Work On The Tariff
WasiiixgtoJ, March 5. - There have been many attempts by very infhiential people to secure a sig-ht of the W'ilson bill as amended by the senate finance committee. Lobbyists aiu wealthy speculators have oft'ered large sums to people supposed to be in a position to furnish them with such a g-lirnpse. and have used every resource at their command to eajole the senators into them to look af the measnre. Such knowledge secretly obtained would have enabled them to "work" the stock market to much profitable advantage to themselves Iiut thus far, every one such an attempt has signally failed. The senators have been under a distinct pledge not to release their copies of the bill, and without exception that pledge has been kept. Senator Voorhees, cliairman of the finance committee, has returned the most emphatic "no" to every request for a look at the bill, except, of course, when made by one of the democratie senators, to every one of whom was furnished a single copy of the amended bill. It is said, however, that in the income tax bection incomes derived from corporate and other investments for cliaritarble, relig-ious and educational purposes are excepted from tax.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News