The Appearance Of The Traverniers
The Traverniers were greeted by a good sized and well pleased audience last evening upon their opening play of this week's engagement at Music Hall. Since here the company has been added to in the way of specialty peoplc and some very clever ones they are. M. B. Streeter makes a big hit in his tropical songs and the singing of the I. V. C. quartette compares favorably with vocal numberes furnished by organizations appearing with high priced attractions. The Blacksmith's Daughter, the piece put on last evening gives Ida VanCortland an opportunity in the last act to play 'the part of a cynical apparently wronged woman. Miss VaríC .oí tl and 's forte is ir. tfepirting won) ei) of that character and, although versatile, she excels in those pans where pride and scorn are pictured and where the shafts of wit and satire are given home thrusts by her. The bill for tonight is the Russian military drama, Michae) Strogoff. By the way, the Tavernier conipany were once wont to put on The Mighty Dollar in very good shape. Many would doubtless like to see Mr. Tavernier play the part of the Honorable Bardwell Sloat once more. Although the repertoire for the week is made out, wouldn't he kindly change it and givebefore the close of the week's engagement, the part whichlie himself is at his best? The Taverniers will appear at the Grand Opera House, March 8.
Ann Arbor Argus
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