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Estáte of Mary A. Ottmar. f OTATBOP MICHIGAN. CO tl N TV ! kJ of Wttshtena w , mk. At a Nn#nion of h ' riihati Courl lor the Oounty of Wushleimw . hl!áen al t h Probate Oöice. In the City al Min Arl?cr on WedneS'lay, the 3Uih day of Jrniunrj-, in tbe yenr oue Lhouïauü eijchl liuurlreil aud ; tour. Preseul.J. Willarrt rinbhii;. .Inrnf Probate. In the matter ot tbe estateof Mary A. Ottmar, deeeoaed. On reading andflliiüï tï e pwtittnn, duly verifled, ; d1' Christin lUuiu, praying that Uie' administtatioQ i)f said estáte muy be -ranted to Henry Richards, or some other suitable person. Tliereupon it is ordered, that Monday. the 26th dayof Febnmry next, at leno'elock in the forenoon, be assigned for the hearing of Baid peütion and that the heirs al )aw ot said deceaacd, and all other persons interested in said estáte are required to nppear at a session of sai'1 court, then to be holden at the Probate Office in the city ot Ann Arbor, and show euuse, if any there be, wby the prayer of the petitioper should not beranted. And it is fnrther ordered, that said netitiouer give notice to the persous interested lusaid estáte of the pendency of said petition and the hearing there f, by cansina a copj of this order tobe publiahed in the Ann Abdok Akgus, a newspaper printed and üreulated in Raid couuty, hree succes&ive weefca previous to said day of ïearing. J. WILLARD BAIJBXTT, [Atrueeopy.] ■ Jndge of Probate. Wm. (i. Doty. Probate lïegister Commissioners' Notice. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COÜNTY 0 of Wushtenaw. The undersiKned haring been appointed by the Prolmte Court for said County, Oomnnssioners to receive, examine and adjust uil claims and demanda of all person against the estáte of Lucinda Def'uy, late 01 ö;vid county, deceased, hereby give noiice thal pix months froru date are allowed, by order oí said Probale Court, for creditors to present their-claims against the estáte ofsad decea?ed, and Ihat tcey wil meet at th office of W. K. C'hilds, in thecity of Anu Arbor in said couuty, on theseventh day of May, and on the sixth day of August next, at ten o'clock A. W. of each of snid da s, to receive, examine and adjuí.t said claims. Dated, February fiih, 1894. ÁNDHEW GIBBON, JEUOME A. FKKEMAN. Cominissioners. Commissioners' Notice. QTATÜ. OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY OF O Washtenaw. The undersigned havinyr beenapxiinted by the Probate Court for said County, Com. missioners to receive, examine and adjust all claimt ind demands Of all persons atfainst the estáte &1 VVilliam Prlugle, late of said Countv, deceased, lerebv give notice thal six months frotn dale alowed, by order of said Probate Court, for cr.-ditors o present their claims ag:amst the estáte of said de ccased, and thatthevwill meet at the residente of Margaret Hnraii, iu tlie township of Northfield, n siiid County, on the nineteeutt) ilay of May, and on thetweDtie'h dav of Allí;"-' next, at ten o'clock a. M. of each of said days, to receive, examnc and adiust said claims. Dated, February 19, i8-4 EMRRY E. LELAND, JuHN COYLK, Commissioners Estáte of Blanche White. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY O ol Washtenaw, 3s. At a session of the Probate "'ourt for the (iounty of Washtenaw, holdenatthe Probate Office in the city of Ann Arbor, on Satur!ay, the 27 h day of Januarj', in the rearone thousand eight hundred and i ine.ty-four. Present, J. Willard liabbitt, Judge o'f.frojate. In the matter of the estáte of Blanche White, deceased. Ijemuel Golr3smith,the administrator of saH estate. eoms into court and representa that he is now propared to rtnder bis final account as such üdrainistra'oi. Thereupon it ie ordered that Tuesday, thöCTth day of February next, at te o'clock in the l'"renon, be assigned tor exainnnng alld allowing sucli account, md that the heirs at law of Raid deceased, nd all other persons inteie-ted in said estáte aru requirod to appear at a se.-siou of suid court, then to be holden at the _ roha e Office in the city of Ann Arbor, in s il County and shnw muse, if anv be why the said account should not he allowed : And H is tur ther ordered tb ut said adminislruioi g'Ve noti) e to thepersonsinterested in said esiate.ofthepi'ndency pf said account and the hearing therenf. by causing a copy of this order to be publisbed in i the Ann Akbok AKtiüs, a oewspaper printed and circulating in said counly three ucceSJive ' week? previous to said rlav of hearing. J. WILLARD BAUUITT. lAtruecopy.) -Judge of Probate. William ü. i)OTY. Probate Keiriuter. Estáte of Jacob Heinzmann. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY of VWh'enftw. ss. Ai a sesMon of tht l'robte Court ror ihe cunty of W ah ten hw, holden at'he probate otöoe in ihe city oJ Ann Arbor, on Mooday, ihe lOth dny of Februavy in the yearone thousand eigfal hundr fl ana nimHy-íour 't, J. Wi lar) Bauhitt Julge of Probate. In tht matter oi the e-late of .Jacoo Htiuzmanii, dec' ased. On roadinand filina the petition, duly verifled , of John Heinzmann, prayiug that tidminitration of said ettate may b -. eranted iu biinseli or stomotlier sui ablf peison. Phereupon it is urdeied, tht Monday, the lOth day of Man-h next, at ttn o'clock in Lhf foieoo -n, be us?Uned for ihe hearing of said petition, and that the heirs at law ín said deces d, and all otbpr persons inlerested in sh d estnte, are re quireri to appear at a fession of eaid coun, then to be holdeu Ht the probate office, in hfl city f nn Arbor. und show cau-e. if iiiv th re be.wtiy the pra er of the peti'ionei shou'tl not be erauted. And it is fnrther ordered, ihat said pet ilitmerive notiee ro ihe persons int-TcS ed in said estáte, of the pendeney "t naid petuiou. and the hearing theriof by Cíinsing a copy of i-his order 10 b' putiliahed in the Ann Atgns. a newspaper printed and oiroula ed in said coanty, three BucCQSeive weeks previous to smd dnv t hearing. J. WILLAKD liAIÏHLI i Juiltre ui Probate. (A true copy.) WiLniAM G. DOTY, Probate Register.


Ann Arbor Argus
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