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WANTED, FOR SALE, ETC. UAMTHIi A;i bonasí lady todo woik for T meiiuiotly ut hciown liome. $15 per week and steadv pOftitlon to the right person. Aridrt-ss at ouce. Prlnoets VVillard, Jol iet, 111 It wnl pay you to investígate if you can spare two nou ra per day. pA8H l.; I) HiinlwoodSuw Lojrs. Air-J dried Hardwood Lumbet on hand. A. Hlacss' faw Mili. :w L'OR 8A LE.- Brick house at corner of South " Oniverelty.aod Forest Aves. Inquire at the hoiiM-. öt FOR SALE- Kive aei-es on West Huron 8trei:t. Goood house, ham. orohard. I5eautilul locatton. Will sell on easy terms. Apply tooraddress E. D. Davis, West Huron streot, AnnArlwr, Michiffan. 7tf F.OR SALE AND TO RENT.-Several sood farms, (nrminf; landa .'ind rüy propertj lmproved and unimproved, on very easy terms. fraaklin L. Parker, 24 Aira si., Ana Arbor. LOST. A brown horse with white star in L'iid and one white hind toot, having "! t old harness andhttohed to open buggy. was lost Raturday, the 3d. Any person po6Bessing Information of the same will kindly iDt'urii) Emil Stabler, Dexter, Mloh. PIAXt) Tl'NIKi; - A. D. Brown, the well known piano with C. J.Whituev, wiü be in the city soon. Orders left at theÁHGc.s otücc wiU receive his attentiou. fjO ItKNT.-At No. S. State St. A flafoí i six rnonip. Enqulre at 18 S. State St. 28tf rrio RBST.- iumlshed liouse heated w'th I i'nniaoe. In nood order. Apply to Noah G. Uutts. Moom IS.Masonic Bloek. H. üITJEtEDCE, N o. 6 West a n n Street. IHBUKUDIUUW In the rcür of Edward Dutfj-'s grooerr store Hitek los!] trains. day and niht. Orders for trains, pprne, -eldinjjs and funerala proroptly Httendid tu. Toiepiione. 108 Ann Arhor Mieh. "WE ARE THE PEOPLE. Ui We have one of the most complete I I Oiug Stores in the country. il B Onr Prescription Department is I M comp'ele in eeiy lespeet. We will ÖB rot he undeisold by any druggist in I B ' ' ' ..i I i B az Ann A t.r. The rcpvtationol i he past is 1 cieiit lliat only tlie Choicest, Freshesi ■ 1 and l'iirt-t Medicines have always I I been a jiecial feature of this E I ]-hnienl, nnd dispensed willi ■ h i ■ " íl'p ái a f Prua: Store. STATE O V MICHIGAN. 8ÜIT 1'1:ND1NG iuiii i icuitCourl for WashtenawConuty, Ín i'lmiicei y; Wberein vlbert I', livirton is complainant nuil VoDa M. Huillín Ig lc í'ctu l:i ni . Satlsfactory proof appearingtothisCourt, by affidavlt n Ble, thai rlofendant s not a rc-i.)■ 1 1 ni thisStaie bul ís a resident ofjoplin, M SíOuri Ii b oidered that deíendsnt appear auu answer tbe l!i ! Complalnt Klcd in tbis canso withiii four n.onths Hom the date nf this ordi 'JJít DaWu, :i r nr, llareb ]s4. K. KlNNE, Circuit .ludiré. Uhas. I!. K Ooaiplalnant's Sollcitor. Attest: Vktbuh Bkown tteglster. n ghprvcíí Rarness Co.f auburn, n.y.


Ann Arbor Argus
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