Pretty Girls In Bethlehem
A correspondent has been "doing" the Holy land, and is filled with admiration for the damsels of Bethlehem. In a recent letter he writes: 'I dont wonder that Boaz feil in love with Ruth. The Bethlehem g-irls are the beauties of the East, and you will find more pretty girls in the liills of Judea than in the same amount of territory anywhere else ;he world over. A shipload of these fciethlehem maidens, if they could be ;ransported to the great Northwest, would capture the bonanza farmers of ;he Dakotas just as Ruth captured this jreat land owner, Boaz, and when ;hey tcame back to Washington as senators' wives they would be the bells of the capital. These Bethlehem naidens are fair-skinned and brighteyed. They have straight, wellrounded forms, which they clothe in ong dresses of white linen, so beau.ifully embroidered in silk that a single gown requires many months of work. This dress is much like an American woman's night gown, without the frills and laces. It falls from ihe neck to the feet, and is open at tne front in a narrow slit as far down as a modest decollette dress. Over :his gown they wear sleeveless cloaks of dark red stripes, and the head they cover with a long shawl of linen emjroidered with silk. Each giii wears her dower on her person in the shape of a necklace of coins, and the foreïead of each maiden is decorated with a crown of coins, some of which are ilver and others gold.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News