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It is estimated that England pays United...

It is estimated that England pays United... image
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It is estimated that England pays United States and Canada $5,000,000 a year for apples. Last Saturday's treasury balance showed $134,253,007, of which #102,128.585 was in gold. The money on the recent bond issue had all been paid in except about $S,000,000. During the past week silver declined, in London, to 2634 pence, ■or about 03.6 cents per ounce, the lowest recorded level. At this price the silver in our silver dollar is Tforth but 49.18 cents. All the silver bullion in the United States Treasury is not worth the face value of the silver certificates with which it was purchased. From this it looks as though the so-called I seigniorage is a fiction. The "courtesy of the Senate" has again prevailed at 'the expense of the country. Tuesday last the Senate by a vote of 32 to 41 rejected the nomination of Wheeler H. ham for justice of the Supreme Court. Indications from all parts of the country point to a rapid growth in the sentiment favoring an income tax. If the Senate delays action on the Wilson bill long enough to get its ear to the ground on this question, its delay will not have been in vain. The Iowa supreme court has i af&rmed a former decisión that through errors in procedure thé pro. hibition amendment to the state constitution was never legally adopted and that consequently the policy is now in force only by virtue of statute laws. It is expected that Baltimore and Washington will soon be connected by an electric railway equipped with modern vestibule trains. The distance between the two cities is thirty miles. The distance will be covered in an hour, and the tariff for the round trip will be one dollar. After an exhaustive discussion of the President 's Hawaiian policy in the House of Representatives, it received the endorsement of that body by the adoption of the McCreary resolutions. This policy has been approved also by some of the most eminent lawyers in the country, Mr. Schouler, Mr. Coudert and Judge Cooley. If the income tax clause of the Wilson bill becomes law, the Treasury will receive twenty dollars a head from members of the United States Senate. This, of course, is but a small return for the amountof money expended upon them, but it is more than the country is receiving at present, it is a great satisfaction, therefore, to know that a way has been discovered whereby the country may realize on this supposed useless aggregation. The policy of publishing works on economics and partisan politica! tracts in the Congressional Record 'is a prostitution of that publication and should not be tolerated. During the last Congress, the whole of Henry Georges "Progress and Poverty" was thus printed and sent under the "frank" of members to all parts of the country. Just now Social Economics, by George Gunton, is being published in the same way. Both parties are eqally to blame in these matters. Such work should not be permitted at the expense of the taxpayers of the nation. It is time the ponderous and slow moving United States Senate should ' have some quicker blood infused into it by being brought a little nearer the people. lts members should be elected by popular vote , and made accountable to the people for their actions. As it is now they too often represent nobody but j i themselves and no interest but their 'own. Holding their seats by purchase from venal legislatures, they ! are the masters instead of the servants of the people. Harrison Geer, of Lapeer,attorney to his excellency, Gov. Rich, is alleged to have used language recently more forceful than ellegant in describing the peculations of certain state officials whom he is said to have accused of stealing regularly from the state. He mentioned, as an iilustration, a trip to Minneapolis to inspect an electric light plant for which the state was charged Sioi as expenses. Various other instances of like nature were also mentioned. There is nothing new, however, about this sort of thing as may be proven by any citizen who will take the trouble to examine the reports of the Board of State Auditors. It is all wrong for anyone to think at this late day that "public office is a public trust." We have outgrown that old fashioned adage and have substituted therefor another which more fully comports with the sentiment of the times, viz., thai "public office is a private snap." Every indication points to an impending constitutional conflict in the United Kingdom having for its object the overthrow of the House of Lords. The present majority in the House of Commons was eiecced on the direct issue of home rule for Ireland, and yet when the home rule bilí reached the Lords, it was contemptuously rejected by an overwhelming majority. The entire business of the session was wrecked and the popular mándate set at defiance by this body of hereditary legislators, acknowledging no responsibility to anybody or anythiñg. The English people were exasperated by this action, but the recent amendments to the Parish Councils bill, whereby the Lords mutilated the measure beyond recognition, caused the smouldering fire to burst into flame and extend far beyond the limits of the party in power. The always conservative sentiment of the English people seems to be thoroughly aroused, and they are entering üpon an agitation of the question of the elimination of the House of Lords from the English political system with an earnestness which bodes no good to the upper house. This sentiment demands that the expressed will of the people shall be the final authority in the conduct of legislation, and unless the Lords give way before the storm, the next election will probably be one of the most aggressive in the history of parliamentary government. The Lords -may give way, however, as they have done several times in the past, and thus delay the irrepressible conflict, but it is bound to come sooner or later, and when it does come, there can be but one solution of it. The bad break made by Prosecuting Attorney Frazer last Friday in his very palpable effort to shield Lieut. Gov. Giddings in the matter of the alleged charges against that official in connection with the "doe tored" returns of Wayne county, is the first indication from any official source that a possible effort is to be made to whitewash anybody. Up to the the time of Frazer's unfortunate remarles, expressions on all sides indicated the very general belief that the officers of the law were working honestly and solely for the purpose of bringing to justice the conspirators who have so foully wronged the fair reputation of our State. The Lieutenant-Governor may not be guilty of any offence against the laws, and every good citizen sincerely hopes, for Mr. Gidding's own sake and that of our State as well, that he is not, but we can see no proper reason why the public prosecutor should manifest any deeper interest in him than in the several other gentlemen whose nanios have been connected in au unpleasant way with the fraudulent canvass of 1S93. None of these gentlemen will be convicted on rumor or coiideinned without a hearing. One and all will have the opportunny of proving their innocence of any charges that may be lodged against them. N'or can their be any doubt as to the ability of all who are free trom taint in this matter to free themselves from suspicion, but i no 011e should be made a scape I goat to bear away the sins of others. Again, it would be exceedingly un, fortúnate at this stage of the inves tigation, or any other for that mat ter, to have the idea go abroad that jan eifort will be ' made by those whose sworn duty it is to enforce the law to shield any from the just consequences of their acts. If any of those suspicioned of wrong doing are really innocent, no greater injustice could be done them than to cause the peQple, through any connivance of the legal authorities, to believe that they had been whitewashed. No, Mr. Prosecutor, your duty is to keep sawing wood, no matter who is covered with dust. You must not concern yourself with establishing the innocence of any of those upon whom suspicion rests. Your duty lies along opposite lines. See to it that no one of those who conspired to overthrow the will of the people escapes.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News