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tothe business man, the lawyer, the phyicían, the clergymar,, the teacher, the pojítician, and, in short, to every one who ís mterested ín affairs which concern the Amencan public arel who wishes to keep fuHy abreast of the times, is THE Iu iimí Beto, Every subject of importanee is dealt wiifi in ils pages - impartialiy, on Inth sides- a the veiy time when the course of event brings it to the front, and by tïiVvery men r wonu-n whose opinions aie most valued The Review does not hesitale at the most liberal expenditure in order to secure nrticiei fi-iim the highest authorities. lts list f coi ■ trihulois forms a roll of the reprsentative men and wonien of the age. Thk Nortii American Rkvjkw s the moft widely read magazine of iis class in the World, being neither scholastic nor technical, but popular and practical in ils tre;rment of all topics. The Nokth Amkrican Review is tUe only periódica] of iis kind whieh has a recognized place as A FAMILY MAGAZINE This is because it devotes much attention i subjects that are oí particular interest ;■ vvomtn. No other peiiociical :n the world can poii t to such a succession of distinguished writei , as have contributed to the REVIEW during the past fouryears. The list embraces Americah and British C'abinet Ministers; United States Senators and Repiesentatives; Governors of Si ates; Anierican Ministers abroad; Foreign Ministers to the United States; Judges of iW Supreitie ( ourt; Kcclesiastical dignitariesaini emincni theologians of eveiy denominatiot officers of the Army and Navy; famous phy siciiins and scientists; aud in general men arut wonien whose names are household words tliroughout the Engli-.h-speaking world. Published Monthly. $5.00 a Year. THE NORJH AMERICAN REViE'á 3 EAST 14TH STREET, NEW YORK. l'iuil Jamiary Sist, 1894, ite Wlllfuruish the Korth Amerteam Iterteic and the A Rti VS 'or $4.OO per Year in tttlvatice. Braja jiríN1 % H A year:s subscription to Sckikner's Magazine wil] bring into your honie twelvtmonthly nurnbers, aggiegatin over 1.500 pages of the best and most inUesting reading, and more than 7oobeauliful ülustration. Annouucemeiits. GeorpreW. Cable will besin in theJanuary nurnber a romance entitlurl "JciIid Marfh Southerner." Two othor important seriáis heve boen enaod: J. M. Barrie. author of tbc famoii-, "Little Mjnister," lias written a new nove) 1 lio fli'st since that i'amous story. Georgre Meredith,.theffroat Kng-üsli Dovelist, has in preparatfou a novel outitlc-d '-Tlie AmasiDg Marriage." SHORT STORIES will beabundant. W. D. Howells, Miss Elliot, W.H. Bishop Ludovic Halevy, Paul Bourget, Joel Chandler Httrrls and many new writers will contribute. STUDIES OF AMERICAN LIFE will bPan important feature, iocludingr Newport, Ba r Harbor, Lenox, etc, and the Vest. THE ILLUSTRATIONS will be even mor mimerous and beautiful than ever. A feries of Frontispieces chosen by Philip Gilbert Hamerton will be eapeetally notable. SPECIAL OFFFR The numbers OrCUIHL Umin. for i893,and a subscription for 1894, - S4.5C The same, with back numbers bound in cloth, - ... 600 Complete Prospectus sent on request. Sample Copy 10 Cents. CHARLES SCRIBNER'S SONS. 743 Broadway.New York. It i.s manan nature to wout sometfivrig Pnothtncj. SIL VERWARE GIM AIAY FEEE - AT - W. F. Lodholz Grocery Store, 4 and 6 Broadway. Ihis is the way it is done: With every Cash Saje, whether it be ten cents o: fifty dollars we give you a coupon showinj the amount purchased, and when you have bought groceries or any goods n our line to the amount of Forty Dollars, Korty-five Dollars or Pifty Dollars YOU CAN HAYE YOUR CHOICEof theTWENTY BEAUTIFÜL PIECES OF SILVERWARE. such as Sugar Bowls, Spoon Holder, Cream, Fruit. Caster, Berry, Pickle, Butter Dishes, etc. CALL AND EXAMINE. Remember JEverything in the GBOCERT LINE Sold Cheapfnr Cash. W. P. LODHOLZ 4 and 6 Broadway MARTIN & FISCHER. PROPHIBTORS OF THE WESTERN BKEWEBÏ, ANN ARBOK, MICHBrewers of Pure Lager Beer.


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