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Cannot Say Enough I R Praise of Hood's "C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass.: "Gentlemen: - I feel that I cannot write words which will speak highly enough of Hood's Sarsaparilla. I can tell my friends what it did íor me a good deal better than I can writa it. I5ut I will simply state that it cured me of a very severe case of catarrh after tlie physicians failed to help me. It also cured my husband of rheumatism of serlous nature a year ago. Four bottles of Hood's Sarsaparilla effected A Perfect Cure Ín his case. I think Hood's Sarsaparilla is the best spring medicine that can be found. We have useil it in our family nve years, and would not do without it. I ara very thankful to yon Hood's? Cures for tlie blessing this medicine has been to us. Every bottle is wortli its weight in gnld." MB8. J. II. Guiñan, ÍÍ70 Wabash Ave., Detroit, Mich. Hood'3 Piíis are prompt and efficiënt, yet easy in action. Sold by all druggists. 25c. Michigan (Tentrai " The Niágara Falls Route." Ï1MJE TABLB (Etyisect) N0VEMBBB.19 m-'i CENTRA I, STANDARD TIMS. Ö I i & Ti " FT ;íiric 'x'O ■ : te o - Qo i tO ( rs ; .i o M i-h L ■ 1O :C ..: O i (M O - i 0 'LS :ss;E3 : o ! ; &]! i "B3 'ñSS T: : = K " I" a i te ; ; = a - 5S5S iSSSg g SSSS : i :SS -i I ;co=ota=o jO!C=o2 i ! - t. & SS Ë: -:i";a .5 ai & s te ; g . p, es Se; saafgJSüggg : ÍS8íSSS8gSSS 3 L ; ■ : ; ;ts Tí = p ■ ■ c j - ■ ■ . ; . -- .-a h sa. ' ' ; : & m ?S i ;S5 i .'SS S8 :■-:■" i : :38 ö I i M i II I l! i ; i i i I i, " : : :=3a : = z ; o : : :=.s S II i i i ias Si as : ; : . a h 53 : i :g :h?Sí - 8U ss : : gS Ss o- . :o . ,-_ _ 1 53" !"'■" ! ' 'oclïl iTTil Ti JilF - "" 1 ?SS88SSL8 i 1 I llsSSSSctsl ! & ' : i ' ! ii u : : : ; ; , ; : " i i i j i ÍSii s ca :3 i : i 1 líillijp liiltóliii O.W. RUQGLES, U. W HAYÜS G. P. & T. Aifent, Chieacro. Ap't Ann A or. AnnarboR (? AND [] J J NORTH MICHIGAN) RAILWAY. L-J - '-J % : - Ibowc . Jbaycity ' fyZ Sri i .-■ J MJiii'"1. ■ L !■■ "íí"- -S TIME TAB1.IS IN EFFECT NOVEMBER 5, 1893. Trains Leave Ann Albor, NORTH. SOUTH. 7:15 a. m. 7:15a. m. ]2:15p. m, 11:30 1. m. 4:15 p.m. !):00 p. m. Traius run between Ann Arborand Toledo only. W.H. BENNETT, R. S. GREKNWOOD, G. P. A., Toledo Ohio. Agent. IMPORTANT TO ADVEKTISERS. The cream of the country papera is found in Kemington's County Seat Lists. Shrewd advertisera avail themselv'és of these lista, a copy of which can be had of Remington Bros., of New York & Pittsburg. FOR FINE SOAPS And rich and Perfumes we are able to offer lor your inspection an exceptionally large and elegant stock. Soaps made from common fats or rosin are not flt for toilet purposes- be sure and by a pure soap at our drug store. Our perfumes we guarantee the best. MAM BROS., Druggists, 39 S. Main St. - ANN ABBOR


Ann Arbor Argus
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