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Mxs. II. Vrincent is quite f tl . Mis. Coe left for M. Louis, Mo., llondav afteriiuon. Prof. Warren Babcoèk nd wife lelt 'orLausinfï, Fuiday. Littte W.Uiviu Barnes, vcho lias been juite ill, is out aguiu. Chas. Wilson aml il' e are visiting friends In Manceloua. Mrs. Hinkley gave a little party Montlay even ing to ;t tew friendo. Mrs. Susie Kuight is the guest of her sister Mrs. ï. Uarnes, at Dundee. Miss Leena went to Napoleon to j to organiza a Junior League baturday. i L. L ld red ge and wife spent öuiuiay with Mr. ana Mrs. T. Barnes at Dundee. Mr. C. M. Fuller taught scliool at the Tainerack for Miss Svvick, Mon,day. Mrs. .i. Dentón gave a tea to a number of her lady fnends, Friday aiterBOOD. The liaptist miniáter, Rev. J. V. Stone, aud tamily, will move to Milan tuis week. Mr. O. II. Kelly will soon be sellmg goods at his own store on West Main street. Forty-flve members were taken into the M. E. church on probation last iSunday morniug. Mrs. T. Y. Lacy entertained her son, Private Wm. K. Trimbie, of Port Wayue, last week. Another masquerade in honor of Father George, the 2nd of Pebruary, at the opera house. Mrs. C. Chapin entertained a few guests one bright evening last week at her home on V. Maiu street. Mrs. Whitmarsh is entertaining her sister, Mrs. Belle Stringer, aud children, f rom Iukster, this week. Mr. Dick Knight, from the Green Mountain state, is the guest of his pareiits, Mr. and Mra. H. Knight. Mvs. H. Sill is entertaining her tnother, Mrs. Wm. Hoyt, ot' Saline, and her aunt f rom New York, this week. Editor Snaith says he sold 536 valentones the tirst week in February, and he wishes for more valentine days during the year. Bev. C. S Bullock, of Saline, will deliver a f ree lecture at the M. E. church, Tuesday evening, Feb. 20. Subject: "Glyrnpses of the Past." Thursday evening Rev. and Mrs. E. Yager will give a receptiou to the converts and the young members of the church at Blackmer's Hall. The Ladies Aid Society of the M. E. church, will hold their tea social at the residence of Mr3. II. A. Taylor on First St., Wednesday afternoon. Misses Flossie Chapin, Imo Whitmarsh.Lelia Kelly and several others attended the Clioral Union entertainment at Ann Albor Sunday evening. Mrs. Pyle gave a pleasant little tea party the last of the week in honor ot her guests, Mrs. Minzie and Ward, ol Chicago, and her sister, Miss Grace Menzie, of Niágara Falls. The Star Lodge will indulge in a Pink tea and social at the opera house, Tuesday evening. Games and an interesting program will be indulged in, makiüg the evening f uil of interest to all.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News