Local Brevities
The fish and oyster men are gay Thninífh all theáaysof lent, But the hutcliov tlien has timo to pray And l'o; ipaat tougrb Me;iU Suc. A fine faoulty concert was given last evening. The main sewer was fïnished ai .a cost of about $29,000. 1 The regular council meeting occurs next Monday evening. The Toledo road has built a sidewalk across its tracks on Summit street. The Inland league series of entertainments are giwing excellent satisfaction. A large class wül be confirmed in St. Andrew's church, Passion Sunday, March 1 1. Alderman Wtn. Her., of the 2d ward, is putting a new coat of paint on his paint shop. Rev. Mr. Cobern preaches Sunday Evening on the "Dance Weighed in Silver Balances. Three chickens were stolen from Patrick McCabe, of North Main street, Tuesday night. The daughter of John Eiting, of West Seventh street, died Wednesday night, aged twelve years. Miss C. A. Sager will erect two eesr stores this spring on the corner of Liberty and Maynard streets. The smug mugging cra.e has struck the Argus force and five of the employees have had their hirsute adornment removed. Rev. J. S. Dennis, D. D., of Syria, will speak in the Presbyterian church, Sunday evening on t "Missions at Short Range." The Ann Arbor Organ company on Monday shipped thirty organs to London, England. The company doesn't object to a fareign market. The first appointment made in the Ann Arbor post office under civil service rules is that of Bert D. Hammond as assistant mailing clerk in the place of Eugene Wagner. Rev. Dr. Gillespie, of the Presbyterian board of missions, who preaches in the Presbyterian church next Sunday evening, has personally inspected the missions in foreign lands. The building committee of the board of' supervisors have ordered a burglar alarm put in the county treasurer's office, and a telephone put in the prosecuting attorney's office. About forty delegates left Ann Arbor, Wednesday evening, to attend the second international convention of the students' voluntary movement for foreign missions, at Detroit. The Michigan Central increased their passenger receipts during the last six months of 1893, $1,721,219 over the corresponding months of 1893. This is an increase of 44.3 percent. Dr. Schrepper, veterinary surgeon, was taken in charge by officer Collins, Wednesday night, for chasing his family all around the house, while intoxicated. It cost Schrepper a little over $10. Sheriff Brenner brought a young man to the jail yesterday afternoon from Dexter. He was trying to dispose of $4 engineering books for 25 cents. The books were taken from Moore 5? Wetmore.s store. The young fellow was as drunk as a lord. He has been writing cards in this city. A young daughter of Mr. Kred jarndt, of Gott street, third ward, died Wednesday night from epilepsy. She was found dead in bed, having died apparently from the bursting of a blood vessel during her struggles. She was not in good health, having had a stroke of paralysis some time ago. She was about i2 years of age. The first of a series of Sunday evening entertainments entitled an "Evening with Hymn Writers," will be given by Trinity Lutheran church at Newberry hall next Sunday evening at 7:30. A biographical sketch of a recent hymn writer will be given and a special program of song service rendered. It will doubtless be a pleasant exercise to all. Irving Jones, who was charged with the burglary of Bowdish & Matteson's store on State street, was brought before Justice Pond, Wednesday, and discharged. He was immediately rearrested on the charge of stealing a macintosh and banjo from the Psi Upsilon house. His examination on this charge was held yesterday and he was bound over to the circuit court, his bail being fixed at $1,000. F. J. Riggs det'ends htm. Miss Frances J. Allen of the high school entertained the junior class last Friday evening, at -her home on the Whitmore lake road. Games, music, dancing, and a sheet of ice close by, furnished amusements. Bountiful and tasteful refreshments were served and the class returned to the city in the "Wee, small hours," having spent a most delightful evening. Mr. E. Frank, the well known partner of the Huil Bros. Co., Detroit, has purchased the entire stock of Freund Bros., known as The Fair, in that city, from Trustee Hartnon. The stock sold for 35c on the dollar, and Mr. Frank announces one of the greatest sales ever seen. As soon as a large portion of the present stock is disposed of at the opening sale, the entire stock will be replenished with the best the market affords. A valuable new robe was stolen from the buggy of Philip Duffy about half-past five o'clock yesterday. The buggy was on Ann street by the side of Edward Duffy's store. The thieves didn't escape detection long. They were arrested by Officer Colüns and Deputy-Sheriff Brenner at a late hour last night and proved to be Joe Shiplack and Chas. Wyatt. They sold the $25 robe to Vogel's hired man for $1.50. The robe has also been recovered. Mrs. Grace Fields, widow of John Fields, died at her home, No. 32 N. Fifth Avenue, Wednesday afternoon at four o'clock. The cause of her death was erysipelas complicated with other troubles. She had been ill for about three weeks. She leaves one daughter, Miss Lillian Fields. The funeral will be held from the residence Saturday afternoon at two o'clock, Rev. C. M. Cobern officiating. Wednesday evening was a jolly occasion with the Oriental gentlemen of the K. O. T. M's. About one hundred and twenty were present. Six candidates were in waiting. They know how it is themselves. After the muster in of the candidates was the election and installation of ofticers. The newly elected and duly installed officers are as follows: Grand oriënt, Emil Hoppie; grand monitor, H. F. Frost; venerable friar, Murray White; grand visor, W. S. Banfield; grand herald, Hudson T. Morton; inside guard, Fred Weinburg;-outside guard, John Young; G. A. P., J. A. Sweet; secretary, Charles Mills; treasurer, W. E. Howe. After the installation was a grand banquet. Responses to toasts were given by Murray William F. Stimson, Edwin E. Hallet, Charles Sanford, Alderman Snow, H. F. Frost, M. H. Mills, R. S. Greenwood, Henry Marsh, E. F. Johnson, Herman Kern, Geo. E. Darrow. President L. G. Gorton, of the Michigan Agricultural college, paid the Argus a cali yesterday. He reports everything in ship shape at the M. A. C. ánd constantly improving. ít could not be otherwise with such a man as President Gorton at the helm. No mistake was made by the board of agriculture when Mr. Gorton was placed 'at the head of the M. A. C. He is one of the most genial of men, a man of the people, brought up on the farm and thoroughly acquainted with practical farm management, and with the aims and aspirations of this sturdy element of our population. He has also had wide experience in other walks of life, having been in business in Detroit for some years, and also a highly successful teacher in the public schools of that city. His wide acquaintance and dealings with men, as well as scholarship and successfull experience in the schoolroom all give him fitness for the position he now occupies. The Agricultural college cannot fail to advance under his able management.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News
John Eiting
F. G. Schrepper