Cleaning Up
We have been having a general "clean up" in S our stock tlie past month. In Pianos we have H; a few more odd ones yet to go. H JSspecially Ü Two Boardman & Gray brand new Uprights - 3 öne each Walnut aud Mahogany - three pedáis, :5 latest styles and improvements. We do not intend to carry this make of instrument and will sell them ÏWENTY per cent below regu5 lar spot cash pripe. Everyone knows that the 3 "matchless"' Boardman & Gray is first class in i3 every respect. We mean jnst what we say about 3 closing tliem out. Here are TWO bargains for 5" some one. 5 SOLÉ AGENTS: CHICKERING BROS. 5 MEHLIH PIANOS ERIE ' 3 BRAUMÜLLER =3 üiiüiiiiiiiüiaiüiiiüüüüiüuaiüüiüiüiUiUiiüiyüiüiiu
Ann Arbor Argus
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