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!' Thirty were eonvioted of sin. There are 900 students in the Normal school. The Presby terian huren, in riymouth lias made lts iewü ïreu. Oraugea are elieap and the orange sociai in YVaterloo iietted $3. Pinckney is excited over the prospect oí lumng its pickie factory. The Worden church is to have the light let in through new wiudows. Eev. Marsh, of Uuadilla, elosed a senes oL revival meetings reeently. C. F. Conklin, of Chelsea, will move onto bis farm in Sylvan some time next ïuonth. J. V. N. Gregory. of Dextor, arrived home recently trom a business trip to Arkausas City. Leonard H. Warreiidiedin Ypsilauti Thursday, of Oonsuuiptiou, after a three year's illness. The salary of the Pinckney marshal has been reduced to $25, mueh to the delight of evil doers. ■ Marsh land near Sylvan Center is to be maüe to raise peppermint, which üin?ht lo prove proütabie. Mr. and Mis. Heller, of Saline, expeet to leave that place in the spring. They inay go to Honolulú. The new postmaster at Manistique is an Ypsilanti boy. He is Arthur S. Putnam, son of Prof. Putuam. It was fouud to be imuossible to spell Miss Ackerman down at the spel; ling school in Ypsilanti last week. Oyril Tyler, the wonderful boy soprano of Ypsilanti, is making a musical tour wiüi Paderewski ip Eugland. Mis. Salina Parks died February 14, at the home of her mother, on Oollm s Plaius, Lyudon, leavmg tvvo childreu. The Uuadiila Presbyterian church took in eleven new members, Sunday before last, of whom tour were me. The James Arms farm in Webster, formerly ovvned by A. A. Euckeleu, of Dexter, has been sold to Jáay Jiuckeleu. Forbes II. Eallard died in Ypsilanti towuship February 9, aged seveutylive years. He carne to Michigan in 1828. liev. Frank Blomfield, of Dexter, commenced a series of sermous last Sunday morning, on the lite of St. Peter. Mr. O. M. Kelsey, of Saline, has rented the 80-acre farm belonging to E. llelber, just east of town, for three years. 'JLhe fire laddies in Giass Lake have been imitating their church going sisters and held a social last week whicti netted $28. Our. populist friend, Geo. A. Peters, bas an arücle in last week's Dexter Leader in reply to one by Representative Mewkirk. The Alaccauees oí (jueisea lbuucicu Lady Commaadör, Mis. T. Drislaue, a surprise last Tuesday eveaing. About ïoriy were present. The Milan Leader is a dozen years oki. The Argus, with the snows of stxty winters on its head pronouaces it a bright youngster. Mrs. Smythe, of Columbus, Ohio, an evangelist, has been filling the pulpit for Rev. O. B. Case, of Mooreville, during tlie latters illuess. And dow cornes the Saline Observer and suggests that a farmers' institute be held in that burg. The ballot is clear iii the east, brother. Mr. and Mrs. E. Jedele, of Dexter, entertained a party of friends last Wednesdaj eveniug. They know how to do the host and hostess act. Jacob Riedel will sell a lot of personal property at auction, on his farm, one-half mile south of Bethel ehurch, rreedom, on Weduesday the 21st inst. The Adventists about Willis evidently do not believe that the world is coming to an end this year, judging from the size of their ehurch wood pile. A ñne musical entertainment was given at the it. E. ehurch. Manchester, last Tuesday evening. There was a large attendance. Everybody well pleased. Geo. J. Nissly, of Saline, has soldhis house to his únele of the same name who will move into tovvn in the spring. Geo. J. wil) build a new house ou his lot npxt to the poultry farm. Rev. Yaaer, of Milan, closed a series of revival meetings reeently with a list of 150 conversioiis. Two or three more such pulls as that will uiake a Irettv respectable community out of Milan. Geo. J. Xissly deals 'm New Ameri can incubators, six having been shipped to various quarters last week. It is claimed that his incubator is a vast improvement on the one originally turnished by nature. The Ladies' Aid Society of the Congregational churcli, Dexter, will hold their semimonthly meeting at the residence of Mrs. C. C James, Wednesriay, Feb. 21st. . Lunches will be served at 1 o'clock pi. m. Tlios. Cosgrove, of Saginaw, died Feb. lOth, of consumptkm. He was formerly a resident of Scio village, -where his boyhoocl was spent. He was an upright, honorable