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Estáte of Patrick McMahon. SJTATB (IK MTCHTGAN, COTJNTY OP p Washtf mm, Ú. At a seknon of the P bateCourt tor tho Oounty of Waehtenaw hoT 'aM th%l'hMe OIHbe In the Ci?v of Ana Arlior, on Thui-souy. the lltli üavnf ïnmuirv MUSOMT UiritT1" el!4llt =3 iMué886"'" J' WUhra Judee oí ProM'Vned""aOi the e8UUe f il("ick - Wllllam i. 'slHjni.tlifHciministvMl.'icf aaid estote, comes Into conrt nul n-, nsonis Uwt be is dow prepared to rende" Í, V fim.1 account as auch admlDlstrator r'1hheirtH1J'",fit1'f', onlClc" Tu.-s.lay, the ï.th day ot Pebre ary ne.xt i In o'clook m the forcrioon, i,e assigned rór -Vam iniD and iiliowintr snch account and that the Eelrs-at-law oí said deceased and a llother pereons interested in said estáte are reoulred to appear t n gession of said Co.nt then tóe bolden at the Probate Offloe. In the C ty 0? Ann ArborinsaidCounty, an.l bUow cause ifaDythere be, why the said account si oul.i nor be sllowed. And it Is rurther orden'd that said admlDlstrator gïve notlce to tho persons interesiud in said esrate, of the petideucy ot said account, and the hearing thereOf ,by cansina a copy of thls order to be pubnhhl,ntli..Aiin Arlwr Arffus. a newtpam!r prtnted anrl circulatinir in sai.l cnunrr three successive weeks previous lo saitl day of heurJ. WILLAKD BARWTT, . . Jadgre of Probate. A truc copy. 1 Wm.G. üoty. Probate Regïster. Estáte of John W. Hunt. OTATKOP MICHIGAN, COÜNTY k. ..! WiAMo. Ai a spsi„„ „i theProbate tuurt tor tl-e toiiiuj of VV asbtt-naw. boMen at tha Probate nv. „ il,e i-Hv of Ann Arbor. n 1-nday, l-'th .'.v of JaiuiBiy, it, ihe . ,r one thousan.t ieht hundred and ninetv l.iur ' Present, J. Willaid Babbitt, Jndee'nf Prl i,ate In the inattr of the estáte of John W Hunt On readin? an filing the petii lon.duly verifieil, of tdward tl. Hunt. prayinii iit adiiiini3(raton of oai.l isiaie mv be granttil to hiiust-lf or ■ome othfcr h jitable person. ,oS.benI)oJ' ' 's ofdereri. Ihat Siondny, tbe 12ih day 'jI Pi-brnary next, at teno'cloct in the lon-Doon, h tjs.-igned fot the hearing of aaid petitim, and lha( the heirs at luw of saui deea-t.1, and II otlier personi. iuteresled ia Hid eatatp, ure rtquired to appuar ot a aessiun o iid court. thMi to be lioloeD at the Probate Otnce. m th cily „f nu Arbor, and show canse, ïf any 1t.-rc he, the pmytr of t!ie psUtionersbould ioi begnmled: Andit fnrtlierordernd. Hul unid iuit...u-r givp. noticetothep.'reons Inieruitfd liToaldeMate.oi tbependencyof ,aid pctuion, and ihenearlnv ibereof, bvcausinia eopy of this onlerto be puhliOied in the. Ann 'Vkbok Argpb a rii-wniHpei urintutaud cirrulated in said eounty, t ! i e ■■, --.sive woftks urevious to said dT of hearii (. -r UIIJ.AROBAKBITT, (A t roe copy, Judgeo! t'robatp W11J.JÍM a.OoTT, Probate Roiter. Estáte ot William Pringle. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, C0UNTY O of Washtjïnaw. 88. At a sesión of the Probute f'ourt mr [he i.'ouuty of Wasbtenaw holden t ihp i-robate Office in Ihe City ofAnñ Albor, i tuirday. the 20th day of januarv in !ht! year i!,etuoiw;md eiglit bundreil aud niñety. lour. ' Present .1 WiTl nl Babbitt, .Inilge of Pmbate. íd Uu DintiiM ui i.he ulule o( William FnDirle, dect-ased. Onrpiuln.i-. :u.i( fllintr the pttition.duly verified, of Elii mihiIi, praying tbat a certsin instrument n. r ■ cu tile in tbis oouri, purporting to be JmI wlll and (mii anuot Of said deceased niav to ni-obte and tlmt adrainistration of sain „mi be granied to himself, tbe e.i-.