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The Postmaster, Winchester, Mass., says: 1 am personally acquáinted with Mr. and Mrs. Carleton, and was astonisbed at the remarkable effects of your Sulphur Bitters in curing tbeir son, and its large sale is undoubtedly due to the fact tliat ie is au honest medicine. I know of many others who have been cured by its use, and I do not think too much can be said in its praise. Yours truly, Geo. P. Brown, P. M. For Over Kifty Vears Mr;s. Winslow's Soothino Svrup has been used for children teethini!. lt soothes the Chlld, softens the gums, allays all 'pain, cures wind col ie, and is the bost remedy lor Diarrhcpa. Trenty-flve cunta a bottle. Sold by U! drugglsts througliout the world. Mrs. H. Mevette. tke Genesce county treasurer" of the W. C. T. IL, and a very influential vvorker in the cause of women, says: "I have used Parks' Tea, and flnd it is the best remedy I have ever tried for constipation. It requires smaller doses and is more. thorouijh. I shall use nothing elsè in future." Sold by Eberbach & Sons. Don't Tobacco Spit or Smoke your Life Away fs the truthful, startling title of a little book Shat tellsallabout No-to-bac, the wonderful, aarmlees Ouaranteed tobáceo habit cure. The ;O6t te trifiing and tlie man who wants to (uit ind can't runs no phyeical or flnancial risk in usingr "No-to-bac. Sold by all druggists. Hook at Drug Stores or by mail free Address, The Sterling Remedy Co., Indiana Mineral Sprlngs, Ind. i


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News