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[OKFICI W.l Coulíclí ('hainber. Ann AiiKiir, Mareta 19, 1S94. Regular session. Called to order by Pres. Watts, iïoll cullel. Quorum present. Absent- Alde. Wagner, Herz, AVood, Tayloir- 4. The journal of the last sesslon was approved. COMMUNICATIONS. FROM THE BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS. Tb Uu Honorable Common Cottncil: Gentlemen- The Board of Public Works would respectfully report concernlng the sidewalb heretotore ordered by yoar honorable body, on the east side of W. Tlilrd street, that they have been asked by the property owners to chantre the order from the east to tlie. west slde of W. Third street í'rom Hurón to Liberty street. We would recommend tbntsald chauge be made. iiv order of the Board of Public Works, W. J. MILLER, Clerk. Accepted anrt leave being granted the following reeolutiou was offered : By Aid. KUson : ■ .;, That the grading and constroctioii of tlie sidewalks nereinafter mentioned Is deemed and declared a necessary public niprovemenl, Tliereforc, it is here'jy ordered that, plank sidewalks be graded, built and constructed on and along the followirjg streetand in front of the followlng property in tbe city of Ann rbor, vlz: on and along the west side of West Third street, fi-ora Liberty to Huron street That all of such walks be graded, built and constructed in the manner, within the time and of the material prescribed by the provisión of .n ordinance entitled - An Ordinance Helative to Sidewalks," and on the grade establlshed. Adopted as follows : . Yeas- Alls. Schairer, Martin, Snow, i'Mara, Ferguson, Manly, Prettyman, Kitson, Pres. Watts- 9. Xays- None. FEO3I THE SAME. To Honorable Common Concil: tieiitlcmen- There being a necessity for tiie gradingof North State street on and along the west slde, from Kingsley to Kuiler street, In order that a sldewalk which was ordered j,ume time ago may be built, the Board of jpublie Works would recommeijd that an appropriation of $76.00 be made from thelSridge, Uulvert and Orosswalk Kund, that the necessary gradlng may be done. By order of the Board of Public Works. W. .1. MILLER, Clerk. Ueferred to sidewalk committee. FKO5Í THE SAME. lltmovable COTnmon Council. Gentlemen -The Buard of Public Works would ask and recommend that an upproriAtlon of ïlöO.OO be made from the Bridge, óulvert and Cross walk Fund to construct the following crosewalks: On and along tlie west side of west Third street Crossing Liberty street, on and aloug the east sldeofAshley itreet croesTüg Washington street, on and along the west side of west Third street, Crossing Washington street. Werind that 11 the abo ve cross walks are nect-ssarily public mprovemênts. By ordtr of the Board of Public Works. W. J. MILLER, Clerk. Referred to öidewalk committee. FROM THE SAME. Tu the Honorable Common Councit; Gentlemen- The Board of Public Works would ask and recomniend tlmt an appropriution of $100.00 be made from the Street Fund todo the necessary grnding on West Third street. from Liberty to Hurun streets. By order of the Board of Public Works. W. J. MILLEU. Clerk. Referred to street coinmittee. FROM THE SAME. To the Honorable Cominon Counctl: Gentlemen - The Board of Public wprka wouldask and lecommjnd that an appropriatlon of ÍSO.Oü be made from the Street Fund, to tlnisli grading the soutli end of Gott street. By order oï the lioard of Public Wovks. W.J.MII.LEK. Clerk. Referred to committee on streets. FKOM THE SAME. To the Honorable Common Couneil: Gentlemen- The Board of Public Works vould ask and recommend that an appro .priation of S4ÜÜ.0Ü be made from the Street Fund to do the neeessary grading on the iijiper end of Broadway. lïy order of the Board of Public Works. W. J. MILLER. Clerk. Ueferred to committee on streets. J-KO31 TttB aAQltL. 