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All interest centers for the next four weeks at THE GREAT DRY GOODS CORNER MagMífíceNt - -Opening Sale of SPRING GOODS Bvery Item a Bargain Star. Bvery Price a Marvel. BVBRY STATEMENT A FACT. Bvery Article a Money Saver. Piek out the goods you need. You can't make a mistake. M. & Ss price making power never wielded so much to your advantage as now. Present trade condition make it possible. FOKEIGIN DRESS GOODS. Our buyer has jast retarnëd from New York ; he went there on but one raission - for one purpose - to buy Dress Goods. Ilis entire time was occupied in that one line. He was in ittendance every day at the Great Iniporter's Sale, devoting more care, more time, more taste to the collection of exclusive Dress Fabrics than ever before. As a result, contributions comprising the cream of the world's leading marts come pourihg in each day, heeping higher and higlier, a great gathering. Great and gay, cqrrectly reflecting fashion's latest ducrees. A superb showing of Ngvelties of the scarcest sort, all winsome weaves, all the pretty prints of bnd and blossom, all the charming colors and correct contrasts. Dress Goods that are right in style, right in qnality, right in price, rich Jn beauty, rare in exclueiiveness. The greatest Dress Goods corner. We are going to make Greater Greater Greater Y tt% -w -t 500 Dress Patterns from the Great Importéis Sale are HllPOliïH iPQUU I flillïO among the arrivals this week. It is impossible to describe f" j.XX ill X them as there are no two alike. They are of the very I UI Ulgll UlUlJtJ UUUUMi highest class known to the trad e and include the famous La Graufrettes, La Bayadere, La Getane, in French designs. The Persian Detelle Directore, Carnes Dentilles, Jacquared Glaces, Eourette Travere. Fábrics never before shown tor less than $2 a yard. We put the entire lot in at $J.OO a yard. PLAIN DRESS GOODS. IOXJDEl. 3BIC3r !A.I.OrA-IIXrS This is especially a year for for Black Dress Goods. -JSiot for many years have they been so much in favor and never have the ladies been favored -with such bargains as we have prepared for you. 50 pieces Fine Black Serge, Heavy Weight, are goods that sell at 75c to 90c. We bought by the case to get the righ price. We are selling them for a discount margin, at 51c. 50-inch Serges, Black and Colored, fine all wool fabric, are the 75c quality, bought by the case to sell for 48c. 1 case Black and Colored all Wool Serges, 38 inches wide, Asabeth Flannels, Granite Weaves, etc, the regular 50c values, sell for '29c. 1 case Doublé Fold all Wool Flannel, in Black and Colors, at 19c. Send for samples. PriesUeij9s jilack press Goods. Cravenetted Serges Silk Warp Henriettas, all Wool Henriettas, Imperial Serges, Crystal Cords, Armure Weave, are among the many stylish goods we are showing. Buy them in the New Carbon Shade. Send for Samples. FOREIGN DRESS GOODS. 1,500 yards Illuminated French Cheviots, Irridescent Fancies, Jacquerdine Beige, 54-inches wide, all colors. Shaen Suitings, 50 inches wide, Granite Cloths, English Costume Cloth, English Cheviots. 54-inch Covert Suitings, all of which bring $1.25 to $1.50, are put in for a quick sale at 85c. Send for Samples. For Dresses and Capes our Celebrated 1003 Broadcloths are Unmatchable for We ar, g " ■■■ i$f, S yir mÈi S S S 5 5 a S SBv Quality of Fabric and Finish. We have them in all shades at $1.35. P.lack and Colored, Broadcloths, te iuches wide, at 75c, 85c and $1. Save you 25c on ever] yard you buy. Send for sample. FOREIGN DRESS GOODS. 2.000 "Y"ardS all Bills and "VTOOI in Irridescent Fancies, Changeable Mixtures, Diagonal and Pincheck Weaves. You wotild cali them worth one dollar a yard, being absolutely all Silk and Wool, the lot goes at 49e, Send for Samples. FOREIGN DRESS GOODS. 5,000 YardS Fine all "Wool Mistures, Beautiful Combination of Contrast Colors and Weaves, really first class goods. You have never bought as low as 75c a yard, the lot goes at 39c. Send for Samples. POi)Jt Lei This Iteip Escape YoU. FOREIGN DRESS GOODS. 54 inch, English. Habit Cloth, 54 inch all wool, Scotch and French Cheviots, very desirable styles and shades, strictly all wool, a large variety to select from, about 2,000 yards in the lot to be sold at 45c, they are positiye SOc values. Send for samples. Tartán PlaidS, very pretty, colore and goods heavy weight, a large variety to select from, at 50e. Slik Milus? 1110're finish all the evening shades, 45e. All Wool ChallÍGS' Koechlin & Baumgartner'a best Printed Shallies, exquisite coorings are being sold at 50e. WASH DRESS COODS. 2Toile dVl ITordS. - -No one else keeps them in the city this year, for no one else will sell theiu at our price. Another case opened this week at lOe. 25 3?ÍeCOS Percales, new designs and pretty for shirts, waiete and dresses, 12c elsewhere, i found here at 9e. I Satines, I case Satines, Special Parchase, the best 12Lc quaJity in the market selling at 9e. Satines, Dark and Light Grounds. ümbre Stripes and Silver Greys, very choice lOe. 50 PieCSS DreSS Cinghams, Sc grade to close at 4 3-4e. mOSeag GingnamS are the very best, found here at 5e. 1 Qase Outing Flannel. (Cream) i-2c 1 Case Outing Flannel, Fancy, 5e. Best English. Outing Flannel, 10c. 25 PieceS Orepe 2Loire, sometJiing entirelj new and very prettj, 12 l-2c v v For Ládie8' Waists and Dresses, a large purchase in Solid Oolors and ErjgSish PUCK Dark and Light grounds, 15e. Thibet and Cashinire Cloth, Light and Dark Grounds, 15e. Dotted Suisse lrisli Dliuity Front-h Printed Orgaiulie in white printed effecta and all the evening shades. Prices 15e to 45e. Shirting Prints, The American, the very best, selling at The Store at 3 Ie.


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