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Local Brevities

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The W. C. T.U. meets this afternoon in McMillan hall. Foley Guild meets in Calkins' hall on State street Satnrday evening:. The regents of the univer.sity were unable to get a quorum, Wednesday. Allmendinger & Schneider are starting up the Central milis at Owosso. Weinmann and Stein have about 200 tons of ice in their cold storage bailding. Hon. John j.Ingalls speaks before the Students' Lecture association, March 9. All friends of the Maccabees are invited to attend the exercises in the hall of Arbor tent, tonight. Daniel J.Ross will build three new houses on the oíd Catholic church property which he has purchased. The M. E. Woman's Foreign Missiönary society meets at Mrs. W. J. Booth's, on William street, at three o'clock this afternoon. A unión service of the Young People's Christian societies will be held in the Presbyterian church Sunday evening at 6:15 sharp. The project of starting a new wagon manufactory here has been abandoned. The projectors of it are thinking of going to Charlotte. Rev. Fr. Chas. O'Reilly, of Detroit, formerly of Chêlsea, has been assigned to the church of the Itnmaculate Conception at Adrián. Cards are out announcing the marriage of the rising young attorney, W. H. Butler, to Miss Mabel Lewis ín Chicago next Wednesday. Frank Lincoln, the famous hurnorist, gives one of the finest entertainments of the season before the Inland League next Monday evening. The Rifles gave a very amusing street parade yesterday afternoon, showing considerable ingenuity in ' getting up appropriate costumes. They held a very successful raasquerade last evening. Rev. J. T. Sunderland .will exchange pulpits next Sunday with Rev. Lee S. McCollister, of Detroit, both morning and evening. Mr. McCollister's evening lecture will be upon "The Cathedrals of Milan, Florence and Venice." The Y. M. C. A. were given a reception and social by the ladies of the Congregational church, in the church parlors, Tuesday evening. Literary and musical exercises and a bountiful supper contributed toward making the affair a most enjoyable one. A class in physical culture will be formed at the school of music on Thursday evening next from 7 to 8 o'clock. Mrs. Merry's method will be of benefit to all students who wish to learn the art of resting and the habit of nerve economy. The class will meet Mondays and Thursdays at the same hour for practice in Americanized Delsarte. The following standing committee of the Forest Hill cemetery have been appointed: Avenues and Paths - Pond, Wagner and Scott; Lots, Spaces and Buildings - Brown, Hiscock and Dean; Finance and Securities - Stevens, Seabolt and Schmidt; Employment of Sexton - Dean, Schmid and Pond; Special Committee on Trees - Schmid, Hiscock and Seabolt. The Knights of Pythias gave a Irighly successful reception and ball at Granger's hall Wednesday evening. The occasion was the thirtieth anniversary celebration of Ann Arbor Lodge, No. Prof. E. F. Johnson on the history of the order was the right man in the right place. His narration was deeply interesting and his delivery excellent, and all present were highly entertained. The Woman's League will hold its next monthly meeting in McMillan Hall, at 4 o'clock on Saturday of this weck, Feb. 24. Miss Julia King, professor of history in the Ypsilanti Normal School, will address the League on the subject: "The Fettered Soul." Mrs. Angelí will give a short talk on practical social requirements of Hostess and Guest. Mrs. Sunderland's Sunday noon Kible class in the study of the "Christian Denominations," at the Unitarian Church, has an attendance of over 150. Her subjects the past three Sundays have been the Episcopal, Presbyterian and Congregational churches; those for the next three Sundays will be the Baptist, Methodist and Uuniversalist churches. Geo. W. Seybold was kicked yesterday while shoeing a horse and badly injured. The horse kicked with both feet, striking hira in the side and also on the wrist, breaking one of the bones of the same. He was taken to his home and Dr. Morton summoned and the fracture was reduced. He was able to get down to the shop today but he feels pretty sore and it will be some time before he will be able to attend to his work again. Among the losers at the big Chelsea fire not rnentioned in our article of Tuesday were R. S. Armstrong & Co., stock damaged in moving, $500, insured; Miss Emma Gillam, loss on furniture in Chelsea House, #1,500, insured; Chelsea tire department, furniture, $ 100, no insurance; C. E. Whittaker, stock damaged in moving, $500, insured; Rev. O. C. Bailey, damáge to household goods, $200, no insurance; A. Mensing, damage to household goods, $200, no insurance. Last Tuesday a lively runaway was witnessed on Detroit street. The horse was a large gray animal, which seemed to be imbued with all the activity r.ecessary fora "quarter horse," became frightened at a freíght engine which was passing under the Detroit street bridge, and in his fright seemed to have forgotten that someone was supposed to be driving him. Finally the boy with the presence of mind of an army officer, saw that it was impossible to even check the .speed of his fiery untamed, very mechanically run him upon the sidewalk and 11 p to a house. Marshal Wheeler says thut President Wüitts and himseir rode all over the city yesterday and could find no walks which had not been cleaned of snow. - Daily Times, Feb. 15. These gentlemen better walk next time, and they may, possibly. find a few. For it was a notorious and shamef ui tact tbat on the day above mentioned the sidewalks of the city were never before in a more disgracoful or dangerous condition from the accumnlation of snow thereon. The pure, unadulterated laziness of Arm Arbor citizens in respect to cleaninR their walks of snow, is notorious through all the country round.- Courier. "People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones." Is the editor of the Courier sure that he doesn't live in a glass house in this matter? The lecture of Rev. Fatlier Kelly, 3f St. Thomas' church, under the luspices of the Unity cíub on Monday evening, was largely attended and very interesting. The liberal and generous spirit of the speaker, his scholarly treatment of the subject and his modest dignity,was very pleasing and captivated his audience. His subject was Cardinal Newman, and his appreciation of the life and character of the great Englishman, it is needless to say, was very high but not higher than he deserves. Cardinal Newman, as Father Kelly showed, was a sincere, brilliant and noble character, an honor to the English race and the great church to whose protective arms he implicitly com mitted himself and to whose service he devoted the last forty years of his life. The officers and members of Unity club, we have reason to know, feel under many obligations to Father Kelly for his kindness and liberality, in consenting to lecture for them and hope to hear him


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News