No elue as yet to the Hill burgiary. James Clough has rentecl his farm and it is his intentiou uow to take it easy for a while. Jacob Brown was initiated into the "Ranks of the Benedicta" by a wedding serenade given by the bovs one night last week. Daniel Drake has taken unto himself a -'better half" and will solve for himself the problem whethar "Marriage is a Failure"1 or not. O. L. Lampkin, in order to keep his hired men out of mischief, lias rented another farm. Mr. Lampkin is now running three farms, -'just for luck." Miss Minnie Hammei has secured a position in a milinery house in Detroit. Miss Ham mei left for Detroit, March 3d, to enter upon her new duties. Mr Robison, of Manchester, has been through here de-horning cattle. He de-horned the entire herd of Mr. Ilammel one day last week. De horning is something of a novelty with the farmers of this section and" certainly seems a good idea.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News