz, Jlarlin, Snow, Wood, O'Mara, Ferguson, Taytor, Miunly, Prettyman, Kitson- 11. Nays- None. 13y Aid. Kitsom : Kesolved, That thé city engiiieer be and Ib horeby imstructed toi present to. tlms couneil, at its next regular meeting, speelficatiome of materia and quanttties at' líame, to be usec i'ii the coustrution of artifiecial stone wa'lks. Adopted. By Aid. Manly : Whereas, The building cm the sewers the management oif the Iioari of Publi'c Works, aud tlie assorting examhiing and placlng in proper filèi valuable paj)ers belouigiuig to the city, has dimpoised upon the city clerk, a large timoiunt oí extra work, therefore be vt Beslved, That the city clerk le and is hereby iustructed to examine saíd papers, lile and place them where they can bc examined by the citizens, keepiiifg accoouit of the time expended in suoh work tliat a proper compcnsatiom may be allowed therefor. Adopted as folio ws : Yeas - Aids. Hchairer, Herz, Martin, Snow, Wood, O'Mara, Fergnison, Taytor, JLanly, Prettyman, Kltson - 11. Nays - None. By Aid. Wood : Resolved, That the HghtiiiK eommittee be requested to make the follovving propositions to the A. A. Electric Dight Co., ligliting tlie city of Ann Arbör ïroom February lst 'i)4 to Pebruary lst '95 via. $." a light per year mooulight schedule, or $81 a l'ight per year, all rulght and every every njght. Adopted as follows : Yea- Aids. Hchairer, Hcrz, Martwi, Show, Wood, O'Mara, Fer.tru.son, Tayl'Or, Manly, Prettyman, Kitson - 11. Nays- None. On motion tlue council adiourned. City Clark.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News