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Adolph Spring spent Sunday in Detroit. J. D. Willitt, of Flint, was in the city, Friday. L. C. Noble returned from Chicago Saturday. C. B. Munger, of Toledo, was in the city, Friday. Frederick Schmid was in Manchester yesterday. L. C. Noble returned from Chicago Saturday evening. J. H. Birgee, of Mishawaka,Ind., was in the city, Saturday. I D. B. Taylor, Esq., of Chclsea, vas in the city yesterday. City Engineer Key and íaniily ípent Sunday in Ypsilanü. Chas. Graser, of West B,ay City, was ui Ann Arbor, Kriday. Mrs. John H. Grant,of Manistee, s visiting Mrs. J. E. Beal. F. Hirsheimer, of Cleveland, O., was in Ann Arbor, John Costello, postmaster of Dexter, was in. the cuy, Friday. Newton McMillan, of Chicago, was in the city over Sunday. Dr. and Mrs. F. H. Brown gave a reception on Friday evening. Mr. E. L. McAllaster, of Detroit, is visiting Mrs. H. M. Tabor. James Corrigan and son, of Traverse City, are in the city. D. C. Goodspeed returned hora Richmond, Indiana, Saturday. Matt A. J. Gilmore, of Ypsilanti, was in the city Fridav evening. Martin and Peter Bufka, of Manistee, are in the city on business. Mr. and Mrs. George Vandawarker returned from New Hudson. D. C. Goodspeed left Sunday for Rochester, N. Y., on business. M. A. Reynolds, of Lansing, was in Ann Albor Friday, on business. P. O. Frick, of Philadelphia, was in Ann Arbor yesterday prospecting. John F. Lawrence, Ësq., has returned from New York City and Boston. E. H. Townsend, of Chicago, was in the city Friday, to see Henry Richards. NicholasBirdinger, of Cincinnati, O., was registered at the Germania, esterday. Mrs. C. A. Gilbert and daughter, f Glenn Falls, N. Y., is vis'ting Mrs. C. K. McGee. Ex. Gov. Luce visited Col. H. S. Dean, while in the city and returned o Gilead yesterday. G. T. Gruber, of Rochester, N. Y., formerly a merchant hete, was in the city, Saturday. Aid. and Mrs. Christian .Martin were surprised by a large party of friends, Friday evening. John P. Nelson, of Toledo, Ohio, attended the funeral of his sister-inlaw, Mrs. James Nelson. C. J. Beatty, one of the prominent lawyers of Saginaw, wasin Ann Arbor, Friday, on business. George Kelly, Michigan Central engineer, of Detroit, has been visiting his brother-in-law, A. R. Peterson. Fred Besimer, Jos. Parker and John Heintzmann have been spending some days at Strawberry lake fishing. Clinton DeWitt, of Columbus, Ohio, on Saturday joined his wife, who is visiting her father, John Andrés. Herman L. Barrie, of Detroit, formerlv a student in the university, ■vas in Ann Arbor, visiting friends Bunday. S. L. Stanley, of Buffalo, N. V., was in the city securing agents to handle a pide line for dressmakers and milliners. Harvey Holmes, of Washington, D. C, w.ho has been visiting his brother, Ai H. Holmes, returned home Monday. A. C. Marshall, of Corruna, Mich., is looking over our city, with a view to purchasing property and removing here. Mrs. L. Perkins, of Kansas City, vvho has been visiting Win. P. Baillie, of 18 South Thayer street, returned home yesterday. Master Clyde Elliott, the boy solo singer, of Owosso, spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Elliott, of 86 South Main street. Mrs. Julius Ziegler, mother of Mrs. VV. K. Frank, of the Germaina, returned from a week's visit to Detroit and Plymouth, Saturday evening.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News