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Those Feelings Of His

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w une a ncnigan avenue grocer was i standing in his door the other day, a forlorn looking old chap turned in on him . from a side street, with a plaintive ezpres■ sion working away on his chin. The minute the grocer got sight of him he cal led out: "Xow you go on, or I'll have you run in!" "Whatain I doin?" plaintively inquired the old man. ''I kuotf yonr ftame, and you can't pla it on me! Jast move right along, or I'l have you arrested!" "I hair.'t got uo game to play on you o anybody else. If I feel sadaud heartbroKen, I can't help it, can I? What's theni turnips wuth? I never see tjirnips without thinkin howtnywifegotchqkédtodeathon one. Popr crittei She was cut right down in the prime of ife. That was the begin nin of my runnin down hill. aha hadu't bin dead two weeks" "Are youg-oing tb move onf " demandod tlie procer. "Purty soiiü, my purty soo::," repiit-d the old man as lie leaued vip agíiinst a po&t and v. : : wife, and the recollection of her deal deus me. M'mit's taters sellin at today?" The grocer was lookiug around for an umcer auu ama c repiy. "I aever i ■ without thinkin o! in y son Bill. Bill v.-isau awful good boytoo good forü.is v.orici. I witü 10 bags oí taters, and iu out of the wagon he busted a blood vessel and was brought home a corp e. i icio never think of it without vreepiu." He leaned heavily on the post and wept, while the grocer walked down to thecoruei to extend his search. "I seeyou've got red oniom;," continued the old man as the grocer returned. -'Tbej are allers a sad, sud sight to me. 1 sold my farm atter Biü's death and was Roin down to Florida to raise red oiiious fur Ui is mar1 ket hen I was Dhrowed out of a wagon and broke my leg, and somebody stole every dollar I had. Red onions is oaly red onions toother fülk.s, 'out to me they cali up aome awful recollections. I wish" ",See here, old man," iaterrupted the grocer. "will you take 10 cents and go on?" "I don't wniiyio 10 cents, but yet ir you object to my giviu awayto rAyfeeliu's" "I do object. Jf I cou ld findan officer, I'd have you run in, but as I can't I'll buy you off this once. Take this money and go." "It seems heartless to sell my feelin's this vray, but I don't want to make yoa any trouble. I see you have gome cabbage? there. I never see cabbages without thinkin how" But the grocer turned hini arouud, headed him across the Street, and after two kicks he got away and was soon lost to


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News