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The annual election of the S. C. . will be held March 28. At a meeting of the Canadian club t'riday night the following officers ,vere elected for the ensuing term: President, H. C. Walters; vicepresident, Mrs. J. E. Pettigrew; secretary, G. R. Stone; marshall, J. R. LeTouzel. Prof. Lockhart will offer a series of lectures on Methods of Christian Work in the Bible Chair and S. C. A. course in Newberry hall, beginning Wednesday, Feb. 21, at 3 p. m., continuing with one lecture a week until April ist. The members of the class of Ninety-three and the many friends of the deceased will be paineda to learn of the sad death of Miss Lucy S. Andrews, in Durango, Colorado. The death of MissjAndrews was sudden, being caused by pneumonĂ­a. She has been teaching in Colorado since last September. Miss Andrews was a most estimable young lady and had scores of friends in the University, who will mourn her loss.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News