Estaje of Patrick McM hort. STATE OF M1CHIGAK COCNTY öf kj Washtfiuuv. SS. Ata sesni'jo o! the Pn■(ateConrt t'oi thf Connty of WrtshUíun a , builon at. t)u' Probate Ortice In tbe CHi ni Aun rbor, on Ttaursoay, thp llth day of Jnniiary n the year onc thousaucl eiglit huudjred uk] niüety-four. Present. J. Willard !ïaWitt, Jiniae f Pro tate. In the immer ot the estáte ui Patrick MfoMiition, deceased. Vv'illium B. i 'sfooni. t iiiMKlüiiiiist :■ ,tc i ;' saiii estáte, coinés Into court and represente tbat he 1b nuw prepared to ronder iii-, iinal aecount assuch admlnlstrator. Tbereupon tt ir ordoied thatTuesday. tü I3th düy il' Pebruary imi. ut ld o'olock iu tl)p forenoon, he assipncd for oxambtlns mmI (Ulowlng such account, umi that the heirs-iit-law of said deceused, anl allotner pei-eons iniir-6ted in snid egtrtte, are required toap)eart n'eesslon of sftld Court, thcn to be bolden at tlie Hrotiate Offlce. in tht City of Auu Albor n sKid (.'ounty. anrt Sbow i;au3. Ifanythere be, why tbe 6uid :i unt shoulck nol be allovrixl. And tt ia furtlier oi-rtere1 tlat said tidminlstrator give nottoc to thtpersons Interested m ;aid est.ite, of the peodtuiuy of said account, and the; hCMiiiiv thereof, by cnusinx a copy of tliis order to be pubUshed in tbe Ann ArboV Argüís, a newspaper printod and clroo latine1 In a:iid oounty, three sncceestve week previous to said day i hearillK- ,T. WFIXARD RAHBITT, .hidg-e of Vinhalo. [A true copy.l wm.C!. Doty. Probate Register. Estáte of John W. Hunt. O TA TE OF MICHIGAN, CO UN TV i. t ! vv.töiiieiiü -- At ? tuáisioD : tin.1 Prnhata Ormn for the munlj uf aubtbcaw, bolden ai tie Pmbale UflQop iu lü oitv of Ano Arhov. -. fVidy, the IMU dav of January in 'bi; y--ir hoiisai)d i'jtit hoodred and ninèty foor. Present, J. Willnnt Babbitt, Jndfrenl Prr Htn In rhe matter ol vht esttto nt' John W. Bun!, decjastd. %. In retidlnc onri Hlin the petiUon, dulj' veriflöd, pf Kdwfiri Ií. líunt, prayinfí ( bilniinislniüon of caiil t'slate mav he granted to Limstlf or ' b me uthor H-.itrble person. [ Th eren po; ií i ordered. that TVTonday, the i'hh öay ot bruary next, at ten o'clcck in the lun-uoon. bo usMÉfned lor the be.iriDfi of BaW pett[ tum, ana thui the heirs ït law of sant dej ca ed, aml all other persous iutcrnsteii iu i a:ii'. estáte, RN fquived to appcar at a aenaiya ■ ol r-iiio coi rt, Uien lo be holden at the Probate I Office, in the :i y of Mxu Arb-r, snii show ' oa'JM.-, ií anv tl ro he, wlv ibe prayt r of the ptitu rer shoi'ld u! hegranted: Aódil ia furthiiroriifTii(', thn ald pelitloner kív# nptieetotbeper ttous ' I 't. bïddebUteol tbipendencyoffiaia petition, ftiMi u;e hearinf ihpreof. bv cano} Dg a copy ui this om r to be published in tbe An .Viiiiük A Hfii. fi wBBflpeT printn ' luid cirmilated in aaiii Cvïtllty, tl KfMin.;-Mve Wvks plÚVÍOU to ftHld day ol heuxiuu .). WI1.T.AKD KAliBI'lT, (A trciíi i'opT i i t Probai1 Wiixwm Ü.Dotv, Probfite Reiflater. Estáte of William Pringle. ÏATK ÜF MICliiaAN.COU.NTY . if wasiiteïvw, 8S. Ata sesion of the Probntn Cuurt for t lie ('ounty o I' Washttnaw, loi'Vu at i lie Probatt Office in the City of Au ílirbor, üi .tmday. the 'iUth day of Jnuuary, in be year une iiiuusaml eil: t hundrad aud mnetybur. Prefiní. I. Willtrd Babbitt, Judee of Prohate. ín the mullí i w itie estaie of William I'nuglc, lefeaed. Onreailn; iml lilinp the petition.duly verifled, ul Elüvs .