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Do You" [UseSalt? It will pay you in numerous ways to use the galt dut' all alt. This is especially true as to the butter maker. You reeogulze a diflerence In butter. We can polnt you out a differente in salt. You strive for the best ■ milk, why not search for the best salt? Test, compare, ask questions. Investígate what Diamond Crystal Dairy Salt has done for others. There's no secret about it. Write and get particulars. We grant that salt is cheap, but is that a good reason why you should not have the best? Look fairly and fully into the salt question, andyou'U flnd the way to better flavored butter, and better prices through our Dairy Salt. Indispensable for cooking and table use also. Write us about it. DIAMOND CRYSTAL SALT CO., St. Clair, Mich. Unlike the Dotcli Process j II No Alkalies gÊ Other Chemicals ! Jraf II m . (ire used in the mf I lili preparation of jjjW. Bib! & Cos Breakfasf Cocoa, ivhieh is dbsolutely pure and soluble. It has more than thrce times the strcngth of Cocoa mixed with Starch, Arrowroot or Sugar, and is far more economical, costing less than one cent a cup. It is delicious, nourishing, and easilt D1GESTED. Sold by Crocerg evorywhore. W. Baker & Go., Dorchester, Mass. The best grades of Hard and Soft Coal always in stock. Did you ever use Coke? Good Coke? We have it. Those who have used it pronounced it excellent. Belter try some and be conviticed, it is very cheap. M. STAEBLER, Phone No. H. Office 11 W. Washington Street, iiiïSEï t mmn Myjíií, línllüMi AND FLOÜft ANB FËEO STORE, keep consiiincly on hand BREAD, CRACKERS, CAKES, &c. For Wholesale or Ketail Trade, We shall also keep a supply ot OSB0RNE)S GOLD DUST FLOUR. 3. M. Swift & Oo.'a Best White Wheat Flour, Rye FIotij , Buckwheat Ilour, Corn ïïteal, y jed, &c, &c, &c, At Wholesale irwi Retaií. A ircneral stock oí &E00EEIES AND PSOVISIONS constantly on ham!, which will be sokl on as reasonable 'terms as at any other house ín the city. ISP-Cash paid tor Butter; Eeárs, and Countrv Produce enöralW. ISGoods DeMvered 10 anv part ol t!ie i-ity wlih out extrt chanré. Ttinsey & Seabolt. 5 DOLLARS PER DAY , 20 EasiJy SVIadc. We want many men, women, boys, and giils to work for s :i fewhours daily, right inand urounil tlicirown liornas. Tlie business s easy, pleasant) strictly honorable, and pays better tlian any other olfered Hgents. Voii llave a clear Beid :md no competition. Experlenoe and special abilityunlioocssury. No capital required. Wequip you with evèrythlng that you peed, treat you well, and help you to earn ten times ordlnary wages. Woniiin do as well as men, and boys and girls make good pay. Auy one, nywhere, can do the work. AU sucoeed who tollow our plain and sim]1( directions. Barnest work will s'urely bring you a great deal of moncy. Evorythlng s hew and in great demand. Write for our pampulet ciroalar, an3 receive full infbrmation. No harm done if you conclude not to j;o on with tlie business. Ceorce Stïnson&Co., Box 4S8, PORTLAND, MAINE. IMPORTANT TO ADVERTISERS. The cream of the country papers is founö in Remington'a County Seat Lists. Bhrewc advertisers avail themselves of these lists, a copy of which can be had of Bemington Eros., of New York & Pittsburg. JOS Plso's Kemedy for Catarrii is the H5 ■ Best, Easiest to Use, and Cheapest. I Sold by Druggists or ent by mail. I ü DOc. L. T. lliut-ltlüt, Warren, Fa. K


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