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An Easy Mark

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A woman's poker club flonrishes íd I ne of the anburbs of Cincinnati. They say that a cold, unfeeling man froin an eastem city, where artistic poker flonrishes as a'greeu bay tree. wemled his way to this same snburb one day. He had simply goue to cali on a friend of his mother. The lady was not at home, bat nest door, the servant informed hirn. Innocently and as tree from guile as a commercial traveler, he made his way to the neighboring house and asked for Mre. . He was admitted and fonnd the edncational circle in deep stndy. He was invited and feil. Who can resist feiniuine wiles and poker? He sat down and gave the ladies sonie highly vahiable information, which cost thfiin inHt S60. Then he rose up with the conscious prido of a man who has not lived in vain and lett them lainenting. Cold and aníeeling man ! He left them in the hole and songht the city. where ho bonght and sent to a friend a handsome present. He said that that game was the sof test snap in the universal hemisphere. which shows that after all woiuan's sphere is not a nlete circle. -


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News