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í Estáte uf Bertha WhltfT STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY ofWashtena- . ss. At a session of tbe Probat.i outt for toa Oountvol Wnabtenaw, tioli1"ti at the Frob.ite Office n 'lie city of Anii on Saturday, the -J7tli dn ol Januniy in ' the ye;ir ime t.housand elght hundred Rnd niíioty-foui Present, J. Wlllan! Bahbitt, Jaáge ol Probate In the umtter ol tbe estáte oí liertha White deceuaed. Lutmu-I Goldsruith, the adminisrrntor of said e tute, comes into court and representa tbat be ís now ptepared 10 render his liniti account as Kuch a.lministrator Tliereup.imiiBoríeredthatTuesday ihe27thdny of February next, at ten o'clock in the tnrenoon be asíigneil tor exarnining and allüwine snch accovnt, and thut Ihe ners-at law o f mid ■lecnuad, imd ull other persons ifteresied iu ttia estáte, aiv ruquired to ppear ai a sessi.n ni s:ud i-ourt, then lo be holden at the Protmle otflw, in the cily of Aun Ari.or, in Mld coiuitv Bil bbow cauee, if any tbers be why the ud account Bhould not he allowed. And it is further ord. red that said adininislratOT give cotice to thepcrsiinsinteiested in said estáte, of the peuilency of Biiid accmutand theheariugthereuf by causing o oopj of this order to be puUished ir! tlie Ann Aibor Arrfus, a newspaper printed and circula hik iu saicl county, three euccessive week pro ■ iuus to t;iKi da v of be ""mg J. WILt.AKD 1ÍABBITT, Judge of Probate. ( trie copy.) Wu.i,iam ti-Dorr, Probite Register. Notice to Creditors. OTATE OF MICHIGAN. COUNIT kj ol VVaahtenaw, hk. Notice i hereby given thaf by an order ut the i'iwhute Uoort for the County of W.iühienaw, made on the cislith dav of December, A. D. 1S98, six munths frora thut d'ate ereallowod lor ereiiicoií to pri'-Mit üieir claims againsl the estáte of' Abbie Mead, late of suid r-ur.üty.deceased.and that all sreditors of said decwised are u'quireu 1y present theirclaimato said Probnte I ourt, ;it the Probate Oflice in the city of Ann Arbor, lor exanunaiion and allowanee. on or before t.he Sth day of June next, aDd that BUCh claims will bu hi-ard betore Said Court on the fitb. day ol Matoh. anü on the 8th diiy of .[une next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of each ot .s.ii 1 days. Daled Ann Arhor, De ember S, A. D. 1893 J. W1LLARD H-VHBITT, hldïe oi Probaue. Estáte of Eüzabeth McGuinness. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY kjof Washtenaw. e. At asession ol the Probate Court mr iliecimnty of Washtennw, holden al thrf probate office in the city of Aun Arl'Or, un Thnisday, the eig-hth day of February, in the yearune thouiand Light hunrired und nint-iy-fouT. resent, J. Willard Babbitt, Judge of I'r..bate. [n the matter uf the es'.ate ol Elizftheth McGuinnRS, 'ieceast d " On reading; aud flTinaf the pptitition. iluly veriti' il of .targaret MeGuInness, praying that administratión of siid estale ma be grauted U Thoma McGuinness, orsoiue otber suitahle petsou. Thereupon it is oidered, that Mooday, the flftb. '■!■} of March nexi Kt ten o'clock in the noot!, Ije assigned foi the hearing ol" Baid petttioii and chat the heka .:t lawcfsaid d'eased, and "il persons intereated in saki 85'■; ean required to ppear ata eeBslon ot Baid court, then to ie holden at the Probatt üince in the city of Aun Albor, and sbow cause it nuy there b, why tbe piayer of the petitioner ahonld not hc granted: And u is iurther ordered thut said petiMonerfrlve notice to the persona tnteresied in -saul estáte nf the peDdeucy ol said (e ition nul tbc heiaintr tbcreof f y causing a copy of Ihia ordpr to tnj publislied in the Ann Akbor AKOUS, i oewnpaper pnnteJ and circnland iu said i-nuuty, thiee succesaive weuk? prcvious to said da ol lieari Dg. I. WILLARD BABBITT, [A une copy.l Judge of Probate Wa. O. Dorv, Probate Register. Mortgage Sale. DBPAÜLT H WIN( ÜEEN MADE IN THE conditions of a cortiiiu mortgage raade by Hattie Luney and John Loneyof the city 01 Ann Arbor, to the Au Arbor Savlnga Assoeiatlon ot Ann Arbor, Mlohlgan.a corpomtion organlzed andidoing buslaees under the lawa of tin' State nf Uichigan, ut Ann Arbor, Michigan, dated April Bfth, A. I). sk. and recordpd at the offloe oi the Register of Dood , for the ('ounty of Waghtenaw and State ot Michigan, oo the fifth day of Aprii, A. IJ IS!C, in líber 7í oí mortgagea, ■ "i page 81, on whicb mortgaKel here latei imed to be 'lue ut the date rf tnis notioethe sum of tix huiulrc-d and si.x dollars and screnty-one cents, and im attorne'a f e of tweny-five dollars urovidod for in said mortgage, and lt . au$ or iiroceedings.aj law havlng been instittitid to recover the luoneys seeured by said ruortgase, or any part tbereof : Now, laerefore, by virtue of the pnwer of sale contuined in said roórtffage, and the statu e in s ch case made und provided, notice is heieby sive" that on Saturday ihe nintv tienth ay of May, A.-D. 1S94, at ten o'clo -k in the fori noon, I shall eoll nt public auctioo, to the hiehest bidder, at the north front door of rhe Court House in the ity of Ann Arbor, (that beitiif the place where the circuit court for Washienaw Oounty is holden), the premiees deecribed in said mortgage, or so much thereof a may he necessary to pay theamount due on said mortgase. with seven per een inicrest, uud all legal costs. rogetljer with an attorney'a fee of twenty-6ve drllars covenanted f' r therein, the premises being duscribed in said mortgage as all that certaia piece and parnel of laudsituated in the City of Ann Arbor, in the County of Washtenaw, and State ot Michigan, and kunwn nnd deseribod a follows: L-its number üno (li and Twelve (12 in blouk number Four (4) north of Huron street and in range number ïwo (2) THÉ ANN ARBOR 6AVINGS ASSOCIATION, üy Chas. H. KtjINE. Attoruey for Mortgagee. FSllÍT TITEES. If yoi intend tosetont Peacli, Ieir, Apple or Kruit Trees of any kind. tob will save money by wrltlng to the il'iiiIÏAN NUKÜKRV CO., MOKKUK, MICH. 'l'hey have the best I the bardlesi varietiiR this part of the country. Miiall I-'rïJit of All Ivúkís. ;iii1 a Isrse assoftment of the best hardicst Roses, .-hrubbe.y and Ornamental Trees and Plante.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News