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Notice of Suit n Attachment. rpHECTRCÜIT OOÜBT IOIÍTIIE COUNTY ■! iishtenaw. George Devine, platattff, vs. John D.-vmc, derendam . Notice i liereby given thut a wrii of attachment, was on the nlnro day o1 Fubruary, A. i). 114. duly is.-,ued out of and umler i lie seal et the Circuit Court f or the t'ounty of Washtenaw, In the state of Michigan, et the sult oí George Devine. as plainiill' and agaiust the l;imK ;i nd icnemenls, gro-ls. rhatteü. moneye and effects of .Tolm Devino, the defendant thereinnatued, forthesumof Uro-huudrcdand seyenty-nve dolhirs and flfty-slx cents whiefc said writ of attachment was returnable on the day of March, A, D. 189Ï, at 10 O'olook a. ui , oí ;iid date. J. W. BENNETT, Attorney for plalntifl'. Datud, the Tth day of March, A. D. 1S9Í. Estáte of Richard Walsh. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY of Washtenaw, ss . Ata session of the Probate Court for the County of Washtenaw, holdeu at the Probate Ofttce in the City of Aira Arbor, ou Monday, the h'ftli day of March, in the year oue thousand eight hundred aud ninety-t'our. Preseut J. Willard Babbitt, Judge of Probate. In the matter of the estáte of Richard Walsh, deceased. On reading and filing the petition duly rerifled, of Allee McQuillun, prayln? that admlnistration of said estáte muy be granted to James Wulsh orsome other suitable person. ïhereupon it is ordered, that ïuesday, the 3rd day ol April next, at ten o'clock ia the ïorenqon, be assigned -for the hearing of said petition, and that the heirs at law o( said deceased, aud all other persons interested in eaid estáte, are required to appear at a session of said Court, then to be holden at the Probate OfHce, in the Citv of Ann Arbor, and sbow cause, if any there be, why the prayer oí the petitioner should not be granted. And it is f urther ordered that said petitioner gïve notice to the persons interested in said estáte, of the pendency of said petition, and the hearing thereof , by a copy of this order to be published in the Ank arbor Akous, a newspaper printed and eireulated in said county, three succegsive weeks previous to said day of hearing. J. WILLAKD BABniTT, [A true copv.] Judge of Probate Wili,iam G. Doty. Probate Heiister. Commissioners' Notice. OTATE OFMICHIGAX, COCJNÏY w of Washtenaw. The undersisned linviug been appointed by the Prohate Court for sai5 County, coininissioaei's to receive, examine und adjust all claims and demands uf all persons againet the estáte of John W. Huut, late of suid county, deceated, hereby give notice that six uionths from date are allowed, by order of suid Probate Court lor creditors to present their'claima against the estáte of said deceased, and that they will ïueet kt the office of Elihu B. Pond, in the city of Ann Arbor in said county, on the 21st day of May and ou the 2Cth ' d;vy of August next, at ten o'cloek a. m. ot each of said days to receive, examine and adjust said ckiiins. Dated February 20th, 184. ELI HU li. POND. LEONHAHD GKl'NIiR, Coinmissiontrs. Notice to Creditors. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY OF O Waahtenaw, Bs. Notice is hereby ven, thatb ' an order of the Probate Court for the County of Washtenaw, made on the SWth day of February A. D. 1S94, six inouths from that date were allowed for creditors to present their claims againet the estste of Mary A. Ottmar, late of said county, deceased, aud that all creditora of said Jeceased are required to present their claims to said Probate Court, at the Probate Office in the aityof Aun Arbor, for examination nd allowance, on or before the 37th day of August lext, and that auch claims will be heard itore said Court on the 26th day of May and in the 27th day of August next, at ten o'clock n the forenoon of each ot said fJays. Duted, Ann Arbor, Fe urusry Bth. A. D. 1894. J. WILLAKD BABBITT, Judie ol' Prouate. Commissioners' Notice. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY O of Wiiehtnnaw. The undersigned having jeen appoiuteii by the Probate Court for said County, (.'ommissiouers to rcceive, examine am adjust all claims and demands of all persoun against the estáte oí Lucinda DePuy, Inte oí ejaid couuty, decfiased, herebi' g-íve notice thai six months frooj date are allowed,hy ordiroí said Probate Court, íor credicors to present Iheir elaiois agaiustthe estáte of said deceaed, aud that they will meet nt the office of W. K. Childs, in the city of Aon Arhor iu said cou nty, on the seventh day of May, and on the sixth 'dny of Aueust ten o'clock A. M. of eaeh of suid d.i,s, to receive, examÍDe and adjust said claims. Dated, February 6th, 1894. ASDREW GIBSON", JEROME A. FRKEMAX. Commisaioners. Real Estáte for Sale. CTATE OF MICHIGAN", COUNTY OF 3 Washtenaw- ss. In the matter of the estáte of Thomas Tate, deeeased. Notice is hereby riven. thatiu pursuance of in order grauted to the undersigned. adQinistrator of the estáte of said Thomas Tate, deceused, by the Hon. Judge of Probate for íhe of Washteuaw, on the ixth day of February, A. D. lxM, there will be old at public vendue, to the highest bidder, it the late residence of said deceased in the ótvnship of Brldgewater, in the County of Vashtenaw, la said State, op Wednesday, the sth dny of March. A. D. ls, at ten o'clook in the foienoon of that day (subject to all encinnbrances by mofttztiire nr oiherwise oxistIng at the time of tho death of said deceused) the followim; described real estáte, to wit: Theeast half of the southeast quarter of section numbei' twenty-three (23) and the west hallof the southwest quarterof 3eotlon number twenty-four (24) all in the township of Brldgewater, In theCountyof Washtenaw and State ui Mieliigran. 8OLOMON TATE, Administrator. Dated February 6, 189.


Ann Arbor Argus
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