Local Brevities
Caucuses tonight. Reserved seats for Pinafore 50 cents. Remember the democratie ward caucuses are this evening. The Masonic students niet in Masonic Temple last evening. Easter services at the Presbyterian church next Sunday morning. Chauncey Orcutt, of Ashley street is putting down a deep drive well. George Apfel has another little daughter and is a happy papa now. THie annual parish meeting of St. Andrew'S church will be held next Tuesday. Martin Halier will fit out a new drug store ia Jackson with elegant furniture. The plan of Charles Sauer of this j city, for the new Zion church has been adopted. Every thing looks favorable for a crowd at Pinafore. Secure your usual seats early. The U. of M. Glee and Banjo clubs give a concert in Ypsilanti, Monday evening. The Times got out a splendid trade edition last Tuesday. It was a credit to the city. About 60 delegates from this city attended the Christian Endeavor meeting in Detroit. The ladies of St. John's church Ypsilanti cleared $275 by their St. Patricks day banquet. The Baptist Young People give an art loan social in the church parlors tomorrow evening. The Register says that "business is improving," probably the effect of the Wilson tariff bill. Mr. A. L. Noble, whose knee was fractured in New York city, is 1 peqted home on Saturday. .Rev. Mr. Geiston preaches Sunday evening on "Marriage Viewed from a Christian Standpoint." Rolland Fletcher has been granted a divorce in the circuit court from his wife on the ground of desertion. Let every citizen register next Wednesday, if he has not already voted in the ward in which he lives. The United States Senate has confirmed the appointment of Rev. M. M. Goodwin as chaplain of the navy. Let every democrat turn out to the caucuses this evening and see that good strong nominations are made. The Womans Home Missionary Society of the Methodist church meet at Mrs. R. A. Beal's this afternoon. The voters of Ann Arbor town who are not alreadyregistered should register at the Ann Arbor town house on Saturday, March 31. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Ware desire to return their sincere thanks to the many friends who were so kind during their recent affiiction. Rev. J. M. Geiston, of the Presbyterian church, will speak next Sunday evening on the subject, "Marriage Viewed From a Christian Standpoint. Pinafore at Grand Opera house 'Tuesday and Wednesday evenings, April ioth and nth. Boards opened for sale of reserved seats next Monday, March 26. Thos. Birkett, president of the Dexter bank, returned after a nine days' trip through Louisana and Texas, during which trip he had traveled 2,600 miles. Únele A. H. Roys the best wood carver and pattern maker in Michigan can now be found at Krapp's planing mili where he will be pleased to see any having work in his line. If you have not registered in the ward in which you live, be sure and do so next Wednesday. Put on your thinking cap and see how many democratie voters you can register. Ranney C. Scott, of this city, likes the Hawaiian Islands so much that he will remain there permanently and has engaged in business with some owners of a large sugar plantado n. Next Sunday evening Henry Wade Rogers, LL. D., President of Northwestern University, will deliver a Wesleyan Guild Lecture in the M. E. church. Topic "The Philosophy of Life." The art gallery will hereafter be open on Fridays from 2 to 4 in the afternoon, for the special convenience of the class in Roman Archaeology, although other visitors will be admitted as on other days. A motion for a new trial has been made in the case of John Fallowell vs. John Loucks. The regents of the University have raised the fees in all the departments $5 a year. The Choral LJnion will elect officers next Tuesday evening. The lecture was deferred one week. The prohibitionists hold a conference at their hall on State street, Friday evening to formúlate plans for the coming spring campaign. Justice Pond yesterday sentenced Joseph Shiploch and Charles Wyatt to ninety days each in the Detroit House of Correction for stealing robes from buggies and wagons. Prof. A. B. Prescott has been granted a leave of absense to be spent in Europe and Prof. Reighard has also been granted a year's leave of absence for the same purpose. The democrats of Vpsilanti last evening nominated Henry R. Sccville, for mayor, W. P. Beach and jTracyL. Towner, for justices; Jas. i Forsyth and Charles McCormick for supervisors. Next Sunday is Easter Sunday. In St. Andrew's church Holy Communion will be celebrated at 7:30 and 10:30 