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Mrs. G. Soliailile is on the sick list; Mr. C Sehneider and daughter, of Urooklyn, spt-nt Sumlay vit!i rëlatives, A. F. Freeman returued frotu Florida, wherehe uiade a short visit, last Moiidaj . Mis. E. Miller, el' Toledo, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Dr. F. A. Kotts. Mis. R. Murpliy, uccompanied by lier aunt, Mrs. J. 'Kelly. returned tö Detroit last Monday. Mr. and Mrs. V. Gross, who have been visiting in town the past two weeks, returned to Detroit last Tuesday. Miss Margaret Jilosser returned trom her visit to Three Rivers last Saturday. Comstock Tost has moved into the rooms oceupied by the '. R. C. Mr. Dey, the photographer, and wife, left Saturday fór a visit at tirana Rapuls and expect to be gone a number of weeks. Rev. Yokom preached a splendid sermón last Hunday on ''Secret Societies'" and the chureh was weil iilled. Kev. Mr. Miller. of Ilillsdale, preached at the Baptist chureh Sunday morning. The musical entertainment which was given at the Methodist chureh two weeks ago, was repeated at the Shaion Center chureh last Monday evcning. Miss Chamberlain, the violinist, of Jackson, is in town every Thursday, giving lessons to a class of eight persons. Miss Calkins, of Adrián, is trying to get a class and will come once a week to give lessons in elocution. She w;.s in town last Monday and took part in the entertainment at Sharon. Mrs. Schlegel, who for the past year lived in the house opposite the Union school, has moved her household goods to Anu Arbor, and has rented her house. A number of scholars who have been sick with the mumps ai-e back resuming their studies. Last week the iirst primary had no absent or tardy marks which is reuiarkably good for the little ones. Tlie grammar room enrolls 58 and bas not had a tardy mark this term. Miss Ida Silkworth closes her winter term of school in the Zimmerman district next Friday, After a week's vacation she begins her spring term in the same district.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News