young man in all respects and has inany warm iriendsabout his old house. Six thousand brook trout have been planted near Belleville. If the fishermau young and old let them grow up and the cold water doesn't kill them, there will be some tall sport around Belleville in the sweet bye and bye. Four Lyndon young people were made happy on St. Valentine's day. They went to Waterloo single and returued doublé. Miss Belle West was married to Ernest Rowe and Miss Luella Rowe was married to Irving Pickell. Lieutenant Governor Giddings delivers anaddress in Norma! hall, Ypsilanti, this evening on Uncle Sm's People. Ha will doubtles8 have little to say about what Uncle Sam's people think of frauds in canvassing election returns. The Ypsilanti Commercial refers to Seward Cramer, the Y"psilanti reporter of the VVaslitentiw Times, as 'Mie Tall (uu) Poplar of the Dttüy DribbleDrabble." This calis tor blood, md we doubt not the pen, that is miglitier than the sword, will get in its deadly work. Daveiiport & Son, bankers of Saline, ] expect t move their bank into inore i coiuuiodious and couvenieiit quarters i in the future, lt is roported , that the Daveuport store will ue modeled aud fitted with sáfety deposit vaults an'd other improveuts for banking puryoseg. The leaders of the Grass Lake News ' must have been surprised to see a i number of good iiewa items credited lo the Anu Arbor Register, as that paper is not noted tor having so nnuiy. j Those who read the Aigus, however, knovv where the items oanie from. The News man only gave tlxe wrong,cvedit. A free seat olfeiifii;, whatever that may be, for the benefit of liev. L. N Moon and family was held in the Town Hall, Chelsea, on Feb. 16. A three liour's entertainment for the inner man was given, followed by a short one of a literary turn. Everybody was iuvited, but all were not there. Mrs. Carne S. Bugg had begnu suit for a divorce from her busband, Ilenry Buftg, but repented and returnrd to the domicil of her liege lord, whereupon the boys of the neighboihood fcreated them to a germine ld fashioned serenade, making the niglit hideous with their horns. guns and yells. - Lodi Correspondence, Ypsilantian. Sylvester Cochrane, of Sandstone, Jackson county, was robbed last Tuesday night by a couple of tramps. Mr. Cochrane is an old man well stocked with the "dust" of this worldaud lives alone. Tljje thieves broke into his house, bound the old mau hand and foot and ransacked the premises making off with S23 of bis money. Mr. and Mrs. Myron Webb, of Saline, will celébrate the fiftieth anni versary of their marriage on Feb. 21. Who says that marriage is a failure when two siich worthy people as Mr. and Mrs. Webb after an entanglement of flfty years in the matrimonial web are still happy and content to jog along life's pathway as one indissoluble Webb? Variety is the spice of life in more ways thañ one. If farmers would produce a variety of products every yeair, they would be sure to have a proñtable market for some things every year. For instance, just now a barrel of apples is worth more than a barrel of flour. The farmer who bas apples to sell this year will make a good prolit on them. The Saline Observer observes that its observations for some years show that one new house a year is put up in that lively town. It also alleges that two new houses are to be put up the coming year and then boasts of tbis doubling of the building boom. Well, a gain of one hundred percent, in one year is pretty good for these piping Democratie times. We were deeply moved last Ttiesday morning on observing one of our excellent divines approaching us while we were shoveling "the beautiful" froni the walk in front of our lowly cot, bearing a snow shovel on his shoulder. But a great sorrow feil upon us and our faith in the human species was shaken as he strode past without offering to put in half an hour's work with us.