'J'o the Honorable Common Council: Gennlemen- The Board of Public Works, respectfull.v report that t.hey have caused to he made a profile of the proposed sidewalk grade on and along the north side of East i'alherine slreet from Ingalls to Thirteenth Mveetfor jour conslderatiou and approval, the Board of Public Works caused to be prepared and herewlth submit the proper resoJiition establisliiDgsaid grade. By order of the Board ot Public Works. W. J. MILLER, Olerk. Aceepted and leave being granted the following resolution was olfered : By Aid. Kifcso'n : Whereas, In the opinión of the Council, the grade of the sidewalk ou the north side o (ntherine street ought to be ehaliged audfixed and established, tö the end that such street niay be made suitable and safe for public travel and traffic. ïherefore Resolved and t is hereby ordered that the grade of the aidewalk on and aloug the Nort side oí Catheriné street, from east line of N. Ingalls street to west line of Thirceenth street !■'. and the saine ís hereby changed.-flxed and establislied. so that the grade of sidewalk on nd aloug the street aforesaid shall be as fol-. r hut is to sny: At n. e. cor. of N. Ingalls st and Catherine st 872.82 ft ■ 17 ft. enst of n. e. oor. of N. Ingalls st. and Catheriue st 872.:0 ft ■■ 07 ft. east of n. e. cor. of N. Ingalls -t. and Catherine st 869.75 ft ■' 117 ft. east of n. e cor.oi N. Iugalls st. and Catherine st 8IÍ6.10 f ■ !67 ft east of n. e. cor. of N. Ingalla St. and Catherine st SG'2 00 Í ■ 217 ft. east of u. e. cor. of N. Ingalls st.aud Catheriue st 840.00 f ■ 2i7 ft. east of n. e. cor. of N. Ingalls si. and Catherine st 84ü.7o ■ U17 ft. east of n. e. cor. of N. Ingalls 9t; and Catherine st 841-30 ft '■ 367 ft. east of n. e. cor. of N. Ingalls st. and Catheriue st. 840.81 It i). w.cor. of Thirteenth st.aud Catherine st 840„81. il, the elevation elven beiug above the qfncial city datum and along the center line of such .: alk, and the grade liues to consist of straight linea between the several points or statious Hbove stated. Adoptefl as follows : Yeas- Akls. Scluürer, Martin, Snaw, i'Mara, Fergusoii, Manljr, Prettyman, Ivilsom, Pres. Watts- 9. Nays- None. Ann Arror, Mich..March 19, 1S94. We the undersigned, property owners on Wouroe street, would respectfully represent to oimcil oi the city of Ann Arbor, that we are not opposed to the contemplated grading il Mouroe street, starting from the west lme of Professor Carhart's lot and grading west iwurd l'ackard street. Henby S. Cakhaet, J. H. GUTTING, E. F. Mills. Iteferred to committee on streets. ANN Arbok, Mich., March 19, 18M. To the Honorable, the Common Couucil of Ann Arbor: Vs Mr. Xoble has made the estímate for iighting; and as he alone had autbority as v iretary and director to make bids. but is now unavoidablv absent from the city, therefore ve respectfully ask your honorable body to grant as time'to look up the subject and to hear from Mr. Noble. , .,, , Yon mav be assured that the city will be i'airlv treated, and that the Electric Light ( oraiiany will do the best it can for the city. Ann Arbok T-H Elf.ctiuc Light Go. Per Junius E. Be al. Ileeeived and filed. A petition signed by Geo. W . Sweet and ten other residents and propertj folders of the city of Ann Arbor, ing that an electric light be placed on Felch street, foot of Asbley street. teferred to Lïghtirig Committee. A petitlui: siKned by Wm. F.Stiegelmaier and six other residenta and j erty hoklers of the city of Ann Arbor, sking that a sidewalk be ordered uilt on Mary street in front of the roperty of John V. Sheehau. Keerred to Sidewalk Committee. The Board of Public Works reported hat there is due the Ohio Valley Fire lay Co., for sewer pipe $1,085.68 Less amount of rejected pipe. 302.13 Amount due in f uil 783.55 Aid. Prettyman moved that the bilis eported by the Board of Public Works e referred to a special committee of hree of wbich Pres. Watts shall be hairman, for their consideration and pproval and report to this council ome time this evening. Adopted. Jres. Watts appointed Aid. Martin and lanly as the other two members of uch committee. To the Common Council: Your committee to vvhom was refered the petition of the Ferguson Cart nd Carriage Co. in reference to ereetng a bain on Beakes street hereby eeommend that the said petition be granted. Eespectfully submitted, H. G. Prettyman, C. II. Manly, Committee. Accepted and recommendation conurred in as follows: Yeas- Aid. Schairer. Martin, Snow, D'Mara, Ferguson, Manly, Prettyman, Pres. Watts.