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The Dexter Bank Robbery

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The Dexter Savings bank robbers have not yet been caught, neither has the money been found. The opiniĆ³n that the Carelton, Monroe county murderers were guilty of the robbery has been disproved by the discovery of the murders. The exact amount of money missing by the bank is 3,160.55. There is very little to add to the full and complete account given in last Friday's Argus, which has called out the fol lowing letter,from President Birkett, of the bank: . Dexter, Mich., March 5, 1894. Beakes & Hammond, Ann Arbor, Mich. Gentlemen: Will you please send me 8 or 10 copies of the Artus of March 2nd, if you have them to spare. Your account of the bank robbery is the nearest correct of any I have seen and I want the pipers to send to fnends at a distance, it will save me writing. The actual loss to the bank is $3,160.55. Too rnuch to lose but not enough to put the bank to any inconvenience. Yours P%.espectfully,


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News