Geo, Bethel, of Willis, was theguest of ,Jr. Gregg, Sunday. Wiillam Jeffries started Monday for his home in Omaha, Neb. W'm. Kline, of Samaría, bas moved oiuo the Fred Kloos farm. Thos. Hitchingham vvill work Geo. .Riffers farm tuis coming season. Miss Jennie Bishop, of Ann Arbor, visited her parents here over Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Riffer were in town Sunday and Monday of tbis week. Will Abbott has returned home from Mississippi, where he has been since the holidays. Fred Kloos has moved into Stecher's house on "Coal Kiln Ave.,'1 lately vacated byOrval Hawks. Mrs. Frank Butler died at her home two miles east of this place, Sunday morning. A husband and tix ehildren survive her. Died, Wednesday morring, at his residence, one mile south of chis place, Dave Furgeson. Death was caused by typhoid fever. The revival meetings held at this place closed Wednesday eyening with about one hundred con versions to show for the good work of liev. Ostrotu. A couple of members of the "flying roll" were in town one night last weeü looking for a place in which to hold a series of meetings, but they were unsuccessful. They stayed all night and in the early morn took a "tie ticket" to Milan.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News