-ii or i] said will i.amed, or to some other j' r on. Tbereupu. it isorOercd, thatMonday, the IlXliday of FebriiHvynext, at ten o'clock in the foreuooo, beassigru.i.ii l!ii'licarin?ofsairt petition, and that the devi.', , leñatees aud heirs at law of siid deee?8-h.n i all other inTsmi-interested in ïaid t-taie, are ïequired to tpppar at a sussion of aid joiii. iLenmbf inililfu at tbe Probate Office, in the cityw ,.n A Hior, aud show cause, ifany thcre be why ;ht pi-.rjcr of the ppiitioner sbould uot le ïranteil. And it i funlier ordered that saicl petitloner givp notie? w tbe persona interested in bmI .-nIhIh, ui the pendency oi said etitiOD 'imf the hearing causing a sopy oftliis on-et to be publisbed ín the AH Akbor Aiíf;i:s. a ncwpaper tiriuted and cirou Itttid in wii'.i .'fiun-v ï.bree sucet-ssive weeks prev?3a totiiti tl L of uL-aring. J. WII.I.AKD BABBITT, 'A )n:e copyi Judgeof Probai e. Wk. U Po-rv Probate Eri'iíter. CoelandWood Lehigh V'aHey Coal, $6.50 per ton. Beech nd Maple Ulocks, $2.20 a cord. Beedi :ind Maple, 4 feet, S5.00 a cord. Main Office - 36 E. Hurou Streot. Yards- 50 West Huron Street. tbs mest mn mm to the business man, the lawyer, the physician, the clergyman, the teacher, the politician, and, in short, to evety one who is interestei) in affairs which concern the American public, and who wishes to keep fully abreast of the times, is THE Soul kmiïi hm. Every subject of importance is dealt witli in its pages - unparüally, on both sides - at the verjr time when the course of events brings it lo the front, and by the very men or wonien whose opii.ions aie most valued, The Rkvikw .'mes not hesitate at the most liberal expenditure in order to secure articles froni the higheM authorities. lts list of contrifcutors foims a roll of tlie representative men and women o' the age. Thé N.irtii American Review is the roost widety read magazine of its class in the world, hcint; neitber scholastic nor techmcnl, but lopular and practical in its treatment of a]i t.ipics. Tuk North American Review is the only peii dical of its kind which has a recogniíed place as A FAMiLY MAGAZINE This is because it devotes much attention to subjecls that are of particular interest to women. No other periódica! in the world can point to uch a succession of distinguished writers as have coiuributeil tothe Review during the pist fouryears. The list embraces American and British Cbinet Ministers; United States Seiators and kqiresentatives; GovernOrs of Sttes; American Ministers abroad; Foreiyn Ministers to ihe United States; Judges of the Supreme Couit; Ecclesiastical dignitariesand eminent theiilotiiaus of every denomination; officers of the Anny and Navy; famous physicians and scientists; and ín general men and wornen whose names are household words throughout the Knglish-speaking world, Pablished Monthly. $5.00 a Tear. THE NORTH AMERICAN REVIEW 3 EAST 14TH STREET, NEW YORK. VtHil Jaimary 'Hst. 1894, u-e iríll fiirnish tlteXortU Amrrieanltenictvand tlie ARGUS tor $4.OO 2er Vear in advnnce.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News