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S. P. Keyes is visiting in Lansing. J. A. Jaycox has returned from Alpena. Dr. A. K. Hale left last evening for Adams, N. Y. Walter Mack left Saturday night for New York city. Mrs. Glenn V. Mills has gone to Owosso to join her husband. Misses Ella and Eva Simmons, of Kalama.oo, are visiting Miss Lillian Field. Herbert Watts, of Syracuse, N.V., is spending a week with his father, J. C. Watts. Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Mallory were surprised by a large party of friends Friday evening. Mrs. Elizabeth Goodale, of Hamburg, Mich., is visiting her many Ann Arbor friends. B. F. Schumacher, the South Main street hardware merchant, is in Detroit today on business. Miss Carrie Schulz has returned from a three weeks' visit with her sister, Mrs. Lohr, of Marshall. Mr. Lew H. Clement has returned from an eight days' business trip, and reports the sale of twentyseven organs. Dr. Henderson, class of '90, who is practicing in Port Huron, was in the city to attend the funeral of Mrs. Grace Field. Siam Langsdorf left Saturday for St. Louis, Mo. While a resident of this city he made many warm friends who wish him the success in business, his abilities deserve. Mr. Fred Wilkinson, of Chicago, is looking in tipon old Ann Arbor friends, this week. Some thirty years ago he resided in Ann Arbor and was well acquainted with the Argus when it was managed by Mr. Gardner. Mr. Wilkinson is now editor of the "Cali," a society paper in Southern Chicago. He says the big city is a little slow just at present.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News