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.aRAND'OPERA'HOUSÉ "Hail to you." Saiurday, March 31 Abbott & Tillotsoti's Comedy Cömpany In the Grcatest Laughlng Succeas, 4th ííJiílD5!" 4th Season' 6 i ■ "i? &# Ira Season Au American Comedy In 3 acts, Harry and Edward Paalton, Au thora of Ekminie. All Laughter. - No Tears. Endorsed by theEntlre Prees. A Coinedy itli a Plot. A Cómpauy with a Record. Priccs, :5.7, 5O aml 75 cents. No Ad vanee In Prices. SeatB nowon -ui". LOUIS ROHDE, íoaiandWood Lebigh Valley Coal, 8G.50 per ton. Beech mil Maple Blocks, $2.20 a cord. Beech and Slaple, 4 feet, $5.00 a cord. Main Office - 36 E. Hurón Street. Yards - 50 West Hurón Street. Sheriff s Sale. NOTICK IS IIEKEBr OIVEN THAT BY virtueofa writ of tierl teclas, Issued out oí the Circuit Oourt for the Coimty of Washtenaw, in the of Michigan, in favor of Fames a. Jaycox, afjafnst the soods and chattelsnnd real estáte of Adolph Hoffstetter, in said oounty, t" me dlrepted and delirered, 1 dio on the flfth dayof February, A. D. 1894, levy upo)] mil tako II the right, title and interest of tlie 8aid Adolpb Hoffstetter in atidto the Tollowiog desoriDed real estáte, that ís to say: All those eertain pieees Or parcele of land. f ituated and belnn oa Bection twentynine (39i, in townshlp number two (2) gouth of range numlier siv tii east, State of Michigan. known, bounded and desoribed as follows, viz: BeL'ínr.iuti' i;i the center of i highway leadinii westefly out of tlie city of Aun Arboi-. known as tbe Eber W hite road, t bree and onehalf rod-, westerly (rom the Boutbeast córner of six sold liy Jolin Alien and bis wife to James Kingsloy on th.c Bret dayof February. A. D. Í83B, and ruiiiiio.!.' thence westerly alone said road four rods; thence riorth one and one-íourth detraes east six obainsand fortyBve links; thence north seventy-flve deg-rees east parallel to the road thirty-t .liree links or o Car tii;t a course north two cnains and eighty links ivill strike the land formerly owned by Jacob Kempf one eliain and ornlink westerly of íiift north-west. coraor oi' land formerly owned by Qeorge Granvílle: tbenee east ei Ir paraiiel to the road to said Granville's land: thence south three chains to another corner of the said land formerly owned by tbe said Granville; thence westerly wrallel to thc ro:i' aboui thirty-six links: thence sontli twodegrees and tblrty minutes west 8ix ohalos and twenty-flve links to rke place of bezinning, beiuif the same land that was rom eyeii to Daniel Murray by Charlea Bleioher by deed of conveyanee dated the eightb dav Of Jamiary, 1852. and reoorded in tlie ollice of tlie Reír i 9 ter of Deeds for tlie Üom ty of Wasbteuaw, In Liher "?. of Deeds un page 7SK: A.18O that eertain pieee or parcel of land sJtaate and beingon sectlon twentynine í29) in towiishtp two íái eouth of range six (8i east. State of .Mie)iia:m, knowu, bounded and described a follows. vi. : Ketrinning in the ceu ter of tlie hifhway leadme westerly out of tiie city o1 Ai'ii Arlmr. known as the Eber Wtiitf oad. one eluiin and eighty-aeven and oiio-balt link-, resterly along the center of ráid froui tbe south-east (orner of si acres oíd by John Alien aud wife to James Rinsley on Kebruary tirst, 1P88, and runninjr thence westi ply alotiE" said road four rods: thence rorth parallel to the e-.t line of Kinspie. 's iinrehase six ehains and sixiy-tive links: theiici easíerlj parallel wlth the White load sixty-two and one-balf links: thence nurtli two cha. us and 8ixty links: thence easteriv oarallel with the White road one ehaiB aud one üuk orhalf way toGeorgcGranville's corner; t henee south parallel to the east line of the Kingsley purchase two chains and eizbly links; i lien. -e westerly parallel to the Wliite rtiad tliu-ty-thiee links or so far that a eou rsë eouth one degree and flfteen minutes west will strike I he plaee of bejcmninsr. and fi-om thenee south one degree and fifteen minutes west si ohálna aud forty-tive links to the plaee of beglnnlng, Allof wbich 1 ghall expóse to sale at public anctlon cr vendué to tlie híghesi bidder at the Kout h door of the Oourt House In tbe city of Anii Albor in suid eounly. that the place of holding the circuit court lor the said county of Wa.shtenaw. on Saturday, the twenty-first day f April, A. D. MM, next. at ten o'eloek ui the forenoon of that day. Diitod Brst da v of March. A. D. 1894. I'HOS. F. LEONAHD, .1. W. Bkn - Deputy Sheriff. Attoniey. Nottce to Creditors. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY o: Washii-ii.iw, ss. Notice ia hereby given, that iv au order of the Probate Oourt for the Couoiy of WüMlitcnnw. made on the 16th dayof Marcli, A. 1. 1854, six niuntha from that date were allnw pil for 't'-e'litors to present their claims HLai!)st tlieestate of Ebzabet-h McGuionesB.late of sivni county. drernsed, and that all ereditors cf said doceased re icquired to present their claim to said Probate Court, at the Probate Office in the city of Ann Arbor, forexaniinatiou and allowance, on or bcfore the lïth day of September next, and thatsuoh claims will be heard biífore said Court cm tbe 5th d;iv of June, and on the löth day of September next, at teu o'clock in the forenoon of each of aaid days. Dalfd Ann Arbor, March 15, A. D. lS9f. J. Wll.LARD BABBITT, Indre ol Probate.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News