Local Brevities

Subscribe for the Argus, three months 25 cents. The Argus costs less than a cent Jl copy. Try it for three moftths. The W. C. T. will hold a state meeting in this city in the near future. The directors of Forest Hill cemetery propose to nave a linden avenue in the cemetery. The Register Publishing company has elected S. A. Moran, Frank Moran and E. D. Wagner, directors. Rev. Henry Tatlock was in Toledo last Friday and .gave an address at the mid-day service in Trinity ptaurch. John Berger has purchased the building and saloon fixtures of Geo. A. Waidelich on West Liberty street ior $4,650. Rev. Chas. Perkins, of Iowa City, who has been rilling the Unitarian pulpit for the pasttwo Sundays, was called home Sunday night. On Easter Sunday in St. Thomas church the Marzoo Mass will be celebrated. Rev. Fr. Kohenge, S. J. will assist the pastor, Rev. Fr. Kelly. Prof. Warren P. Lombard read an interesting paper on '"The Relation of Physical Culture to Mental Power" at the Unity Club meeting last night. j. William Hangsterfer, the wellTcnown Detroit caterer, formerly of this city has been awarded the lease of the Casino on Belle Isle, Detroit, for L3,500. Henry Clement of Ann street died yesterday. He had been an invalid for a great many years. The funeral will be held tomorrow morningat9:3o in St. Thomas' church. The Argus three months, the Twice a Week Free Press three months, The Ladies Home Magazine or The American Farmer and Farm News, for one year all for 50 cents. The road which leads from West Huron street to Dexter has been defined as the boundary line between the second and third wards and been given the name of West Huron street. The American Farmer and Farm News is an excellent farmer's paper. It will be sent one year together the Detroit Twice a Week Free Press for three months and the Argus for three months for 50 cents. White Mr. and Mrs. Klawitter were going to Dexter from their home in Webster, Friday, a dog jumping over a fence so scared their horse that their buggy was overturned and Mrs. Klawitter's arm was broken. A movement is on foot for promoting the interests of the Choral Union by bringing the members into closer acquaintance. It is proposed to give a series of stfcials for the explicit purpose of getting beteer acquainted. The directory of students connected with the Hobart Guild and St. Andrew's church is now in preparation. Episcopal students who have changed their addresses since Christmas should notify the curator of Harris Hall, if they wish their jiames to be entered correctly. At the funeral services of Mr. John Seyler, Thursday afternoon, the floral offerings were both numerous and beautiful. The pall bearers were Clarence Noble, Edward Schairer, Harry Hitchcock, Geo. L. Shanks, Edward Caldwelland Ralph Waterman, all members of the High School society, D. M. B. A. They were chosen from the society at the request of Mr. Seyler. Rev. J. Mills Gelston of the Presbyterian church officiated. Prof. James A. Craig lectured in the Presbyterian church, Sunday evening, on the Authenticity of the Fourth Gospel of St. James. Rev. Gelston will give a series of talks on " The Christian Home." The first talk will be on "Marriage" and will be given next Sunday evening. Mrs. A. Fardy died in Cleveland Sunday, aged seventy-one years. She was the mother of Mrs. M, E. Grandall, of Twelfth streef, and her remains were brought here yesterday. Miss Josephine Gafney, of Detroit, who sang at the St. Patrick's day banquet, has kindly consented to sing at the concert given March 29 by the Ann Arbor Banjo and Guitar club. A. F. Wetzel, son of Christian and Agatha Wetzel, of West Liberty street, died at the family residence last Friday afternoon at 1 :3o o'clock, of consumption. He has been in poor health for nearly a year. He formerly worked f or H. J. Brown, of this city, as a drug clerk, and he went to northern Michigan about 1S91. At the A. A. Banjo and Guitar club's concert which takes place at the opera house March 29, Mrs. Trueblood will present a pantömine of "Nearer My God to Thee." She will be assisted by Miss Lucy Cole. This will be something entirely new here and it is worth while seeing it. The Club with the excellent support will undoubtedly meet with great success. Eugene K. Frueauff, the city editor of the Washtenaw Evening Times since that paper started three years ago has served his connection with the paper. He will remain in Ann Arbor as the correspondent of Detroit Tribune, Chicago Herald and Toledo News and will probably do some special work. He has made an excellent record as a newspaper reporter. The Argus makes the greatest offer vet made in order to enable every family to secure good reading at a fabulously low price. For fifty cents we will send twenty-six numbers of the Argus, twenty-six numbers of the Detroit Free Press, and a year's subscription to the Ladies' Home Magazine, Mrs. John A. Logan's great ladies' monthly. The three papers are given for the price of one. The Ann Arbor admirers of Gen. Neal Dow, a household name among temperance advocates in this land, will fittingly celébrate the 90U1 anniversary of his birth this evening. The exercises will be held at the Christian church, and will begin at 7:30 o'clock. Addresses will be made by Prof. Willett, Judge Cheever and others. Recitations and music will constitute a part of the program. No admission will be charged and all will be invited. Rev. Mr. Easterbrook, the new pastor of the Baptist church, was given an informal reception at the church parlors last Thursday evening. The church parlors were very tastely decorated for the occasion and a large number of the parishioners and others were present to make the welcome to the new pastor a warm one. Prof. Markley extended the welcome in behalf of the church and Rev. Bradshaw for the people generally. Rev. Easterbrook is an eastern man, able and scholarly and he will be warmly welcomed to our beautiful city by our people generally irrespective of church affiliations.