University Notes
Tickets for the Ingalls lecture next Friday evening will be sold for seventy-five cents. The sophomores will hold a social in Newberry hall in the course of the next two weeks. Prof. Griffin lectured to the laws Monday. He received a rou'sing ovation from both classes. The U. of M. delegation to the Students' Volunteer Convention was the largest, consisting of fiftytwo members. Rev. McLean addressed the S. C. A. Sunday morning on the "Heroism of Missions." He gave an account of the wdrk of the first missionaries to India, China, Burmah and South África. The selfsacrifice of these héroes, the privations and enormous hardships they endured for the cause of Christ put to shame our insignificant efforts, none of which merits the name of sacrifice. In place of the regular lecture in ; Finance, Friday afternoon, which ' Prof Adams was prevented by a ! sore throat trom delivering, Rev. ! F. G. Woodworth, f Mississippi, addressed the class. Mr. Wood! worth was formerly a student at Iowa college with Prof. Adams, ;graduating there in 1876. líe is now president of Tougaloo nniversity in Mississippi. He spoke on "Some Phases of the Negro Problem," presenting the bright side of the question, and correcting some erroneous conceptions in regard to i the educational qualifications and j race discrirninationjS in Mississippi.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News