The Postmaster's Subterfuge
"Olie of the most pathetic scènes tbat ever oarpe under my observation, " said a sontherner; "was at a conntry store on the Big Saudy river in West Virginia. I was there as a special posto!-! fice inspector and was sitting in the store one bitterly cold uight. A feeble old woniau, wearinf a thïn calicó dresa and a íaded snnbonn,et, carne in tinndly, j as if fearing bad ne'ws. ' I don't reckon you ain'tgot nothin forme.' she saiu to the storekeeper. 'Yes; I'vegot a letter, " and the old wpman clntched it to ber bosoni as :f it was the dearest thing 011 ' earth to her. aixl with a quick step boni of happiuess she walked oat. 'I wrote that letter uayself, ' Baid the storekei ().: to rne. 'Her sou went down the river on a raft thr6e yearsagoand vvasdrowiieu. The oldwonian could never nnderstand that the boy was dead, and she writes to him every week, just backing her letters, " My Boy Bill, Down the River. " It hurt her so ftot to get any answers that everv week I write to ber and sign Bill's name.' "-
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News