- Grass Lake News. Grandma Crowell, of Chelsea, having reached the age of f our score years, her f riends and neighbovs to the nurnber of fifty, gave her a surprise on Feb. 13. The evening was spent in pleasant intercourse. in sir.ging and in relating reminisceuces, and in doing justice to a very tempting Bupper. Mrs. Crowell is a charming old lady, beloved by all who know her and her old age is a beautif ui one. The guests on departing sang "God Be With You Till We Meet Again." The flnest collection of rare coins in this county is the Richards-McDonald collection, of Brooklyn, Michigan. This collection was made by Dr. Abrara E. Richards, who died in Florence, Italy, in 1884. Upon his death he left them to his brother and sister, who reside at Brooklyn. He also laid the foundation of a collection at the University by presenting 2000 coins to it. This collection bears his name and is rapidly increasing. The Brooklyn collection numbers 8,000 coins, as well as many other valuable curios. Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock, the Rev. Fr. Elliot, of New York city, gave the rïrst of a series of leetures in the Dexter opera house. Ilis subject was, "What is the Good of Religión." Monday evening at 7:30 o'clock he spoke on, "Can We Get Along Without the Bible." To night he speaks on the subject, "Intemperance, or Why am Ia Total Abstainer." Wednesday evening he will lecture on "The Confessional, its Origin and itsUse," Thursday evening, on "The Man, the Citizen and the Church Mernber," and Friday evening on, "Why I am a Catholic." These subjects are of interest to one and all and the Reverend gentleman's treatment is said to be masterlv. An entertainment was given at Manchester last Wednesday evening, by the W. R. C, which included a variety of attractions. The first taking thing was a good siipper, which put everbody in good humor. Then tliere was a literary and musical programme, urnished by the "Kids"; some singing by four males; a "White Cap" exhibítion, but we are not informed as to whom they flogged, presume, on general principies, that it must have been Mat. Blosser, for we can thinkof no one who would be so Hable to need it as he; a fancy drill by some beautiful young ladies, in short d- , in short, this attractlon was appreciated greatl by those who usually occupy the fron row; and 166 guesses on the nurnbero nails in a can, the closest guesser re ceiving a bed quilt for his guess. Tber were 489 nails in the can, and Fre Gauss said there were 490 and accord ingly he took up his bed quilt an walked. The whole business was financialsuccesH. , gThe FlyingRoll disciplesstruck Gras Lake last week and the News describe them as follows: Two young wome appeared on the streets last Wednes day a. m. and attiaeted a crowd b singing religious hymns. When th gathering had assumed a respectabl size they stopped their vocal niusic an launclied fortli i ti an address touching the end of all things sublunar?, which they argued was at hand. After they liad finished and starled off, they were joined by a couple of masculines with long heavy hair that hung in wavy masses down their backs. The hair of the two young wometi was of the same style of architecture. The quartette after a short conference walked up to Lake street and disappeared round tho corner. On inquirv we learued they weie disciples of Prince Michael of Fiyina: Roll t'ame. The priuóe is ; su viiiir a lerai in the Jackson pngon for vile conduct toward a girl under tlie age Of consent. Speaking of the lire which destroyed tte üld Stanley homestead near Rawsonville the Commercial says: "Thfi house was the ldest landmark in all j this región, and is k familiar feature in the memories of all survivors who were j here a half century ago. It was built Hixiy ears ago, by Joseph Stanley,! !is spn Charles, then ayouth of 18, and ! daughter Clarissa, the late Mrs. Siaes, l clearing away the brushes vvhere foundation of the house wasto be laid. The family had come from Monroe county, N. Y., and tliis región was then an almost unkroken wilderness. The house was built of hewed logs, and was known for many years as the best house in the región. It was the scène of many a social event, the home of a family of several children of Joseph Stanley, and of a later family of children of his sou Charles Stanley, who died there four years ago. On the 15th of October, 1835, a patent for the .SU acres on which the house stood, was issued to Joseph Stanley, signed by Andrew Jackson, President ot the United States, and the interesting document is preserved by Myron II. Stanley, of Sumniit street, the only one of "Charles Stanley's children now remaining here.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News