- 8. Nays- Aid. Kitson.- 1. On motion of Aid. O'Mara a recess f flve minutes was taken, and after he expiration of five minutes' the ouncil reassembled, and Aid. Manly offered the following: fb the Honorable Common Council: The undersigned special commiLtee .o whom was referred the bilis of the )lrio Valley Fire Clay Co. would repectfully report that they have had i.e same under consideration and vould recommend the allowance of he same at $783. 55. All oí' which is respectf ully submited, W. W. Watts, C. H. Manly, Christian Martin. Aid. Prettyman moved that the report be accepted and a warrant be ordered drawn froin theSevveiFund for Í783.55, amount due in full for sewer pipe. Adopted as follovvs: Yeas- Ald.SchaireiMartin,O'Mara, ?erguson, Manly, Prettynian, Kitson, L'res. Watts- S. . Nays - Xone. MOTIONS AND KESOLUTIONS. 13y Aid. Martin. Resolved, That the street leading westerly trom the old city boundary towards the yillage of Dexter to the iresent city limits be considered and ieemed ati extensión of West iluron street and that the same shall be named and called West Hurou street. AcceptedUnd adopted. REPORT FBOJI THE CLERK. To the Common Council: Gentlemen: At the late council meeting a resolution was passed directing the clerk to ask for bids tor awnings to be placed on the Windows of the city offices fronting on Fourth avenue. I would report that I have received two bids, and I hereby submit both bids and sample of goods proposed tq be used in said awnings, for your consideration. Bespectfully submitted, W. J. Millek, Clerk. Accepted and leave being granted, the folio wing resolution was offered: By Aid. Ferguson: llesolved, That the bid of Charles latch be accepted at $29.00 for six iwnings to be place on the windows of ;he city offices on Fourth avenue. Adopted as follows: Yeas- Aid. Schaker, Martin, Snow, TMara, Ferguson, Manly, Prettymau, Otson, Pres. Watts- 9. Nays - None. By Aid. Prettyman: Kesolved, That the surn of Seventyive Dollars be appropriated from the Bridge, Culvert and Crosswalk Fund ['or the purpose of building a crosswalk )ii the east side of Washtenaw avenue icross South University avenue. Referred to Sidewalk Committee. Aid. Prettyman moved that the vote by wlnch the second recommendation made by the Lighting Committee at our last meeting was laid on the table e reconsidered. Adopted. Aid. Prettyman moved that the vote by which the first recommendation made by the Lighting Committee and adopted by this Council at its last meeting be reconsidered. Lost, two-thirds of the Council eleet not voting therefor, by a yea and nay vote as follows: Yeas- Aid. Schaker, Martin, Ferguson, O'Mara, Manly, Prettyman, Kitson, Pres. Watts- 8. Nay- Aid. Snow- 1. The question being put by the Chair, Shall the second recommendation, which reads as follows, " 2d. That in case the said company are unwilling to enter into such contract within ten days, that the Council then proceed to make a contract with the Ann Arbor Gas Company for one year from April 1, 1894, at the price stated in their bid herewith submitted," be adopted? Aid. Manly moved to lay the matter on the table "until our next meeting. Adopted. Aid. Prettyman moved that the Clerk be dkected to notify the Ann Arbor T.-II. Electric Co. to at once either accept or reject the proposition made them at our last meeting. On motion the Council adjourned. City ClerK.


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