a. m. At three o'clock in the afternoon the children will i hold a festlvel of song. The Municipal Club hold a caucus in the court house next Monday evening to nomínate a mayor, president of the council and ward officers. The Club does not trast each ward to look after itself. Evart H. Scott, who returned from Honolulú last Friday evening, is a stronger annexationist than ever, if such a thing is possible. He is loud in his praises of the islands and of the provisional government. A motion was made in the circuit court Tuesday for the appointment of a receiver of the saloon business of Eveland & Burroughs of Ypsilanti, by William D. Eveland on the ground that Burroughs was endeavoring to force Eveland out of the business. The democrats of Ypsilanti have nominated the following candidates for aldermen: First ward, George Alban; second ward, W. W. Worden; third ward, C. C. Carr; fourth ward, M. B. Schaffer; fifth ward, John Terns. In the fifth ward there were 108 voters out to the caucus. The republican ward caucuses will be held at seven o'clock tomorrow evening, and the city convention will be held immediately after the caucuses. The republican city ticket as dictated by the municipal club is Dr. Darling for mayor and Prof. Wines for president of the council The Freshman medical class held a meeting and the subject of a class social was discussed. President Brumenstool was authorized to appoint committees on class yell, colors, flower, and arrangement committee for the social which will be held sometime before the spring vacation. Rev. Dr. ürt, president of Wittenberg college at Springiïeld,Ohio, will preach in Newberry hall next Sunday, both morning and evening, at 10:30 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. He is regarded as one of the best theologians and one of the best speakers in the Lutheran church, and a large audience should listen to him. Camp Bros. will open a new furniture store in the Laubengayér block, 57 South Main street, about April 2. Edward Camp, who has been with Rinsey ít Seabolt for a number of years,and Norman Camp, formerly of this city but who has recently been in the furniture trade in Bluffton, Ind.,constitute the firra. The new firm deserves success and will undoubtedly obtain it. This evening, at 7:30 o'clock, there will be held in Bethlehem church, corner of First and Washington streets, a grand rally of the young men of the city. The exercises, which will be under the auspices of the Young Men's Christian association, will consist of addresses by several of the leading business men and pastors of the city. The music will be lead by a male chorus. The entire program will be in English, and will be one of unusual interest to all, whether interested in V. M. C. A. work or not. The meeting will be for men only, and an earnest invitation is especially extended to the young men of the city to be present. The purpose of the meeting is not to raise money, but to arouse an interest in the work the association is trying to accomplish, not only of christian men, but of all classes who desire the betterment of the young men of the city morally, physically and intellectually. Come and bring a friend with you. Stark's $2.00 Photos for $1.50 until May 1.
Young Men's Christian Association
Wittenberg College at Springfield OH
Wilson Tariff Bill
Wesleyan Guild
U of M Glee Club
U of M Banjo Club
The Womans Home Missionary Society of the Methodist Church
The Municipal Club
Rinsey & Seabolts
Northwestern University
Krapp's Planing Mill
Eveland & Burroughs
Dexter Bank
Christian Endeavor Meeting
Choral Union
Camp Bros.
Baptist Young People
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News
William D. Eveland
W. W. Worden
w. P. Beach
Tracy L Towner
Thos. Birkett
Rolland Fletcher
Rev Gelston
Ranny C. Scott
Ranney C. Scott
Prof. Wines
Prof. Reighard
Prof. Brumenstool
Norman Camp
Mrs. R. A. Beal
Mrs. Earl Ware
Martin Haller
M. M. Goodwin
M. B. Schaffer
Justice Pond
Joswph Shiploch
John Terns
John Loucks
John Fallowell
jas. Forsyth
J. M. Gelston
Henry Wade Rogers
Henry r. Scoville
George Apfel
George Alban
Evart Scott
Evart H. Scott
Edward Camp
Earl Ware
Dr. Ort
Dr. Darling
Chauncey G. Orcutt
Charles Wyatt
Charles Sauer
Charles McCormick
C. C. Carr
A. L. Noble
A. H. Roys
A. B. Prescott
Zion Church
St. John's Church Ypsilanti
St. Andrew's Church
Prohabitionists Hall on State Street
Presbyterian Church
Newberry Hall
Masonic Temple
M. E. Church
Laubengayer Block 57 S Main St
Grand Opera House
Detroit House of Correction
Bethlehem Church Corner of First and Washington
Ashley Street