-niMli, praymg that a ctrtain iustrumeDt ni w mi !lt! in tilia court, purportlnü to bf be 1at wlll attd luvlumout of eafd deoeuaed ínav leadmilixl io probóte and that. ariininistration ol' ai.t '9t.le ií'hj iip jíTanUd to himselí, thu jr e i-i -shíO will runu-d, or to me oiher 1" V II1. Thficnp' ii iíordfrwl. thatMonday.tb lOi'mlay of F'brnun next, ten o'ciocik in the foronoub. n'iiix !.uiiri(r_rof Hfliíl potition. nnJ that the afïi.' s. i. utecs and hcirs at luw of said deceas ■;' -. n ;iil otht'í ir-iins iutertBted m sald estatf, ai lHÜr3 ■■ ipnr at a Bessinn ol' MÍA eonrt. ti i. i" he hc.l.lfn m Iho Probate Oticc,in tb''city", i ii A'iwi. umi show aiiíi!, i 1' any ihire be wliy tb prV3vr of lie pelitlonei" abould tnt !■ pranted .nd ii ia funl.-r ördered that atl petltiúi tíi' éTÍv1 not.ipt 'o tbe U6r&ona tnlr1ifHt'l iu sti ti rsi ii.'. ol the pendeney ol saió1. petitinu mi tlic heuriiig causiug a. copyortUÍH or i-r lo b publiöhed iu the Ans Ahbo Aii't'-.-..j uitwspapor printed nnd eircuiütfd-tllftuiü i'iiiiniT t.hrce surreysivp weiilfs preyiOUtt toSKï! nwí 'ii lifimng. J. WII-I.ARD KABB1TT, (Atri!" euio .luducofProhat. Wm.(í Ik-T 1'iphaieHPitiMor. IOUÏS ROHDEf CoalandWood Lehili Valley Goal, $6.50 per ton. Beech Und Maple Bloeks, $2.20 a cord. BeecU .:u Maple, 4 feet, $8.00 ;i cord. Main (Hlii-v 36 E. Hurón Streel'. 5u West Huron Street. A ar's uh-cri)ton to SCRlBNER's MaSAZtNK vviil bring into your home twelve inomhlv numuers, ggregaling over 1,500 pasj;e "I" the best and most interesfcing rearling, iim! more ihanoo beautiful illustralion.-.. A miouncements. GeorsreW. Cable will beo-in in theJauuary numbera romnnoe entltled "John Mare]:, South p . ■ t " Ywo othcr Impoi 1 ni seriáis báve been eiigaged: J M. Barrie. author of the famous t-ittle Minister," lius writteu a new novel Uu' tirst -ii" ■ that famoua Oeorg-e Meredith. the itrest English novelist, Iihui prepsratton r novel entltled '4The A 1 ioz ManiiiK'''" SHORT STOHIE3 will beabundant. W. D. Howells, Miss EUiot, W. H. Eishop, )..udoic Halevy Paul Bourget, Joel ChRndler ....rris and mauy r.evv writoi-s will contril nte. STUDIES OF AMERICAN LIFE will Dean Importa i featur. iDCludtag Newport, Bar Hui boi'. 1.1 no ;, eW-, and tlie Wesi THE ILLUiiTRATTONS will le even moru uumeioiis nnd beautiful tli;in ever. A -urs of t'mtii.lspieoes chosen by Philip üilbert Hamerton will te aspeolally nol .1 ble BOCPtál rnCCR The numbers brtWU. lï-rtn. for1893,and a swlcripüion for 1894, - $4.50 The same, wlth back numbers bound in cloth, - 0. 00 Complete Prospectus sent on request. Sample Copy 10 Cents. CHARLES SCRIBNER'S SONS. 74IJ iïroalway,'Nev York.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News