To Construe The Law
u Asiii.NT,TO, March 5.- Mr. Bryan of Nebraska has introduced in thp. house a bilí to construe the Jaw which g-ives the secretary of the treasury the right to redeem coin obligations ia gold or silver at his discretion. It, provides that all oblig-ations incurred by the g-overnment which, to their terras, cali for payment in eoin, shall be jjayable in gold, or silver coin at the discretion of the secretary of the treasury and the right of the holder to demand payment in any particulai kind of coin is expressly denied. The secretary of the treasury ís directed to maintain gold and silver coin on a parity with each other upon the present legal ratio or such ratio as may be provided by law by receiving the same without Jiscrimination against either metal in payment of all public dues, customs and taxes.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News