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Death Of A Pioneer

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On last Thursday evening occurred the death of Mr. Daniel E. Wines, father of Prof. Levi D. Wines, of the Arm Árbor high school. Mr. Wines was a native of Connecticut, having been born at Canterbury, Windham county, in 1812. He was, therefore, at the time of his death in his eighty-third year. He carne to Michigan with his parents in 1837 an settled in Ann Arbor. In the years immediately following I he was a witness of the growth and rapid development of this part of the then new state of Michigan. It was no uncommon thing for him in those days to start out and walk to Detroit. He was twice married, first to Miss Anna Maria Baker, daughter of Abraham Baker, of South Hampton, Longlsiand. Mrs. Wines died in 1850, leaving two sons, Charles A. and Abraham. His second wife was Mrs. Fhoebe Douglas, who bore him twochildren, Levi D., of this city, and Anna, now Mrs. Hale, of Detroit. Mrs. Wines, Abraham, Levi D., and Mrs. Anna Wines Hale survive him. Mr. Wines was a contractor and builder.and ranked high in his vocation. Many of the finest residences of Ann Arbor are monuments of his skill and workmanship. Iu all the relations of lire he was known as an upright, honorable man, and he leaves behind a large circle of friends who will sympathize with bis family in their bereavment. Mr. Wines' death occurred at the home of his son on South State Street. The funeral was held from his son's. residence at 2:30 o'clock, Saturday afternoon.