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The Stolen Records

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Lansing. Feb. 10. - Many snspicions Rre rife in the city as to who and by I wbat ineans he election returns sheets f rom Wayne connty were cut f rom the book Tlmrsday evening, and presumably destroyed. Newspaper men anti others have followed up clews in all directions, nut it is hard to fmd anything tangible. County Olerk May returned frorn Maaon on the 6 p. m. train and went inimediately to the Hudson House, having with him the Wayne county record book, coutaining valuable evidence iu the salary amendiuents ot' I 1891 and 1892. May at once asfced to be assigned to a 1 roo7ii. snd was given No. 66. He went j upstairs, prepared tbr supper, and soou came down again, depositing the kej of his room with the cltrk. and went to the diningroom. While Mr. May was at supper soiuething peculiar happeued. A young woman, an employé of the Capitol, who boards at the Hudson House, came out of the dimngroom. When she reaclied tne passaeeway wiiiou leaus rroin me barber sliop. a side en trance to the hotel, she met Attorney General Ellis. who had appasently entered the hott'l from the barber shop. She noticed that Mr. Ellis kept rather close to the wal], and instead of going into the office or dimngroom, as customary, went upstairs. She noticed notuing more". A few minutes later, nut more than 10 - Ellis came down again. While Ellis was upstairs a young lady, counected with the house, not as a doniestic, happen el to pass aloug the corridor on which is room No. üt, the one assigned to May, and saw the attoruey general come out of the room and go düivustairs. Mr. Ellis does not room at the Hudson House, but mereiy boards there. Atrorney General Ellis left the city Thursday' night at 8:30 for ionia, and did not return until yesterday morning. He said the first he knew of the robbery was when he read the morning paper. He einphatically denies having been in room 66 Thursday night. He says that Mr. May left the hotel without his knowledge and that he (Ellis) went up to the room, knocked, but finding no one there, came away, but did not enter. He says: "I ealled one of the bell boys and asked Min where room 66 was. and he told me. No one saw me coming out of the room, for I was not in it." Lansing, Feb. 12.Depu.ty Sheriff Wright says he will produce evidence befere the grand jury, when the investigaron of the election record steal is marie, to prove that Attorney Gent-ra] Ellis and County Clerk May were elote ted together för five minutes in the v.-ateliman's little house at the depot pli onn between the time the Detroit traiu arrived on Thursday afternoon and the time that the Mason train left I ü aiue depot. Lansikg, Feb. 18. - Proseputor Gardner has come out with sensatiou. He believes the robbery of election records occurred at the Hudson House and says he is almost in a position to prove that. two men vent into May 's room at the hotel some time prior to Mr. Eilis' visit there and remained in the room until after Mr. Ellis is said to have left it. He no longer que.stions the fact that the robbery took place at the Hmlson House. Lansing, Feb. 14. - Little businesi was transacted by the grand jury at Mason Tuesday. as Judge Person was snowbound at Howell and did not reach the scène of action until 3:30 o'clock in the afternoon. Only two witnesses wereexamined - Miss Anna Wetter laad, sister-in-law of Secretary Jochim, and Wesley J. Miller, chairman of the Gratiot connty board of canvassers for 1891. The prosecuting attorney says the testimony rec-eived was not -dnimportant. Prosecuting Attorney Gardner still keeps Postmaster Frank A. Healey of Ironwood here. He has not finished with him. and may place him upon the stand today. Conrad Carlson, the Gogebic county clerk, is still here and may also testify today. Detroit, Feb. 14. - James G. Clark. ! the member of the footing committeo ■ now under arrest and oocupying a cell at Central Pólice station, is believed to have made a confession. At about inidnight Monday Clark told the pólice sergeant in charge at i the Central station that he desired to converse with Prosecntor Frazer. The prosecutor was sent for in a hurry. I Upon his arrival. he immediately entered into a conversation with Clark, which lasted about half anhour. When Mr. Frazerleft the station be was interrogated as to the whether Clark had inaae a coniession. ine prosecuror replied: "I cannot teil at present; it wouldn't be in the interests of public policy." Lansing, Ftib. 15.- Tbere is no longer any question that Postrnaster Healy of Ironwood is seriously involved in the evidence bef ore the grand jury. He has engaged Hon. Samuel Kilbourne as his at torn ey. Healey has never seen the fraudulent Gogebic county returns in the possession of the grand jury. When he was before the jury they were not exhibited for his benefit, but his attorney made a demand for them from Proseeutor Gardner, and was given a sight of thetn. County Clerk Carleson testified Wednesday that all three fraudulent returns were in the saine handwritíng and tliis has tended to implícate Healey as the latter has admitted to the grand jury that he did alter one of the returns in pari. writiug in the words, "One thousand tiiiee hundred and nineteen." Just at tkls point in Healey's testimony, which was made Saturday, he was 'taken from the stand, it being a case of necessity for Deputy Clerk Stroin from Gogebic county tobe placed on the stand. Since that time Healey had not been recalled, thongh Prosecutor Gardner asked for hini Wednesday. This has had a tendency to keep Hfialey on the rack and it had the result of his enga.ning an attorney to enable him to get sight of the returns by proxy. Healey's admissioa of having written a portion of the fraudulent returns and the testniiony of Clerk Carleson and Deputy Strmn to the effect thut all three returns are in Healey's writiiiK would 8eein to tuake s bad oase for Healeyi There is 110 qttestion on tho part of the prosecuior and counsel tb at within a fpw days tnattörs wiïl have roached a point where indictruents coild be I88U il, hu t it scenis f o be liardly probable now that the grand jury will be able lo get through this week.


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