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Sheriff s Sale. NOTICE IS HBEKBY UIVEN TI1AT BY virtueof a w ï-ii. of fieri facías, lued out of the Circuit CourfTfor Ule f'ouuty oí '.i-liIfiirnv, in the stare of Mi'-hian. ïu favor of James A. Jaycox, ngaiust thesoodi' and ehattels and rel estáte of Adolpb Hoffstetter, in said county. n me direeted and deHverea, l did on the t'fth day of Febrnary, A. D. 1894, lovy upon Biid takeallthe righi, title and inU'rest of ilic siiid Adi ïpli Roffstetterin andto the following described real estáte, tliat is to say: All those certain piocës ur pateéis of land,pituaud and teiugr on sectlon fcwentydine (0), in towuship number two (2) tsourh of ranjre nninber six löl t'it tt, State of Michigan; kniiwn, bounded an'l (tceriit-d as follows, viz: fïenininjr in cao center of a hi'jhway leadins; wi sterlv out ol i he city al Ann Arbof, known as t iie l'".l)'-r w luit' roiul, three and one halt rpds w(v 'crly fioiu the soutb-east coroet of six Hei '.'s sold by John Allt-n and biB wife to James Kinjïsleyon flrstdayof February, A. D.1836, and runninji thonce weetei'Jy alODg saiil loml l'our rods: thence nortli one and ijdi' lom ; ii i! ■_: -ces east six obalnsand fortyBveHnkP: ri-m-c noi-th seyenty tlve deyrees east parallel fco tbe road thirty thiee linfa or so fai that course nortli two chaina and eigbty links wi'l trlke the land (ormerly owncd by Jncoh Kcmpf one obain and one link weMefl) ui tbe noi'thwesi corner of land forniezly owned by üeorg-p Gvanville: tbence caMterly parallel to the road to sald Granyüle's laad; thenee souih tb ree ohalus to anotberoorn'-r of the sald laúd formerly owned by thesald Graoville; theriee westerly parallel to the road aliout thirty-six links; tbence Kiutli two deprees and thirty minutes west 8ix chaina and twenty-flve links to the place of !M)flnnlDK, belng the same land that was ciüM-yi-ii Ui Daniel Murray by Charles Bleichnr ! clc-d of conveyance aated the eighth düv o! Jununry, 1862, and recorded i the office of Ihe Reufgter of Deeds for the Cou ty f UashtoDaw, in Li her 02 of üeeds on pauc iK): Ato liiot èrtiifn plece or p&rcol of lund sitk.attitïid Ik'Ím;.' on sOCtiOD nv -ui v-ikml kHt 'lip ! wo - ■ MMith of ranrc i v it, c a-i , Bttiiv '■. Mn-hifían. known, b(Hin(!c(i au ' lc-.eiHwii lollows. vi..: Beg-innins: in the center of the InghwMv leadlng westerly out of the city "l Ann Arbor, known as the Kbi-r Milite i uiil. onu cliain and eighty-seven and one-hfili' 'i 'Ks westerly along ihe center of said i n iroui the s nlh east corner ol m acres oid brJ'-hn Allen and wife t o James Klnyfticyon Ft-l-ruiHT Brst, 1888, and running tbeiii.t wtsieriy lousr said road four rodsi thence i ortb parallel to the enst line of KiBgsIr-i 's purcmse six chaina and sixtv-five Hnks: thonce eas'erly parallel with the Wbire roal si.xty-twn and one-halt' links: thence BOi-tli two cliti.i n inri sixty links: thenee eafterly narallci with the White road one cliaia and one Itnk or liHlf way to GeorgeGranville's couer: tliftice souih parallel to the east. line t the KuiKslty purehase two chains and eihiy links; tlicnce westeily parallel to the White ioiic! thirty-three links or so far that a course soütb one derree and ílfteen minutes wivi irill .-irikt.' Mie placo of beginoinif; and from thenee south one degree and fifteen minutes west six i-ba' ns and forty-five links to tbe piare of l"ji nlujrAll of which 1 hll expose to sale at public stiel ion or penduo 10 the highest bidder ut the south door of the Court House in the c-ity of Aun Arbor in said county. that bciün the place of holding Hu circuit eourt for the said coiiriv of VV'ashn -naw. on Saturday, the twenty-ür ' dav oi April, A. 11. 1894, uext, at ten o'cioik in the foreuoon of that day. Datedtbk ,ii-. day of March. A. V). 1894. THOS. F. LKONAHD, ,:. V. Benhüttt, Deputy Sheriff. ttorney. LaOITIS SÖHDE, OoeiandWood Leliigl) Valiey Coal, $6 50 per ton. Beech wd Mapie Klocks, S2.20 a cord. Beech and Maple, 4 feet, $5.00 a cord. Main Office - 30 E. Hnron Street. 50 West Hüron Street. GRA?JÜ OPERA HOUSE THEEK NIÜHTS ONLY. CoBiiBs&l tatoy, Mará 5 Matinee, 2:30 P. M , Saturday. IDA VAN CORTLAND And ihiit MagnLHcenl Organlzation of playera known as "Tavernier's Stook Oo.," aided by every requlsite ot Sceue, Costume, Music, Daucinfr, Siuging', Calcium I.inhts aml appuüitnietiis. Plays, New Company, New Appointmcnts. SPECIAL, [noidental to eaoh phiywill be introduoed Musical I Dancing Features by Mr. M 15. Streeter. Mr. l.ow A. Warner, Little Panty, thechild wonder, posltively without a rival; Miss Daisy Keverly, thepetitsoubrette; Viola Hall aud the i. V. OQuarta THTIR8DAY NIOHT-The un-cut Russlan mllii ,n .Irania "Mlchael Strogpff." FIvIi'íaV NKüiï 'The Mijïtaty Dollar." SA'lTKDAV MATINEE- "The Blackamith's Dmiu'litrr " I KDAY NIGHT "Peck" Bad Boy." PRICBS: Beaerved seats, 50c Admission- Parij nette and (irst row in Parquelte Cirele, r,0f. Parquetto Cirele back of Bral row, '■'■'c; Gallovy, ïic Matinees, l"i and 25 cents. Eeserved Seats on sale at Watts' Jcwclry Store.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News